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  1. C

    Did PIA ever fly to San Francisco as one of its destinations?

    Hi, On Wikipedia page, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Pakistan_International_Airlines_destinations, it says that PIA used to fly to five different cities of the US, namely: Houston, Chicago, Washington D.C., New York City, San Francisco. I'm interested to know more about PIA's flight...
  2. C

    using a cellular smart watch in Pakistan

    Hi, I wanted to know if a cellular smart watch could be used in Pakistan. I have Samsung Active 2 watch in mind. Could you please help me with this? I'm not in Pakistan and wanted to gift it to a friend and I believe my friend's network is Warid. Thank you for your help!
  3. C

    buffet restaurants in Islamabad

    Hi Could you please let me know of some good buffet restaurants in Islamabad? I'm not from Islamabad but intend to invite few friends for lunch or dinner there in next couple of days. I have been to Salt's Pepper restaurant on M. M. Alam Road, Lahore and I must say that it offers good quality...
  4. C

    can I apply for passport renewal in any passport office within Pakistan?

    Hi Is this possible for a person to get passport renewal from a city he/she is not permanent resident of? For instance, if someone whose passport has just expired is from Lahore and for the time being, say for one month, is in Islamabad, then can that someone apply for the passport renewal in...
  5. C

    late entry of birth and the US/Canadian visa

    Hi I wanted to apply for the US visa and I don't know what that visa category is exactly called but for the sake of this discussion I would call it spouse/fiance visit visa. I have one problem. I have found some days ago that my date of birth is not registered in local union council when I was...
  6. C

    dowry, Mahr, Mu'ajjal

    Hi Could you please help me with the queries below? It would be really kind of you. In Pakistan "dowry" generally means the good, money, etc. that a woman brings to her husband in marriage. But I'm afraid this isn't correct in the context of the terms below? Please see the image. I think...
  7. C

    engraving initials on the pen in Islamabad, Lahore

    Hi I want to gift someone a pen with initials of the name engraved on it. I have been told that there is some gift shop in F-11 Markaz, Islamabad, which can do the engraving, though not sure if there is really one. Could you please tell me of some specific shop in Islamabad or Lahore? Thank...
  8. C

    why is Bara Market called so?

    Hi I was wondering why Bara Market is called so. When I was a kid I used to hear a lot about the Bara and how you can buy stuff at real cheap rates and at that time it was in reference to a market in Peshawar, I believe so. Now it seems there are different markets goes with this name in...
  9. C

    Image that captures your attention

    Hi I came across this image on FB. There is something special and distinctive to it which captures your attention. I couldn't even figure out if it's painting or just a camera product. Do you have any information on it? Please share it with me. Thanks.
  10. C

    threads deleted!

    Hi I have noticed that two of the threads created by me have been deleted by the user Elmo. The threads were: 1: Arain, Bhutto, Malik, Mian 2: Syed, Bukhari, Naqvi, Sadat It says you cannot discuss caste. race, etc. on this forum. Though threads were only for learning and informative...
  11. C

    if the Haqqani network is termed a terrorist organisation, then...

    Hi One of the news story has that if the Haqqani network is termed a terrorist organisation, it would almost certainly see economic sanctions imposed on Islamabad. What does it have to do with economic sanctions on Islamabad? I mean if some organisation is engaged in some terrorist activities...
  12. C

    he is TC'ing the teacher

    Hi In the context of the university education many a time students use the word "TC" in reference to insincerely praising one's teacher. What does it stand for? "Taking Care"? Please tell me if you know. Thanks.
  13. C

    "Speed Camera Ahead" sign boards on highways

    Hi Many a time I have noticed "Speed Camera Ahead" sign boards on highways. I always wonder about the purpose of informing the driver beforehand. Shouldn't they rather try to catch the speeding drivers red-handed? Do you know the reason? If you do, then please let me know. Thanks.
  14. C

    Asma Jehangir met Bal Thackeray!

    Hi Recently I came across some pictures which showed Asma Jehangir meeting Mr. Thackeray. Mr. Thackeray's entire politics quite literally revolves around anti-Pakistan sentiment. Then, why would Ms. Jehangir meet him? What's the need? I haven't heard of any other major political/non-political...
  15. C

    what the person says which makes Zardari to shut him up?

    Hi Do you have any idea that what the person says which makes Zardari to shut him up? Please let me know. Thank you.
  16. C

    Irom Sharmila, Anna Hazare

    Hi I was reading a Wikipedia article on Irom Sharmila which says that she didn't eat and drink for ten years. Is it really true? How can one survive without eating and drinking for so long? It's impossible. My other question is that during the fast did Anna Hazare also abstain from both...
  17. C

    He is a doc, what's his name?

    Hi I believe I have seen the person in the linked picture in some of my friends' pictures. He is a doc, what's his name? Would you please help? Thanks. http://img828.imageshack.us/img828/5782/whoizthis.jpg Regards Haroon
  18. C

    FB status: From being nursed at CMHs to being tamed at APSs

    Hi Some days one of my friends had the text below as his FB status, and there are some of the terms I couldn't understand. Would you please help me? My queries are about the words/phrases in bold. CMH - Why is Combined Military Hospital called so? I don't get the function of word...
  19. C

    Is Iqbal overrated?

    Hi I do not intend to offend you or be disrespectful to anyone. As you can see, I'm not a native English speaker so my choice of words could affect what I really want to say and you may misinterpret me. Whatever I write below could be wrong and I would like you to correct me. Thank you. I...
  20. C

    requirement of 700 posts for PMing is way too much!

    Hi The condition of having 700 posts in order to send a PM is not justified and not an indicative of good forum rules, in my opinion. I would request you to review this condition and lower the number of posts required. More than 30 posts would be enough. I hope you would consider my...

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