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Featured Afghan Fighter Pilot Scared of Taliban Escapes to US

Afghanistan does not have fighters. They at best had a few A-29 Tucanos delivered.

By Fighter pilot I would assume, yes, a Tucano Pilot, but true, not really a “fighter” plane. More of a CAS platform. Maybe the title is to carry some clout/show equivalence with officers in other air forces.

Also, an Attack helicopter pilot/gunner maybe referred to, by some, as a “fighter pilot” although that would be even more of a stretch.
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Afg has two sides. One that wants to kill u and one that hate u to the core no matter what u do for them. Its best to treat them with a long stick.
Non-Pashtuns ethnic group wants to be left alone. Their issue with Pakistan is historical support to Pashtuns groups in Afghanistan, They prefer to break away their majority area in Afghanistan and live in peace. Tajiks are very reasonable people. Hazaras don’t don’t give a F, and just want to survive in ethnic war. Uzbeks are kinda strange unknown. Pakistan problem and hatred is from Afghanistan liberal Pashtun, who claim Pakistan territory all the way to Jhelum.
Afg has two sides. One that wants to kill u and one that hate u to the core no matter what u do for them. Its best to treat them with a long stick.

That's just not true. Hate is an easy thing to do. Complex matters require patience and forgiveness. There are huge amounts of Afghans living in Pakistan, married to Pakistanis, on good positions, well respected people who love both Afghanistan and Pakistan. Same amount of people are there who are now settled abroad but they once moved to Pakistan from Afghanistan before moving out. They can speak Urdu and their own native language as well. They gel in well with Pakistanis, they knows us, have friends here, they studied with us, they shared their youth with us, they respect us. Come & pray to our mosques even when abroad. They don't go to Lebanese mosques, Turkish mosques, they come to Pakistani ones because Pakistan is their second home and nature.

You just cannot label everyone the same. Yes there are a lot of people spewing hatred on social media. A lot of those accounts are Indian funded & trained media cells. Pakistan was way stronger than Afghanistan in every way and our society has been heavily affected by this 5th gen war. Morals have gone down, youth is frustrated and angry, there is chaos and lack of clarity in minds. These are all normal results of such a war.

Your holly land Pakistan has a full basket of shitty people. Mir Jaffirs, Mir Hamids, Talat Hussains, PTM, MQM and what not. From media to politicians to bureaucracy to army. Such people are everywhere. Humans are already by default more inclined towards bad than good. Bad is easier, good is difficult, sustaining good is even more difficult. It takes a lot of good people to build a good society and good society to raise good people. Moral and social collapse comes with 5th Gen warfare. Pakistani society has been affected by it and so is Afghanistan. That does not mean you start blaming people who don't know any better. Several journalists and media houses in Pakistan operate on foreign agendas. Same has been happening in Afghanistan. Youth is easily affected by these things. History books are rewritten, heroes are changed. Its easy to buy people in war inflected countries. May those people be in politics, army, intelligence. This is a fact that both Pakistan and Afghanistan are dealing with. Poor economy means plenty of traitors available at all times. Swearing adds to the problem, doesn't solve it.
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Hope life is good in Far away tiny Island. Great thoughts, but unfortunately unrealistic and very much disconnected with historical and current facts. I can imagine 1960s, film director working on this script to bring a happy ending, but realities on ground are quite complex and different.

As far as forum is concern, welcome to the internet. Sometimes it’s overwhelming, but that’s what open forums are for. Freedom of expression.

If your comment was meant to mock my location i.e. Australia, then your geography is quite weak. The distant land is 10 times bigger than Pakistan and has its own problems.

What I am seeing here is typical Pakistani mindset. Make sweeping statements, have shallow knowledge, low attention span, just make noise, yell, cry, call names, expect things to change, don't own any problem, blame others, don't fix yourself, never learn etc.

I hope we have enough delusional people like me so that pessimists don't take over. Cheers
How the heck you can make such a sweeping statement about Afghanis? Our army colluded with foreign powers and waged war on Afghanistan. It made life miserable and hell for Afghanis? One can argue why ISI and Army must have thought jumping into this war was a necessary evil at that time. General Hameed Gull is on record stating it as a necessary evil, yes we did not initiate that war neither we wished for it. But we were a part of creating this mess(indirectly), it gives us no right to say things like that. Some of those people are angry and their anger is natural & understandable. We should focus on healing their wounds and helping them get back on their feet, instead of swearing at them. Establishing true peace and brotherly relations with Afghanistan is paramount for Pakistani security and stability. If there are animosities, they need to be addressed otherwise they will remain a fault-line which would be used to the advantage of our enemies.

Edit: thanks mods!

Delusional soyboy, not only did Awghans deserve 1979-1996, they deserve every single US and NATO bomb, bullet and war crime ever since the invasion in 2001. No self-respecting educated Pakistani will ever apologize for anything that has happened to them.
Delusional soyboy, not only did Awghans deserve 1979-1993, they deserve every single US and NATO bomb, bullet and war crime ever since the invasion in 2001. No self-respecting educated Pakistani will ever apologize for anything that has happened to them.

Good. So did us then? All the wars and 80,000 people killed in blasts. Good on us!
So you support your own people dying? Are you that much of a cuck bro?

No, you are in the business of deciding who dies and who don't. You must be God or Godly? You think you can make calls on who deserves death. Then I think we deserved it too? Just asking your views on it.

When our sons & daughters were reduced to flesh sticking to the roads, trees and buildings did we deserve it too? Because those who did it also think we did. Your thinking about others is no better than their's for you. Rabid dogs will only fight. It takes brain to get along.
Just asking your views on it.

My views are simple. I support my people. I don't care about people raised and brainwashed to be completely hostile to me and my people's existence. Not really hard to understand. Much more logical than your weird cuck empathy for people who'd ethnically cleanse you in a heart beat.
My views are simple. I support my people. I don't care about people raised and brainwashed to be completely hostile to me and my people's existence. Not really hard to understand. Much more logical than your weird cuck empathy for people who'd ethnically cleanse you in a heart beat.

Don't we hate pseudo patriotism in Indians too? Isn't Indian society destroyed because of it? What I'm trying to tell you is don't judge too quickly. And learn to have an ear for other's grievances too. I am with Pakistan and my people too. There are plenty of dumb Pakistanis who are worse than any enemy.

You can't defend swearing at a whole nation because there are some bad people in them. It is un-Islamic, un-ethical and just wrong. When Indians call us Porkis? Or Western's call us "You Pakis" aren't they doing the same thing? Just expression their absolute hate? It is racist!

Islam teaches us to look beyond race & ethnicity. It unites us under Islamic brotherhood, morality and justice. There will always be people on both sides that will hate each other based on ethnicities and race. Indian lobbying and funding over decades has successfully brought us down to this low. Now we discuss races and provinces instead of unity. Very very successful policy on their part. We just don't have the money and man power to just meet the sheer amount of propaganda that comes our way. ISI has miserably failed in protecting our youth & ideology. Indians are successfully controlling our perspectives.

Mods have now deleted the post swearing at Afghani nation, and thankfully so. I reported it. You can't defend such things no matter whose side you are on. Wrong is wrong. If we don't have grace for a discussion, we don't deserve to be in it.
If your comment was meant to mock my location i.e. Australia, then your geography is quite weak. The distant land is 10 times bigger than Pakistan and has its own problems.

What I am seeing here is typical Pakistani mindset. Make sweeping statements, have shallow knowledge, low attention span, just make noise, yell, cry, call names, expect things to change, don't own any problem, blame others, don't fix yourself, never learn etc.

I hope we have enough delusional people like me so that pessimists don't take over. Cheers
Ok, Chrispy chicken vs grilled chicken, the same location. IDK if you just suffered a mental breakdown but all I hear is senseless crying from a person, who seems to have zero knowledge of the region. I do not think anyone on this forum has more knowledge about the ground situation there than I do. I would suggest you save your energy.
Ok, Chrispy chicken vs grilled chicken, the same location. IDK if you just suffered a mental breakdown but all I hear is senseless crying from a person, who seems to have zero knowledge of the region. I do not think anyone on this forum has more knowledge about the ground situation there than I do. I would suggest you save your energy.

If there's anyone having any sort of break down I'm afraid it is you. Clearly you know everything. You also know everything about everyone on this forum. Good for you. Very smarty pants! Keep living with your entitled views! I wish you luck!
If they are getting the type of media coverage they are getting, it’s all drama.
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