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Alliance with India in US interest – Chicago Sun

This relationship will start to sour. Would Russia trust India with its latest technology if India become closer to the US. Indians need to realize that US and Russia are not friends and do not trust each other. If India move close toward US, its moving further away from Russia.

Okay tell us ....what is the benefit of moving close to the U.S instead of Russia+ China ?

this should be interesting....
This is just the reality. The defining fault line in today's geopolitical world is US vs Russia+China. India will gain something in short term by standing in the middle. But will fall between the cracks if it does not choose a side.

Pakistan can get support from both US and China. Therefore, going too close to any one side will make things harder for India, if you think about it.

For India, Russia is the only reliable partner. There may be commercial irritants, but strategically there are no issues between India and Russia.
Pakistan can get support from both US and China. Therefore, going too close to any one side will make things harder for India, if you think about it.

For India, Russia is the only reliable partner. There may be commercial irritants, but strategically there are no issues between India and Russia.

Real threat for India is China new strategy to build bases in Indian Ocean.

China Enters Great Game in Indian Ocean

Harsh Pant, Japan Times

AP Photo

Revelations that Pakistan has invited China to build a naval base at the strategic port of Gwadar once again underlines widespread anxiety in India and beyond about Beijing's Indian Ocean objectives.

Gwadar is a predominantly Chinese-funded commercial port about 500 km from the Strait of Hormuz and is considered by many as the most significant "pearl" in Beijing's "string" of facilities around the Indian Ocean littoral. Though the Pakistani request has not been entertained by China, at least for now, the Indian Ocean is fast emerging as the main front in the struggle between China and India.

RealClearWorld - China Enters Great Game in Indian Ocean

In this scenario , India have to strengthen ties with US for survival. What shall be cost of this alliance , this is point of real concern for India.
China Enters Great Game in Indian Ocean

Harsh Pant, Japan Times

Chinese naval activities are not necessarily a threat, although there is some media hype about that.

What matters more is the role of China in supporting Jihad by Pak Army and non-state actors.

India will be friendly with the US, but that friendship will not necessarily be directed against any other country.
Real threat for India is China new strategy to build bases in Indian Ocean.

China Enters Great Game in Indian Ocean

Harsh Pant, Japan Times

AP Photo

Revelations that Pakistan has invited China to build a naval base at the strategic port of Gwadar once again underlines widespread anxiety in India and beyond about Beijing's Indian Ocean objectives.

Gwadar is a predominantly Chinese-funded commercial port about 500 km from the Strait of Hormuz and is considered by many as the most significant "pearl" in Beijing's "string" of facilities around the Indian Ocean littoral. Though the Pakistani request has not been entertained by China, at least for now, the Indian Ocean is fast emerging as the main front in the struggle between China and India.

RealClearWorld - China Enters Great Game in Indian Ocean

In this scenario , India have to strengthen ties with US for survival. What shall be cost of this alliance , this is point of real concern for India.

Well..I think the recent developments of the SCO would throw a whole new spin to this. If India and Pakistan are allowed in (which seems likely), India, Pakistan, Russia and China would be part of an alliance many call the Asian NATO. Wonder if US would still want an alliance with India, and if they do..it would be the diplomatic equivalent of a love triangle..quadrangle or something of the sort...
Well..I think the recent developments of the SCO would throw a whole new spin to this. If India and Pakistan are allowed in (which seems likely), India, Pakistan, Russia and China would be part of an alliance many call the Asian NATO. Wonder if US would still want an alliance with India, and if they do..it would be the diplomatic equivalent of a love triangle..quadrangle or something of the sort...

The biggest loser if India gets in to SCO will be USA. The biggest gainer would be China followed closely by Russia and India. Paksitan will find it difficult to pursue its hot and cold policy towards India once things are openly discussed in such a forum.
The biggest loser if India gets in to SCO will be USA. The biggest gainer would be China followed closely by Russia and India. Paksitan will find it difficult to pursue its hot and cold policy towards India once things are openly discussed in such a forum.

The days of cold war blocs are long gone...We're just doing multilateral engagements
Perhaps I wasn't clear enough.

I didn't exactly mention that India is to join NATO. I implied that the USA wanted to create an Asian alliance that is similar to NATO. All for the sake of ganging up against China. That I really oppose.

And speaking of a pro-US "Asian alliance" go, there is already one: SEATO :azn:
Southeast Asia Treaty Organization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The South East Asian Treaty Organization is something we never even hear of. Pakistan is a member :rofl:

SEATO? :lol: looks like a chinese copy of NATO!!...

I just want to inform you that the SEATO was organised by USA for the South East Asia of which Pkistan was also member. It was to counter Chinies and USSR alliance from 1950's to late 1970's. It was disbanded on June 30, 1977. You can find more info on WIkipedia.

Besides SEATO there was CENTO as well. CENTO has been disbanded as well.
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