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After Samjhauta, Rashid announces discontinuation of Thar Express train service with India

@Mangus Ortus Novem @RIWWIR Sir i think after his post got deleted by WAZ we should also remove all of ours.Lets bury it. at the moment we need focus and positive energy from everyone.If they maintain the same spirit till next 14 August IA victory is ours

I think, in that case, only your post, in which you quoted the said post, needs to be deleted. Rest are general in nature, with good message and can stay.
I think that the people who speak and spew venom against any ethnic, linguistic or religious group of Pakistan, as a whole, should be banned. This is a very dangerous trend, which should not be encouraged on a forum like PDF.
You are expecting too much. The one who started this filth was made a think tank. Then a large number of people followed him, and used to thank his posts bashing Islam, religion and a particular ethnicity.

Funny thing is he sits in UK and questions our patriotism (non-muhajirs included), despite the fact that we are willing to sacrifice our lives for the country.
You are expecting too much. The one who started this filth was made a think tank. Then a large number of people followed him, and used to thank his posts bashing Islam, religion and a particular ethnicity.

Funny thing is he sits in UK and questions our patriotism (non-muhajirs included), despite the fact that we are willing to sacrifice our lives for the country.

In any case, I gave my personal view on the subject. Rest is obviously up to the mods. People have all shades of opinions, primarily, depending upon their ideological and psychological inclinations and leanings. May be it is because, I, personally, have a very strong aversion and disliking for dividing and judging people on the basis of their race, ethnicity, language, caste and likes. Basis of critical judgement should be the expressed or implied ideology and ideals of an individual, or a group.
I am trying to encourage extended family members one person at a time to stop watching Bollywood. Some of them were still oblivious to Kashmir oppression right now, no Pakistani expat should be buying tickets in cinemas watching Indian propaganda which is basically what Bollywood has become.
I stopped watching indian crap years ago. We, as a nation, need to show the resolve that we hate gangu guts and will stand with our oppressed Kashmiri brethren on every front
Import and export does not fall under ministry of railways..at least in Pakistan.
I said "someone" did I say ministry of railways?

Why the hell even is there a ministry for railways? It should be ministry's of transportation. Which should include railways, highways, motorways, airports, public transportation, etc

Good news Sheikh!

First thing to do is for Pakistanis (expat, resident, generational) to stop taking their bloody holidays there! Next will be to sell off property and invest it in friendly nations like Malaysia, oh and as for holidays Malaysia literally trumps the UAE in everything. The same applies to Turkey, holidays and investment.
Definitely, my father was there and couldn't even stand being there for more then a few hours. He ended up not getting out of his hotel and leaving. He describes it as "hot concrete jungle, in the middle of the desert" which is right on the point. It's nothing more then just over hyped concrete boiling pit
Definitely, my father was there and couldn't even stand being there for more then a few hours. He ended up not getting out of his hotel and leaving. He describes it as "hot concrete jungle, in the middle of the desert" which is right on the point. It's nothing more then just over hyped concrete boiling pit

Lol your father is a legend, pass on my salam to him.
Why not from India?
That's done, but like a member pointed out here. India stuff gets shipped to UAE and that's the same spot where our high quality products go. Where they are taken out of their packages and put into packages marked as "made in India". Also did you forget UAEs siding with India over Kashmir issue? Let's hit 2 birds with one stone and show those emarities what they are dealing with.

All Indian origin products should be banned.
Along with those that get rebranded in countries like UAE

Lol your father is a legend, pass on my salam to him.
Thanks brother, I'll do that.
Oh and if you're a Wazir, Meshud, Mohammad, Afridi, heck any Pashtun my sincere love and thanks even more, never forget 1948 we fought as one.
From that day till then end of time, brother. Ask any pakhto in Pakistan and he'll tell you that Kashmir and Kashmiris are as much as our land and people, as any other Pakhtoons. There is a bound that was created and we wont hold back on it.

I was only angry because the Kashmiris in IOK seemed to have fizzled out and got used to the idea of Indian rule, but now it seems the Indians shot themselves in the foot.

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