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Allotment of grade 22 government residence for 27 years to Sadiq Sanjrani's brother: IHC issues contempt of court notice to Senate chairman's brother


Jan 21, 2015
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IHC issues contempt of court notice to Senate chairman's brother

It has been revealed that Raziq Sanjrani, the 33-year-old brother of Senate Chairman Sadiq Sanjrani, has been given official residence in Islamabad for 27 years, equivalent to a grade 22 government officer. Instead, Raziq Sanjrani has raised the question of judicial jurisdiction, now Justice Babar Sattar has also issued a show cause notice for contempt of court to Raziq Sanjrani for tomorrow. The letter said, "Category one accommodation in Islamabad is reserved for Grade 21, 22 officers. Raziq Sanjrani as MD Sendak Metals Limited Balochistan got Category One Residence in Islamabad.

Government allotted Raziq Sanjrani allotted Category One residence for 2019 to 2046. Secretary Ministry of Housing, State Office, Assistant Attorney General, all failed to satisfy the court that Raziq Sanjrani, who is not even an employee of the federal government, yet how does he deserve category one accommodation? The State Office officials were unable to explain how Razzak Sanjrani, a 33-34 year-old person can be a Grade 22 officer?
Twice the court issued reply notices to Raziq Sanjrani, but he did not respond, so they are issuing show cause notices on the violation of the court order. He is brother of Sadiq Sanjrani, who has taken an oath not to allow personal interests to influence the performance of duties. It is unimaginable that the Senate Chairman will use his power to facilitate his brother. That is why Raziq Sanjrani has been asked to fulfill the requirements of fair trial. An opportunity was given to submit the answer so that they can remove the impression of nepotism. Raziq Sanjrani should tell how he is eligible for category one accommodation.
Raziq Sanjrani should also submit a reply to the notice of contempt of court and appear in person. The further hearing of the case will be held tomorrow, September 22, in Islamabad High Court.
IHC issues contempt of court notice to Senate chairman's brother

It has been revealed that Raziq Sanjrani, the 33-year-old brother of Senate Chairman Sadiq Sanjrani, has been given official residence in Islamabad for 27 years, equivalent to a grade 22 government officer. Instead, Raziq Sanjrani has raised the question of judicial jurisdiction, now Justice Babar Sattar has also issued a show cause notice for contempt of court to Raziq Sanjrani for tomorrow. The letter said, "Category one accommodation in Islamabad is reserved for Grade 21, 22 officers. Raziq Sanjrani as MD Sendak Metals Limited Balochistan got Category One Residence in Islamabad.

Government allotted Raziq Sanjrani allotted Category One residence for 2019 to 2046. Secretary Ministry of Housing, State Office, Assistant Attorney General, all failed to satisfy the court that Raziq Sanjrani, who is not even an employee of the federal government, yet how does he deserve category one accommodation? The State Office officials were unable to explain how Razzak Sanjrani, a 33-34 year-old person can be a Grade 22 officer?
Twice the court issued reply notices to Raziq Sanjrani, but he did not respond, so they are issuing show cause notices on the violation of the court order. He is brother of Sadiq Sanjrani, who has taken an oath not to allow personal interests to influence the performance of duties. It is unimaginable that the Senate Chairman will use his power to facilitate his brother. That is why Raziq Sanjrani has been asked to fulfill the requirements of fair trial. An opportunity was given to submit the answer so that they can remove the impression of nepotism. Raziq Sanjrani should tell how he is eligible for category one accommodation.
Raziq Sanjrani should also submit a reply to the notice of contempt of court and appear in person. The further hearing of the case will be held tomorrow, September 22, in Islamabad High Court.
Did you read the Sanjarani billions of rupee corruption in Baluchistan mineral wealth ....???? and he is untouchable ...
Did you read the Sanjarani billions of rupee corruption in Baluchistan mineral wealth ....???? and he is untouchable ...

Imran Khan was against touchables in his election campaign, he become their partner by offering them and doling them the lifetime jobs and facilities. How can Imran Khan government allot a top government residence to a nobody for lifetime??
Imran Khan was against touchables in his election campaign, he become their partner by offering them and doling them the lifetime jobs and facilities. How can Imran Khan government allot a top government residence to a nobody for lifetime??
I think you didn't understand my question.
What is a category one accommodation ?


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