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3 Year Extension for COAS Pakistan

I think Hillary's visit has a lot to do with this extension, no? Maybe they have developed some good working relationships with Gen. Kiyani, its very hard to believe that Zardari took this initiative.
Iam simply imagining the scene, when zardari would be signing Gen Kiyani's extension document's.

He must be burning and screaming from inside.

GOOD NIGHT FOR PAKISTAN. :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
:) sir your views on extension ?? how its gonna be good or bad ??

continuation of WoT strategy which is the direct responsibility of the military IMO. we just have to look across the border at the 'disfunctional' situation in afghanistan after the dismissal of Gen. McChrystal. Gen.Petraeus has a different POV regarding offer of 'talks' to the taliban.
further fostering of 'military to military' relations with the US pentagon which are on the mend.
the army 'rank and file' is generally considerded to like and 'admire' their General, who has raised the morale and image of the army in the eyes of all pakistanis (86% pakistanis admire what the army is doing).
the post of VCoAS will be filled and the CGS will be made a 4-star General who will take significant responsibilities of running the army.
great strides have taken place in the co-operation and co-ordination within the 3-services which will gain further 'impetus' under Gen.Kiyani.

of course once again, several generals will be 'denied' the chance at the top slot of the army. this has to be weighed viz-a-vie the overall situation, which is that we are in a 'state of war'. this the other officers must understand in the interest of the country.
not everyone will be happy!!!
3 YEAR EXTENSION FOR CoAS!!!!!!!:pakistan:

Would he be accepting that ??

3 years is a long time, it will hurt a lot of other junior generals who had a chance to go to the top positions.

I hope Kiyani doesn't accepts it, and even if he does, he does it for 1 years and in that time, he molds his successor, who can then lead the army as Kiyani did.

It may send a bad signal.
Afghanistan is going through a very critical phase right now in terms of escalations in NATO military operations, Karzai's efforts to implement his 'reconciliation and reintegration' strategy, and the impact of those two on NATO's future involvement in Afghanistan, and subsequently the direction Afghanistan will take and its impact on regional security and stability.

Pakistan has a key role to play in the degree of success both NATO military operations and Karzai's 'R&R' strategy will have, and Gen. Kiyani has played a key role in formulating Pakistan's strategy on that count, leading engagement with Karzai as well as NATO.

Continuity in the leadership of the PA therefore has very large implications for Pakistan's strategy in Afghanistan - in fact I would argue that continuity in leadership WRT policies in Afghanistan (and by extension with the US) is far more important than the impact continuity in military leadership will have on domestic COIN policy, which would have changed little under new military leadership.

From a political perspective, the PPP government will be very happy with a COAS who has remained largely apolitical and avoided getting tangled in domestic politics.

Good decision IMO - eliminates any doubts on the part of foreign or domestic actors about the direction of Pakistan's policies in certain key areas.
He is a capable general if lack of suitable replacement exsist then he should be preffered. We still lack behind a lot in dicipline for producing generals

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