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Adolf Hitler died in Argentina, not Berlin


Aug 28, 2011
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London: A new book has claimed that Nazi leader Adolf Hitler did not kill himself in Berlin in 1945 but ended his days in Argentina.

British journalist Gerrard Williams said he and co-author Simon Dunstan found an “overwhelming amount of evidence” to suggest Hitler died an old man in South America.

Many historians say the Nazi leader died in his Berlin bunker in 1945 - but Williams claims their research, looking at newly de-classified documents and forensic tests, challenges this.

“We didn’t want to re-write history, but the evidence we’ve discovered about the escape of Adolf Hitler is just too overwhelming to ignore,” Williams told Sky News.

“There is no forensic evidence for his, or Eva Braun’s deaths, and the stories from the eyewitnesses to their continued survival in Argentina are compelling,” he claimed.

The book titled ‘Grey Wolf: The Escape Of Adolf Hitler’ claims the Fuhrer and his mistress Eva Braun were secretly flown out of Germany in April 1945 and taken to fascist-controlled Argentina.

It is alleged Hitler lived in the country for 17 years, initially raising his two daughters, until his death in 1962.

The book also accuses US intelligence of being complicit in the scam in return for access to Nazi war technology.

“Stalin, Eisenhower and Hoover of the FBI all knew there was no proof of him dying in the bunker,” Williams told the paper.

He added that the book’s new findings prove the “Hitler” skull fragments held by the Russians are actually that of a young woman.

Does it make a diff where he died so long as he did ?
We would NEVER be able to read about the true personality of Hitler ! Why Hitler did what he did...Was he really so bad? Was he a hero? Why he killed Jews? Western media/govt. would NEVER give us the true picture of Hitler..He is seen as the biggest monster/villain of the modern Europe... Oh well , Hitler pretty much shaped the world we live in today !!!!! For me ...Hitler,Stalin,Churchil etc are all SAME people.. No one is saint here...
True picture of hilter was destryed and hidded by USA, British and French....

I belive Hilter was a great man other than War Monger.... I was born 40 yrs after the war so there is no document or anything to put the correct info about the person.

he brought the German to Global Super Power in just about 15 yrs. (Amazing)

We can aleats learned his good doing how he did. Modern weapon to medicine and economy.

American have a habbit of poking their nose every where.

1. got Germany out of the depression it got into from the first world war
2. disbanded the socialist/Democratic government everyone hated
3. Exiled socialists and people who stood against Germany (and if they didn't leave he put them in camps)
4. Promised that the down-trotted German people a brighter future (ex. take over the freakin' word)
5. Good motivational speaker, very influential
6. He was able to gain respect from most European leaders along with the Germans during the time he was in power
etc etc...

We would NEVER be able to read about the true personality of Hitler ! Why Hitler did what he did...Was he really so bad? Was he a hero? Why he killed Jews? Western media/govt. would NEVER give us the true picture of Hitler..He is seen as the biggest monster/villain of the modern Europe... Oh well , Hitler pretty much shaped the world we live in today !!!!! For me ...Hitler,Stalin,Churchil etc are all SAME people.. No one is saint here...

I have had no issue with Hitler, if he wouldn't have killed million of jews and Romas (Indians) I would have considered him as my hero... But alas! he didn't behave like soldier, He behaved like middle age religious butcher.

After first world war, germany was pushed to a corner.
People make a lot of money by writing 'fantastic' books; aliens, bermuda triangle, yetis......

There is a lot of evidence from the survivors of the bunker.
there have been many books of this sort in the late 60 and seventies . , many said about Hitlers diaries or of Joseph Mengle , or of Borman , they were just trying to sell something to the world who was looking for answers to some mysteries.
Why do you expect to be spoon-fed? Can't you go and seek the answers yourself?

Good one. In this information age, there is no excuse for being mis-informed or ill-informed.

@Topic: I thought Soviets took possession of the charred remains of Hitler. Why don't they do a DNA test or some other modern scientific test on the remains for positive identification.
This premise is silly. Hitler apparently had pretty advanced Parkinson's disease, and towards the end of WW2, he was not thinking logically. Even while the Russians were driving on Berlin, he was convinced Germany would pull off a win.

He was a beast, a monster, and any admiration for him blows my mind. He was the root of immense suffering around the world. 25,000,000 Russians would rise from their grave at the notion he was some kind of hero. And what did the people of Poland, Greece, Yugoslavia, Belgium etc do to deserve their fate?

"Oh, but he took Germany to great industrial heights in a short time!" Maybe... but what did he do with that industrial might? He waged war with it, and his people were reduced to misery in the end. He could have stayed in his own borders in 1936 and Germany today would be a superpower.
True picture of hilter was destryed and hidded by USA, British and French....

I belive Hilter was a great man other than War Monger.... I was born 40 yrs after the war so there is no document or anything to put the correct info about the person.

he brought the German to Global Super Power in just about 15 yrs. (Amazing)

We can aleats learned his good doing how he did. Modern weapon to medicine and economy.

American have a habbit of poking their nose every where.

1. got Germany out of the depression it got into from the first world war
2. disbanded the socialist/Democratic government everyone hated
3. Exiled socialists and people who stood against Germany (and if they didn't leave he put them in camps)
4. Promised that the down-trotted German people a brighter future (ex. take over the freakin' word)
5. Good motivational speaker, very influential
6. He was able to gain respect from most European leaders along with the Germans during the time he was in power
etc etc...


You forgot his one of the greatest achievements. He killed 6-7 million Jews, and other's like Romas, gypsies, homosexuals, people with disabilities and anyone who was against the Nazi ideology and against the Third Reich. You also forgot the concentration camps where victims were made to work (forced labour) under harsh conditions without food, the medical experiments and gassings in the name of shower. He was indeed a great man, right?
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