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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

This website has no credibility and if their Intel wanted to leak info it would be to WP or the NYT, even then they are hardly neutral. But all this is mute, when the PLA are firmly in occupation of the Galwan valley and around 60 square km of indian claimed territory.

Just because this news article doesn't click with what you believe as the truth, it doesn't mean this newspaper has no credibility. Just as an example, the US News University Ranking Guide was and is a bible for students all across the world and in the US. Please refrain from talking about things you really have no idea about.

It's completely fine if you don't believe this news. Its your opinion/belief.
Poor fellow.

Your grand friend has not yet declined the numbers even after 24 hrs that means the 43 hans getting slaughtered is true.

Or are the chinese still counting even after 48 hours like they are still laying that road in Doklam.

I havent read a post as pathetic as this one on here.
So the summary after 48 hours of the confrontation.
chinese are still counting their casualties so they could not put up their numbers of casualties.

So the summary after 24 hours after Indian Army released the chinese casualties number as 43.
chinese are still counting their casualties so they could not put up their numbers of casualties. They could not decline as they know it is true.

So the summary after 36 months of Doklam
chinese are still laying that road to cut off Indian chicken neck.
How? China won just because India revealed its casualty figures and China conveniently didn't lol?

Chinese na did you liar!!... They said that their number is Zero! No Chinese death... Can you understand that?

Indian soldiers are dropping dead like flies...
no, filthy injun, nirvana (Buddhist) and moksha (hendu) is similar
He clearly said 'nirvansh' and not 'nirvana'. I think you are having reading and processing problems in all your excitement. Cool down. Take a sip of water.

Btw, it's reported.
Is the change in the roe limited only this sector for a limited time or is being implemented all across? What are the repercussions considering our previous agreement on not carrying ammo and slinging the rifle behind on approach?

All accross.
It means no more trusting any chinese agreements,we go in everywhere armed so they cant kill any soldier unarmed like they ambushed our CO.Ab se boli nahi,goli bolegi.
The hans are not used to mountain fighting and scared of dying because one child system.We have the largest and most experienced mountain force in the whole world with 12 dug in mountain divisions.If the hans want a mauling they will get it.Absolutely no need to worry.The only advantage china has are its SRBMs,but not nearly enough to sustain pressure though first wave will cause losses.We can counter that by cutting off their supplies and oil through indian ocean and malacca with our navy and sukhois from south idnia and andaman with brahmos.They have only one supply line into ladakh which we will bring under immediate pressure and their logistics will be hamstrung.We are much closer to homeground and with the patriotic population of ladakhis fully behind the army.
I’m anti CCP and all their *** kissers like yourself. CCP, little pinks, and their ilk are scum of the earth. Understand, you are nothing but entertainment to me.

Hit a nerve there? Yeah no wonder you keep coming here to suck dicks and moan bout ccp like a cuck, fking internet warrior.
I dont even consider you an insect, dont even post in your moaning threads where you bitch bout communists 24/7.. so go fuk yourself for entertainment & bait with your tears and welcome to my ignore list.

Damn tough guy. We got a tough *** over here. Pack it in boys, we can't compete. He's being entertained, so entertained he's mad.
I know you have a problem with the government. That's okay. But remember, this is India vs China not BJP vs China.
Look, questioning information is not being anti-national as we should be self-aware before calculating to go ahead in any direction, for this one news, I doubt that anyone except Chinese can tell us the exact number. Our soldiers can tell us their account though which may give an idea about approximation.

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