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Almost 20% of U.S. Adults born between 1997 and 2004 identified as LGBT


Nov 4, 2011
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Almost 20% of U.S. Adults born between 1997 and 2004 identified as LGBT

Overall 7.2 Percent of U.S. Adults Identify as LGBT


by Katharina Buchholz,
Feb 28, 2023

A total of 7.2 percent of U.S. adults identified as LGBT in 2022, a new record high. Gen Z, newly added in the Gallup survey's 2020 edition, is the gayest generation in terms of self-identification. Almost 20 percent of those born between 1997 and 2004 identified as LGBT, compared with around 11 percent of Millennials.

While scientists believe that the share of LGBT individuals has not actually changed over time, younger people in the U.S. are more likely to be openly gay, lesbian, bisexual or transsexual. Even within the generation of Millennials, defined as those born between 1981 and 1996, self-identification quotas rose in the past years. In 2014, only 6.3 percent of Millennials had said they identified as LGBT.

For older generations, levels of self-identification did not change majorly in the past decade. The Gallup survey question did not ask respondents to identify as other sexes, sexual identities or sexual orientations like intersex, asexual or queer.


More and more American children are having trouble to figure out whether they are boys or girls.
They don't have any trouble figuring out. It's just that now society is more accepting towards these people and they feel comfortable coming out.
It's no bad thing - it's evolution.

Those who are weak and identify as non heterosexual will stop reproducing and eventually thier numbers will die out.

In 100 years time there will be a lot less lgbtqabcxyz in these societies.
I feel it’s just a phase.

Most of these folks straighten out with due time.
They don't have any trouble figuring out. It's just that now society is more accepting towards these people and they feel comfortable coming out.
Women feel more easy around you when you tell them that you are gay.
Makes the hunt easy, specially when you look absolute women with two transplants and estrogen injections, but deep down you have fully functional autonomous testosterone generator, ready to hunt.
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It's no bad thing - it's evolution.

Those who are weak and identify as non heterosexual will stop reproducing and eventually thier numbers will die out.

In 100 years time there will be a lot less lgbtqabcxyz in these societies.
has nothing to do with genetics dude. heterosexual couples can have lgbt children. and LGBT couples (who can reproduce with fertility treatments btw) can have heterosexual children.
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