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A new realism - A must read for Pakistanis

Hmmmm.....All the standard responses have been given already so I will just play prophet:
Pakistan will break before it bends :) and that is the way their citizens want it ....

Watch doval's video....he explicitly says not to buy the agenda of stable pakistan being in India's interest. He is confident that India can stem the extremist rise...just like we have till now.... just watch his video you ....

Aunty :D
The video is missing!!
where's the video hon? Lol
I know what Ajith Doval thinks about this issue, He's a man I admire for his intelligence.
He advocates defensive offense mode while engaging with Pakistan as Pakistan is a vulnerable state and going outright offensive on it would bring India in other's bad books. In one of his videos I saw him commenting about Baluchistan, he did indirectly hint at keeping Pakistan busy within itself thus denying it any strategic advantage over us.

But these strategies would work for a short term, if US and Japan can be friends, if France and Germany can get over their past then why not us?
The video is missing!!
where's the video hon? Lol
I know what Ajith Doval thinks about this issue, He's a man I admire for his intelligence.
He advocates defensive offense mode while engaging with Pakistan as Pakistan is a vulnerable state and going outright offensive on it would bring India in other's bad books. In one of his videos I saw him commenting about Baluchistan, he did indirectly hint at keeping Pakistan busy within itself thus denying it any strategic advantage over us.

But these strategies would work for a short term, if US and Japan can be friends, if France and Germany can get over their past then why not us?
Because France did not call the Germans kaafirs and wajib-ul-qatal.
These nations were also civilized. Look at pakistan.... how can they enforce any deal with India :lol:

And don't worry they will work just fine in the long term. :D
Piles do cause pain in da a$s. So you wants to remain as piles.. ?

lol India is a pile, every street every gali and every khait.
lets hope Obama can help modi clean that pile of shit country
Because France did not call the Germans kaafirs and wajib-ul-qatal.
These nations were also civilized. Look at pakistan.... how can they enforce any deal with India :lol:

And don't worry they will work just fine in the long term. :D
And what about US & Japan?
"Beijing and Washington want a stable, viable Pakistan able to contain its viper’s nest of terrorists."

Take Washington out of the sentence. It's delusional to think that Washington has any sort of sympathy towards Pakistan. Frankly, Washington like any other power is only interested in securing its interests. It will go to such an extent even if it has to walk over dead Pakistani bodies like it already has demonstrated throughout the years. Pakistan doesn't mean zilch to Washington. Similarly, China also acts due to its interests, but at least it won't disregard the people of Pakistan. More importantly, Pakistan can have a good working relation with China because most of its regional and wider interests converge. China has a much better understanding and appreciation of Pakistan's political dynamics and various other important factors. On the contrary, Pakistan can never have a working relation with the US which is heavily influenced by plethora of factors. This isn't a fairy tale, but the undeniable truth. The past few decades are a testimony of this fact. To be short, the relation between the US and Pakistan is beyond repair.

"Weak states like Pakistan, defined by underdevelopment, economic and political vulnerability with limited political and economic influence, have much to gain from positive relations with the rest of the world. A successful foreign policy employs a balance of economic, diplomatic and military tools to reach its goals. The key benchmarks are: first and foremost, a country’s foreign policy should help secure the nation against external threats. Second, governments are also supposed to help their citizens lead more comfortable and happier lives. Third, a country’s foreign policy is consistent with accepted moral standards and is effective at promoting broader political values."

What if the state which pretends to be a saviour/ally turns out to be a backstabber? The problem with such analysts is that they keep relying on ancient tried and tested methods. Methods which have failed time and time again. Methods which are not going to change anything. Worse, methods which are going to worsen an already volatile political landscape.

Instead of being submissive before other powers (as the author is indirectly suggesting), Pakistan needs to sort out its problems without the dictation and interference of outsiders. Pakistan has persistently outsourced its problems to foreign powers over the years. This attitude has cost Pakistan very dearly. Pakistan shouldn't rely on others for each or every problem. That includes China, the US and anyone else. Pakistan is smart enough to figure out what its problems are and how to resolve them. Pakistan has the ability to sort out its problems instead of relying on others and being exploited in the process. For such a change to occur, Pakistan requires honest and capable leaders that don't resort to self-enrichment and other corrupt malpractices. Useless leaders that have a single brain cell that too which is working day and night to build personal business empires. Instead, Pakistan desperately needs leadership which can guide Pakistan out of misery and exploitation by so-called allies. Leadership which can take sincere ownership of the problems and address the grievances of an entire nation. This is the only solution. There are no quick fixes. It is all about standing on your own feet and confronting the problems head on despite all the severe challenges and obstacled.
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And what about US & Japan?
Hmmm.. get this straight ... the pakistanis hate you for being non muslim + idolator.... they literally consider you sub human ..... not all but most of them ... so they need to change fundamentally how they practice islam.... all their problem of tribalism , extremism etc can be traced to their medieval ways ... look at Syria & Iraq ... Medival society + modern tech = open slaughter.

Japan was a highly educated and developed country (although misguided under the emperor) .... they were a civilization up their with the best of them .... not desert dwellers. The same goes for germany .
You think they don't already know all that mate. It;s is the classic ostrich -head-in-the-sand syndrome that afflicts our neighbors.

They honestly don't care. They would rather run their country to the ground, fail spectacularly on every frontier and self implode eventually than admit that they have been wrong.

Break rather than bend .. as they say.

What is scary for us though is when they break eventually, this region is going to be another global flashpoint. We need to accelerate our growth to a point where we are economically, militarily and otherwise strong enough to negate the fallout and the aftershocks, as and when they happen.

The PA top brass and Pakisatni elites loathe India, mind you, loathe not hate.

They consider themselves to be superior race and see us as easily conquerable race; this mentality has led to Pak India wars mainly, as far as sources suggest.

They cant digest and believe us emerging as powerful nation, afterall we are Indians.

Then there is Indo Phobia.
The PA top brass and Pakisatni elites loathe India, mind you, loathe not hate.

They consider themselves to be superior race and see us as easily conquerable race; this mentality has led to Pak India wars mainly, as far as sources suggest.

They cant digest and believe us emerging as powerful nation, afterall we are Indians.

Then there is Indo Phobia.

For the sake of argument, perhaps you are right about every word that you have uttered.

You cannot make us stop though.
We will think the way we want to think. We will act the way we want to act. We are free to do that. Enough said.
Hmmm.. get this straight ... the pakistanis hate you for being non muslim + idolator.... they literally consider you sub human ..... not all but most of them ... so they need to change fundamentally how they practice islam.... all their problem of tribalism , extremism etc can be traced to their medieval ways ... look at Syria & Iraq ... Medival society + modern tech = open slaughter.

Japan was a highly educated and developed country (although misguided under the emperor) .... they were a civilization up their with the best of them .... not desert dwellers. The same goes for germany .
Look around!!
within India also we have ppl who consider others sub human. Dont you give a roughshod to those who don't follow your party or whose thoughts 're inconguruous to your's??
So how different 're we?
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Look around!!
within India also we have ppl who consider others sub human. Dont you give a roughshod to those who don't follow your party or whose 're inconguruous to your's??
So how different 're we?
Listen hon ... the sooner you drop this we are all the same disney-isque attitude the better.
And no , nowhere in india infact no where in the world is the hate for the "infidel"/outsider so institutionalized as in Islamic societies in general and Pakistan in particular.
And I don't have a party ....
And if you think you or most Indians you know are like pakistanis then good luck . I am nothing like them , have no relations with them and don't consider them a civilized nation. You like 'em you keep em. Don't speak for me and the people I know.

For the sake of argument, perhaps you are right about every word that you have uttered.

You cannot make us stop though.
We will think the way we want to think. We will act the way we want to act. We are free to do that. Enough said.
But both people exist in the same reality that operates independently of our perceptions. And we can see how reality is kicking Pakistan in the proverbial a$$.
Listen hon ... the sooner you drop this we are all the same disney-isque attitude the better.
And no , nowhere in india infact no where in the world is the hate for the "infidel"/outsider so institutionalized as in Islamic societies in general and Pakistan in particular.
And I don't have a party ....
And if you think you or most Indians you know are like pakistanis then good luck . I am nothing like them , have no relations with them and don't consider them a civilized nation. You like 'em you keep em. Don't speak for me and the people I know.
Now thats called pulling a blanket statement.
I will not call 'em an uncivilised nation. They 're in a quagmire because of their leadership and armed forces. Few wrongs decisions have got 'em to the brink of a war within itself.
This could 've happened to us also if we were not a secular country.
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Greedy Kash Miri :D

And on a serious note don't tell me you are another fan of Ajit Doval?

Is he some immortal? Your countrymen seem to lack the idea that countries are there to survive and men and people have to die one day. And expecting too much from a mortal is always a bad idea.

My countrymen most of them are frustrated, pessimistic, depressed lot, who are losing faith in their own countrymen and forces and use some high fi vocabulary to express it here, at this rate I am pretty much sure they will break Pakistan for you without you moving an inch. ;)

Edit: You do realise that your foreign secretary visiting Pakistan is start of you coming back to real world and acknowledging that you were high on something for sometime (may be supa pawa), otherwise changing geopolitics in the region will leave you isolated in this region?
Doval ji is very ish-smart. :D Why do you think people in Pakistan are getting depressed?

The roads go to Doval's office. :P

I watched that movie its good!! :coffee:
Doval ji is very ish-smart. :D Why do you think people in Pakistan are getting depressed?

The roads go to Doval's office. :P


Do I look like depressed to you? :p:

We have probably thousands of unsung heroes, but making a celebrity of a spy and making it that public is beyond me by the way.

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