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airforce for women

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This makes me want to start my discussion again haha
Copied but informative

Many examples of women actively participating
in war could be found at the time of the
Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam).
Umm Hakim (radiAllahu anha), wife of Ikrimah
ibn Abi Jahl participated in the war against the
When Muslims suffered defeat in the Battle of
Uhud, there was some confusion in the Muslim
camp. Safiyah bint 'Abd al-Muttalib (radiAllahu
anha), the aunt of the prophet (salAllahu alayhi
wasalam), left Madinah armed with a spear and
aroused a sense of shame among those who
were returning from the battle. She angrily
asked them, "Did you leave the Prophet
(salAllahu alayhi wasalam) behind?"
Asma bint Yazid (radiAllahu ahna) joined the
Muslim armies on several occasions. She
accompanied the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi
wasalam) on his expedition that led to the fall
of Makkah to Islam. She also participated in
the great Battle of Al-Yarmuk, against the
Byzantines, during the reign of Umar ibn Al-
Khattab (radiAllahu anhu). She is reported to
have fought and killed nine enemy soldiers,
using the pole of her own tent in the battle of
[Al Isabah fi Tamyiz al Sahabah Vol 4 p 235]
Umm Umarah Nusaybah bint Ka'b (radiAllahu
anha), demonstrated courage and fearlessness
in the battle of Uhud.
The Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) himself
said: 'To the left and to the right, in whatever
direction I turned, I saw Umm Umarah fighting
in my defence'
'I reached the battlefield in the service of the
fighters in the morning. In the beginning the
muslims were dominant and pressing hard on
the enemy lines, but later victory deserted
them and confusion and disruption spread
amongst them. At that time, I went near the
Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) and in his
defence began to use a sword, and shoot
arrows until I was injured by the enemy. I saw
the mark of a big wound on my shoulder and
it was by Ibn Qamiah, may Allah destroy him!
When the Muslims, after the defeat, ran away
from the Prophet. Ibn Qamiah advanced
shouting, 'Tell me - where is Muhammad! If he
goes life from this battlefield I have no escape.
This is my ruin and death!'. At this, I, Musab
and some other comapnions who were
guarding the Prophet faced him. It was here
when Ibn Qamiah struck me, I also attackeh
him many times but the enemy of Allah was
wearing 2 sets of armour.'
[Seerat ibn Hisham, Vol 3 p 29; Tabaqat ibn
Saad Vol 8 p 301]
'A horserider came forward and attacked me. I
defended myself with a shield and made his
attack unsuccessful. When he turned back and
began to run away, I attacked his horse and
cut it's legs, he fell down on his back. The
Prophet saw this and called 'Son of Umm
Umarah! Go and help your mother!' So he
came and with his help I sent the enemy to the
jaws of death.
Umm Umarah (radiAllahu anha) also
participated in the Battle of Khaibar, Hunain
and Yamamah where she lost her hand and
recieved 12 wounds by swords and arrows.
[Tabaqat ibn Saad Vol 8 p 301-304]
Umm Hakim (radiAllahu anha), wife of Ikrimah
ibn Abi Jahl participated in the war against the
Romans. In one battle Ikrimah died. Later she
married Khalid ibn Sa'ad. The wedding
celebration (Walimah) wasnt even finished
when the Romans again attacked. Umm Hakim,
who was wearing her bridal garments, took a
rod which was holding the tent up, and killed 7
of the enemy that day.
[Al Istiab fi Asma al Ashab; Tadhkirah Umm
Umm Harith (radiAllahu anha), showed
perserverance in the battle of Hunain. The
Muslim army was running away in confusion,
but she with some courageous men, remainde
firm as a rock.
[Al Istiab fi Asma al Ashab]
Umm Salaim, mother of Anas, went to battle
with a dagger.
[Tabaqat ibn Saad Vol 8 p 311]
The wife of Habib Ibn Salamah asked, 'Where
will you be tomorrow, (in the battle against the
Romans'?' He replied, 'Either in the lines of the
enemy (captured) or in paradise'. Upon hearing
this she said, 'Wherever you will be, I hope I
shall also be there'
[Al Bayan wal Tabyin, Vol 2 p 170]
Safiyah bint 'Abd al-Muttalib (radiAllahu anhu),
the aunt of the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi
wasalam) was with a group of women who
were in a castle during the Battle of the
Trenches. The Jews circled the castle and one
climbed up. Safiyah, caught him, cut off his
head and threw it down to the jews. Seeing this
another remarked, 'Muhammad is not so
careless as to leave women helpless in a castle.
There are certainly strong and brave fighters in
the castle'[Mustadrak, Hakim, Vol 4 p50-51]
Kam chor kaheen ki :D


Beta would you please park this M-48 Main Battle Tank in my drive way? ;)

I am tired of arguing.. Marsha is my sister she won't do it :coffee:

This makes me want to start my discussion again haha

Don't hesitate start it again :lol:

Its changing as now females in Pakistan are making dents in every field.


if da Admin nd Mods wud have a Prob wid it they wud instruct me abt it...you dun hav to lecture me on it!

abusing,Harrasing nd wht not is happening here so text thing nothin compared to it!

Calm down girl.. :angel:
if da Admin nd Mods wud have a Prob wid it they wud instruct me abt it...you dun hav to lecture me on it!

abusing,Harrasing nd wht not is happening here so text thing nothin compared to it!

I wash my hands off this, it was merely a suggestion. Your typing makes you look immature, which suspect is the case here. Toodaloo.
Stop fighting you two .. Its uncivilized or take your fight to the inbox
Oh yeah and has any one heard of the story when Hazrat Mohammad ( S.A.W) and his companions where in the feild fighting with the non-muslims , and a few non-muslims entered the fort where the women were .. And then a Female Sahabi cut the head of one of them and threw it in front of them so that they'd know there are fighting people there
and another female Sahabi fought on a horse with a sword
survival has no choice .. And alot of men fail surviving too and embrace shahadat that way ..so if women try some might succeed others will embrace shahadat.. Just like the men ..

Indeed I agree but fighting today is different than back then.

Type in proper English please. This isnt texting.

Ma sadkey :lol:

I have a objection here "A"should be Capital.
Indeed I agree but fighting today is different than back then.

Ma sadkey :lol:



That's more like it. Being serious it's hard to read and well shows your age/maturity. She knows the decorum better stick with it. Or maybe im just being grumpy.
Very well written article - almost all aspects are accounted which normally men shy to highlight when debating with super ambitious bibi. :tup:
Well this super ambitious bibi is quite because i cant openly reply to the things written in there do you want me to give a solution for the pee issues mentioned there?? And the PMSing thing?? Dont get me started it embarrassing unless you are married you wil never understand..
Very well written article - almost all aspects are accounted which normally men shy to highlight when debating with super ambitious bibi. :tup:
airforce pilots are very unlikely to engage in hand to hand combat or carry heavy load on their back... why should that specific branch be closed to ladies then.
menstruation cycle mentioned too many times in replies to the article, with half saying its important factor and other saying its not.
Well this super ambitious bibi is quite because i cant openly reply to the things written in there do you want me to give a solution for the pee issues mentioned there?? And the PMSing thing?? Dont get me started it embarrassing unless you are married you wil never understand..

I wasn't referencing to you specifically, It was a general statement. Yeah i am married and know very well that it's always me who have to kill a cockroach.
pakistan has stopped women from joining the airforce as GDPs saying they can't perform according to the required standards .. I am from a family of forces with 4 generations who have served/are serving pakistan . We all know women in PAF are given special treatment and if they ask for it , its accepted readily .Dont you think rather than calling women incapable they should change their methods of selection and training ? Telling them from day 1 what it actually requires.. And how they have to act like they are equal to men if they want equal opportunities..
And my second thing is if we join as engineers do we get a job that allows you be equal to men ? Do they send you in hard areas if its required .please let me know because the only reason i wanted to join the forces was because i thought girls were allowed to fight .

women must be in airforce but airforce has many tasks, like rescue, air ambulance, carrier not necessarily targetted operations

btw the recent targets carried on talibans in NW was actually done by the ladies
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