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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

This is the ugly side of war. Individuals caught up in events much larger than themselves. I expect him to be treated well as a POW.

I also hope that better sense prevails and mature leadership on both side understand the consequences of unrepentant hatred and violence. Both sides have shown they are capable, and now they should both sit down and realise that peace is the only option we have.

One can also hope that the Indian leadership can see the elephant in the room, that is the outstanding Jammu and Kashmir issue, without which, there can never be peace in this region.
Mirage 2k


looks like mig-21
information not online.
Has Pakistan issued any statement on downed jet, what it was?

Ok...yeah ISPR briefing two IAF downed...one pilot in custody......mig 21 bison both of them...MI7 Heli crash in IOK not them they clarified....no word on the F16.
I applaud your level-headed response. Allow me to respond soon. A bit caught up to give this the rebuttal it deserves... but, quickly:
-I agree Pak benefited from US aid / economic packages
-I disagree with some of the implications of many of your arguments
-Most importantly, I believe we should be discussing the here and now --- it is obvious that India may well be using state sponsored terrorists more than Pakistan in the last 5-10 years, or at least roughly at the same level
-Similarly, whether it is a recent phenomenon or not doesn't change the fact that the West (these days) turns a blind eye to India's current sponsorship of terrorism against Pakistan; therefore, I refuse to accept any narrative / line of thinking that pits Pakistan as a state sponsor of terror without acknowledging that India must share this reputation (Baloch vs Kashmiri "terrorists" --- if anything, the Kashmiris have international law on their side, in the sense of it being an illegal occupation and an internationally-recognized disputed territory being ruled by the kind of occupations rarely seen or allowed in the modern era, neither of which can be said of Balochistan)

More later! Thanks again for this intellectual foreplay!

Please reply later this evening. I am left with a bad taste in my mouth from having to read and deal with some of your compatriots.

Needless to add, we have their equivalents; it is still an unpleasant experience to have to deal with their sheer mental vacuity and stinking manners.

However, in contrast, I will look forward with pleasure to responding to you, or to @MUSTAKSHAF, @IceCold, @fitpOsitive, @Ali Tariq, @Avicenna, @Talwar e Pakistan or their likes. @WAJsal and @waz are obviously above all these.
@Hodor bhai reported it wasn't a SU-30 that we took down today. If so, were they both fishbeds or a fishbed along with a fulcrum? can you please clarify?
May be.. we can access once he is back. But he will still serve in IAF..

He might be handed back to Indians as soon as the situation deescalates. There is no declared war between the countries, but I think he will be treated as a POW as he was a uniformed officer and must be treated accordingly.
Indian returned our soldiers i think of rangers when they were bathing in river and went to the other side downstream... and amrines/coast guards who were chasing indian fishermen in pak terrotory but boat capsized... even that didn't ahppen, we can't retain POWs.... as Zaid Hamid is saying bargain him for Col Habib... asnyway, if secretly possible then we should definitely ask Indians for him... and then deny he was Kidnapped by RAW but by some smugglers or whatsoever...

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