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63 Years On, India is Home to World's Biggest Population of Poor, Hungry, Illiterate

After 63 years, India remains home to the world's largest population of poor, hungry and illiterate people, a land where a massive female genocide is unfolding, a system of caste Apartheid flourishes, its minorities are routinely subjected to state-organized massacres, two-thirds of its population defecates in the open, and it leads the world in child marriages and honor killings.

And India still has delusions of grandeur with its massive military budget and unprecedented arms buildup to threaten its neighbors.

How pathetic is ur post let me expose you.

When u talk about India u takes "largest number of poor"

But when you talk about pakistan u says "pakistan has more % of people in middle class then India"

You don't say that India has more number of middle class because u feel hot coals and says that its because of bigger population.

It shows u twists all the facts to suit ur argument just to feel good in 20-22 hrs. of power cuts. Mind it no country with 20-22 hrs. of power cuts can have bigger middle class.
How pathetic is ur post let me expose you.

When u talk about India u takes "largest number of poor"

But when you talk about pakistan u says "pakistan has more % of people in middle class then India"

You don't say that India has more number of middle class because u feel hot coals and says that its because of bigger population.

It shows u twists all the facts to suit ur argument just to feel good in 20-22 hrs. of power cuts. Mind it no country with 20-22 hrs. of power cuts can have bigger middle class.

You want percentages? Here you go:

OPHI 2010 country briefings on India and Pakistan contain the following comparisons of multi-dimensional (MPI) and income poverty figures:

MPI= 55%,Under$1.25=42%,Under$2=76%,India_BPL=29%

MPI=51%,Under$1.25=23%,Under$2=60%,Pakistan_BPL=33 %

Lesotho MPI=48%,Under$1.25=43%,Under$2=62%,Lesotho_BPL=68%


Among other South Asian nations, MPI index measures poverty in Bangladesh at 58 per cent and 65 per cent in Nepal.

While OPHI's MPI is a significant improvement over the simplistic income level criterion for assessing poverty, it appears that the MPI index gives nearly three quarters of the weight to child mortality and school enrollment, and just over a quarter of the weight to a combination of critical factors such as access to electricity, sanitation and clean drinking water which are essential for proper learning environment, increased human productivity and healthy living.

Haq's Musings: New Index Finds Indians Poorer Than Africans and Pakistanis

Here are the details of income levels in India, Pakistan and China as reported by ADB:

Daily Income......$2-$4.......$4-$10........$10-$20.....Over $20

India...............20.45%......4.15%........0.45% ........0.10%

Pakistan............32.94%......6.56%........0.62% ........0.15%

China ..............33.97%......25.17%.......3.54%...... ..0.68%

As to the power cuts, all developing nations, including India, have this phenomenon. After getting worse, the power situation has improved recently in Pakistan. Such problems affect the growth and size of the middle class only over decades..not weeks or months.
India is very poor and need to grow. This is fact and we should close chapter. Why the hell Indians are comparing with Pakistan. We are so eager to compare why not compare with China.
HDI OF INDIA - 0.612

INDIA - 135
The Human Development Index
(HDI) is a comparative measure
of life expectancy, literacy,
education and standards of living
for countries worldwide. It is a
standard means of measuring
well-being, especially child welfare.
It is used to distinguish whether
the country is a developed, a
developing or an under-
developed country, and also to
measure the impact of economic
policies on quality of life.
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Can't you type anything new.............?:hitwall:

Or you are here just to type same things again and again; and not to bother about the replys?:blah:

Oh sorry-sorry, I forgot..........you are from a contry where roads are made of silver and buildings of gold. Everybody only travel in Mercedes. Where, there is no crime, no problem, and no issues. My fault.

Anyway, lets start it again...

After 63 years, India remains home to the world's largest population of poor, hungry and illiterate people

Yes, India remains home to the world's largest population of poor, hungry and illiterate people.............I just want to add that INDIA IS ALSO ONE OF THE WORLD'S LARGEST POOL OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL TALENT.

a land where a massive female genocide is unfolding

And for your knowledge, our president is a female. Also India's ruling party Congress is headed by a female too........Sonia Gandhi.

What about Pakistan..............Can this happen there???

a system of caste Apartheid flourishes

Yes................But do you know that in India, backward castes enjoys reservation up to 69% in some states...!!!!

That means we are doing what is necessary to uplift the people who are lacking behind.

Don't you have a caste system in Pakistan???

Castes in Pakistan

The social stratification among Muslims in the "Swat" area of North Pakistan has been meaningfully compared to the Caste system in India. The society is rigidly divided into subgroups where each Quom is assigned a profession. Different Quoms are not permitted to intermarry or live in the same community. These Muslims practice a ritual-based system of social stratification. The Quoms who deal with human emissions are ranked the lowest.

Lower castes are often persecuted by the upper castes. A particularly infamous example of such incidents is that of Mukhtaran Mai in Pakistan, a low caste woman who was gang raped by upper caste men.

Stephen M. Lyon of University of Kent has written about what he calls "Gujarism", the act of Gujjars in Pakistan seeking out other Gujjars to form associations, and consolidate ties with them, based strictly on caste affiliation.

its minorities are routinely subjected to state-organized massacres

India has a Sikh as prime minister, a Hindu woman as the president, a Muslim as the vice president and a Christian woman as president of the ruling party.

Want to say anything else???

two-thirds of its population defecates in the open

Its your real area of interest.........isn't it?;)

it leads the world in child marriages and honor killings.

Padosi mere...............Jinke khud ke ghar sheeshe ke hote hain, wo doosro ke ghar pathar nahi fainka karte............

In Pakistan honor killings are known locally as karo-kari. Amnesty International's report noted "the failure of the authorities to prevent these killings by investigating and punishing the perpetrators."Recent cases include that of three teenage girls who were buried alive after refusing arranged marriages. Another case was that of Taslim Khatoon Solangi, 17, of Hajna Shah village in Khairpur district, which became widely reported after the graphic account of her father, 57-year-old Gul Sher Solangi,who alleged his eight months’ pregnant daughter was tortured and murdered on March 7 on the orders of her father-in-law, who accused her of carrying a child conceived out of wedlock. Statistically, honor killings enjoy high level of support in Pakistani society, despite widespread condemnation from human rights groups. In 2002 alone, over 382 people, about 245 women and 137 men, became victims of honor killings in the Sindh province of Pakistan. Over the course of six years, over 4,000 women have fallen victim to this practice in Pakistan from 1999 to 2004. More recently (in 2005), the average annual number of honor killings for the whole nation ran up to more than 10,000 per year. According to woman rights advocates, the concept of women as property and honor is so deeply entrenched in the social, political and economic fabric of Pakistan that the government, for the most part, ignores the daily occurrences of women being killed and maimed by their families."Frequently, women murdered in "honour" killings are recorded as having committed suicide or died in accidents.

A conference held in May 2005 in Islamabad, Pakistan addressed whether Pakistani law, governments and international agencies were having any positive impact in reducing honor killings in Pakistan. They found that more cases of honor killings are being reported and more women are having the courage to come forward, but also found a severe dearth of proper implementation of laws and assurances that men who commit honor killings are not given lighter sentences. The conference found fault with Pakistan's Zina laws that put women in an unfair disadvantage and inferior position, often at the mercy of men to prove her innocence.

In the United Kingdom, honour killing is frequent in the Pakistani diaspora and within the Muslim community, with approximately 10-12 cases occurring each year. Example cases include Tulay Goren, (Shia Muslim) Samaira Nazir (Pakistani Muslim), and Heshu Yones (Kurdish Muslim). However, it is noted by sociologists that honour killings do not necessarily have to do with religion, but rather the cultures in different regions where religions occur. Savitri Goonesekere qualifies this claim, however, by stating that Islamic leaders in Pakistan use religious justifications for sanctioning honor killings

(From Wikipedia)

Six men found guilty in ___________
Thursday, December 12, 2002 Posted: 2:16 AM EST (0716 GMT)

Six men have been sentenced to death in the gang rape of a 30-year-old woman.

DERA GHAZI KHAN, Pakistan -- A judge sentenced six men to death by hanging Sunday for their roles in the gang rape of a woman whose brother was accused of having relations with a higher-caste woman, the prosecutor said.

A judge in an anti-terrorism court trial in Dera Ghazi Khan convicted four of the men of raping 30-year-old Mukhtaran Bibi, said prosecuting attorney Malik Ramzan Joya.

Two other men were convicted of abetting the rape. They were part of a 10-person tribal council that authorized the rape. The other eight members were acquitted.

After Bibi's brother was accused of having relations with a higher-caste woman, members of her family called a tribal council to determine proper punishment.

That punishment was for the four men to gang rape the man's sister. The rape occurred June 22 in Meerawala, a small town in Punjab province in central Pakistan.

Bibi was dragged to a house, where she was raped. She then was thrown out of the house and forced to walk nearly naked to her parents' house as hundreds of villagers stared at her.

The case sparked outrage across Pakistan.

The verdict was announced shortly after midnight. The woman's lawyer said her client -- who lives with her parents -- had not been told of the verdict, because of the late hour.

The men have seven days to appeal the verdict.

Earlier, Bibi appealed to the government for a safer place to live, saying she has been threatened with revenge if the men were convicted.

Bibi told Reuters news agency that relatives of the defendants had threatened to kill members of her family if the 14 were convicted.

"We are receiving death threats," Bibi told Reuters from her home in Meerawala.

The four convicted of rape come from the wealthy Mastoi clan.

"They have told us that if their four people are sentenced to death, they would kill eight of our men," Bibi said.

"Not only my family, but those who supported us are being threatened with dire consequences."

Police protection has been provided for the family but has done little to ease fears of revenge.

When the 10 village elders ordered the rape, it sent shockwaves across the country and made headlines around the world casting the spotlight on Pakistan's police and judicial system.

Prior to the rape, Bibi says she turned to the village's tribal council after her brother was kidnapped by a family from the Mastoi clan and accused of raping one of its members.

The brother, Abdul Shakoor, was reportedly sodomized by Mastoi men as punishment.

However, the council's elders ruled that in order to save the honor of the Mastoi family, Shakoor would have to marry the woman with whom he was linked.

Furthermore the council ruled Bibi was to be given away in marriage to a Mastoi man.

The prosecution charges that when Bibi rejected that decision she was gang-raped by four Mastoi men.

The woman's father said he was forced to witness the rape, although he begged continually for the attackers to stop.

A defense lawyer for one of the accused argued during the trial that the rape charge against his client was invalid because Bibi was technically married to him at the time.

CNN Islamabad Bureau Chief Ash-Har Quraishi contributed to this story

CNN.com - Six men found guilty in gang rape - Dec. 12, 2002

Another one:
Pakistan to investigate ‘honour killing’ case - The National Newspaper

What is this Riaz............Honor killing in Pakistan too??? Oh my God; end is near!!!

And India still has delusions of grandeur with its massive military budget and unprecedented arms buildup to threaten its neighbors.

Just give one example when India threaten any of its neighbour........just one example!!!

Go kid, pick up your bicycle and go home...........Ammi will be waiting!!! Don't worry, we are not crossing the border, you can sleep without wetting your pants!!!

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After wobbling for decades India is economically doing great. Yes there are 100s millions of poor people living below the poverty line. There are about a good 50-60 million ( 40% poverty) in Bangladesh also living below the same line.

The issue is what India is doing about the poor ? My two cents are , eventually the economy will reach the poor in some way as long they maintain the growth rate. I applaud India, specially the Admin for doing a wonderful job. India's PM has done a heck of a job to hold the growth rate steady. FDI is pouring in from all over the world. Its a good thing PM is more Economist and less Politician.

Mr. Haq keep posting these threads I guess to make a point that "hey people, India is still poor."

Thx brother.........at least somebody can write something sensible here.

Nobody from India is here to deny that we have a huge population of poor and illiterate, but bashing is not acceptable.

We improved a lot, are improving day by day, and will improve in future too..........like all the others.

One should get credit where it is due!!!

There is no need to be jealous, like Mr. Riaz Haq, with the progress of your neighbours; instead use it as a motivating factor to achieve your own goals.

Thx again.:yahoo:
Not only is India's middle class very small, vast majority of its members sit on the hairy of edge of just $2 a day, and quite vulnerable to any shocks.

On UNDP education index, Pakistan scores low at 0.665 and ranks 137, but it is still ahead of India's score of 0.638 and ranking of 142nd on a list of 176 nations.

Average number of years of schooling in Pakistan is 13 years, 3 years more than India's 10, according to this index as referenced in the Newsweek cover story on 100 Best Countries.

An average Pakistani is, therefore, better educated and more capable of earning higher income than an average Indian.

Interactive Infographic of the World's Best Countries - Newsweek
Recently released independent film "Peepli Live" highlights the problem of farmers' suicides in India--some 200,000 of them have taken their own lives in the last ten years. But it does more than just satirize this unfolding tragedy; it also demolishes the carefully crafted image of "Peaceful, Stable and Prosperous India" that has been widely promoted in the Western media by the likes of the CNN show host Fareed Zakaria through his TV show and his book "The Post-American World".

Haq's Musings: "Peepli Live" Destroys Indian Myths
Recently released independent film "Peepli Live" highlights the problem of farmers' suicides in India--some 200,000 of them have taken their own lives in the last ten years. But it does more than just satirize this unfolding tragedy; it also demolishes the carefully crafted image of "Peaceful, Stable and Prosperous India" that has been widely promoted in the Western media by the likes of the CNN show host Fareed Zakaria through his TV show and his book "The Post-American World".

I thought movie is based on story. If it is real than you need to see some tamil movies. There hero can single handly can destroy entire pakistan.

BTW if pakistan is well off why it is begging in international communities. Special UN session for begging from other countries.

I feel to be half hungry than begging. IMO
Recently released independent film "Peepli Live" highlights the problem of farmers' suicides in India--some 200,000 of them have taken their own lives in the last ten years. But it does more than just satirize this unfolding tragedy; it also demolishes the carefully crafted image of "Peaceful, Stable and Prosperous India" that has been widely promoted in the Western media by the likes of the CNN show host Fareed Zakaria through his TV show and his book "The Post-American World".

Haq's Musings: "Peepli Live" Destroys Indian Myths

Released in 2008 "A Wednesday" and "Shoot at sight" shows that Pakistani people and to some extent Pakistan's govt agencies are responsible for formenting terrorism in India and UK. Both are by fairly serious directors. So does that demolish the carefully crafter image (no one buys it though) of Pakistan being a victim and not sponsor of terrorism?

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