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Americans Arrested In Pakistan.

Apparently the scumbag in the video was captured after the arrested Americans gave information to the police. He is the mastermind behind Sargodha base staff bus bombing.

The scum bag is using gloves!! if he is that sophisticated than how can he think of joining the ranks of al-qaeeda which is on run and hiding at the moment. Al-Qaeeda stunt is only for the consumption of ignorants.
If he is the scum bag involved on attack of PAF bus than it was TTP which came forward accepting the responsibility of that incident. There is some disconect and i expect.... after realization, corrections will come either from Pakistan ministers or foreign secretary or US embassy in comming days.
Most of these as far as i have understood from different news sources is that they were wanna bees they did not want to do anything in the united states but wanted to attack sensitive pakistan installations (This should make abundently clear the aim of al qaeda is to destabilize Pakistan and take it over because we have started going against there sanctuaries). They did try to hook up with JeM but were rejected.
On a precationary Note they have not been charged with anything either in pakistan or in the US. The reason they said that they were coming to pakistan was to attend a wedding of a friend and sight see. One of the mothers of the supposed terrorist said they had come to pakistan so that they could have him married to a pakistani girl.
Arrest of five Americans
Extraordinary feat of Sargodha cop
Friday, December 11, 2009
By Rauf Klasra

ISLAMABAD: Even in these testing times, when the prime intelligence agencies are unnerved in the face of their failure to trace the deadly terrorists before they strike at will, an unsung hero, who happens to be a common inspector of Sargodha police, is said to have made his department proud by quietly tracking and arresting the five dangerous American nationals, who were on the most-wanted list of the FBI.

Top-level sources said the dramatic capture of five wanted American nationals — one of Pakistani, two Ethiopian, one of Eritrean and one of Egyptian origin — has been received in Washington with such a sense of disbelief that an FBI team, equipped with more information about them, is now rushing to investigate.

Sources said a joint team of FBI, ISI, MI, IB and local police was said to be investigating these five American nationals whose computer record revealed mind-boggling record of their activities and future plans to bomb the innocent Pakistanis.

The Sargodha District Police Officer, Dr Usman, was said to have already been informed by Intelligence Bureau, Islamabad, to remain alert to receive the FBI team, which was on its way to Islamabad to probe these terrorists.

The sources said these five terrorists might be shifted to the FBI headquarter in Washington, as they were being tracked by the intelligence agency for some time after they fled from the USA.

The sources said that the Sargodha police were on a high alert since long as they were getting regular warnings from some official circles that terrorists might try to carry out terrorism in the city. One police inspector was said to be alert in his area, spreading his own network of intelligence.

One of his informers is said to have quietly approached the inspector with the news that he had seen certain foreigners living in a house in a locality. The inspector took the news very seriously.

The inspector quietly went to DPO Sargodha Dr Usman and brought the information to his notice and sought permission to conduct a raid on the house. Dr Usman granted the permission and the cop acted in a professional manner. He sealed the house before the raid and no one was allowed to break the ring and escape.

Soon after their arrest, the police started investigations of their own, the language barrier notwithstanding. It took two long hours to get the shocking inside details and plans and identities of these five arrested terrorists.

But, sources said, the real breakthrough came when the computers in the use of these terrorists were taken into custody and their data checked. Not only the maps of different cities were recovered from the house but very important conversation recorded on the computer was also traced.

It was revealed that they were trying to get in touch with the terrorists to launch coordinated attacks on different cities. The sources said soon the police inspector came to know the real identity of these five deadly terrorists and that their names were on the top of the FBI’s most wanted criminals list. As the news within the police department spread, the local intelligence agencies rushed to investigate the terrorists.

All said and done, the credit of this breakthrough goes to none other but one police inspector who took the huge risk of his life by deciding to conduct a raid on the house with his local force, where these five terrorists were planning massive killings.

Arrest of five Americans
The thread is discussing a completely off-track.

I may be accused of jumping to conclusions but on first look it appears a clear case of some misguided youth coming to Af/Pak to take part in the majorly messed up thought of 'jehad' as thought by Taliban/TTP/JeM/LeT/SeS (name it anything, it is the same mess operating nebulously). John Walker Lindh was the founding father(!) of this category. Don't read much into their having Pakistani connections. Pakistan is not responsible for all delusions in every dimwit's head half way across the world.

But, could the toxic propaganda style media and indoctrination through outrageous official positions by public figures be responsible for the disorientation of these five youngsters?

Apparently the scumbag in the video was captured after the arrested Americans gave information to the police. He is the mastermind behind Sargodha base staff bus bombing.

Heard the DPO Sargodha, Dr. Usman, on BBC news just a few minutes ago.

There was no 'tip off' from a foreign or domestic intel agency, just 'good old fashioned police work' as the BBC anchor put it. The Sargodha police had organized community watches with plainclothes policemen to keep an eye out on suspicious activity, especially foreigners and outsiders. The five men were reported because of that 'community watch', put under surveillance and eventually arrested.

The men have apparently been singing like canaries. They openly admitted they were in Pakistan to do Jihad, that it was the responsibility of every Muslim to do Jihad, and even tried to convince the local cops to join them in Jihad!

The computers they had are providing a treasure trove of information - apparently they did communicate with terrorists organizations through email, with a twist. Instead of sending emails, they would write up their message and save in in their Yahoo email accounts as an unfinished draft. The members of the organization they were in contact with would then log into the same account and read the drafts, and compose their own message and save it as a draft. This was obviously to avoid actually sending an email message that might be monitored.

The DPO sounded pretty pleased with the work his department had done, and rightfully so I suppose.
^the heading is mis-leading. these americans are pakistani origin americans!!!
^the heading is mis-leading. these americans are pakistani origin americans!!!

WASHINGTON: US President Barack Obama said on Thursday he envisioned ‘a series of investigations’ into the arrest of five American Muslims in Pakistan for allegedly attempting to contact two militant groups.

A transcript released by the White House quoted President Obama as telling a news conference in Norway that the arrests would be investigated.

‘I think the details are still forthcoming,’ Mr Obama said. ‘There will undoubtedly be a series of investigations surrounding these events, so I’d prefer not to comment on them at this point.’

Mr Obama also sought to assure the American Muslim community that the arrests did not reflect on them or their loyalty to America.

‘I think what has been remarkable over the course of the last eight, nine years since 9/11 is the degree to which America has reaffirmed the extraordinary contributions of the Muslim American community and how they have been woven into the fabric of our nation in a seamless fashion,’ he said.

The five had been reported missing from Virginia in mid November. Their families had contacted the FBI to help find the missing men.

Meanwhile, Sabira Farouk, the mother of one of the suspects, told CNN that along with her son Umar, her husband had also been arrested. This brings to six the number of people in police custody in Pakistan.

The arrests came after a raid on Wednesday on a home in Sargodha.

Pakistani police officials told reporters they found laptops and maps showings areas where terrorists have been active.

Sabira Farouk, however, told CNN that her son was in Pakistan to get married, not to plot terror attacks as Pakistani police have alleged. She said her husband had gone with Umar to arrange the marriage.

The suspects include two Pakistani-Americans, two Yemeni-Americans and an Egyptian-American.

Officials in Washington told reporters that it’s too premature to link the men with any terrorist organisation, but police in Pakistan said preliminary investigations suggest they had sought to link up with the Jaish-i-Muhammad and Jamaatud Dawa militant organisations. Neither group showed interest, however.

So far no charges have been filed in the US and the FBI said that it was trying to determine whether a link existed between the five missing men and the arrests in Pakistan.

The US State Department said it did not have confirmation of the arrested individuals’ identities or whether they were Americans. The US embassy in Islamabad was seeking further information.

‘If the individuals are Americans, the United States will be seeking consular access,’ State Department spokesman Ian Kelly said.

Under the Geneva Convention, Pakistan is required to notify the United States about any Americans arrested, he added.

The US law-enforcement official said none of the five missing men had shown up on law-enforcement’s radar before they were reported missing. ‘These guys never surfaced with us before.’

Imam Johari Abdul-Malik of the Coordinating Council of Muslim Organisations in the Washington area said that the five were active in their mosques.

‘From all of our interviews, there was no sign they were outwardly radicalised,’ the imam said.

In an odd twist the break in the case of these young men in Sargodha came from their families. They were particularly concerned after watching the men’s farewell videos depicting scenes of war, death and declaring that they must defend the Muslims.

After the men disappeared in late November their family members, who are part of the local Muslim community in northern Virginia and around Washington DC, contacted the Council on American-Islamic Relations. CAIR put them in touch with the FBI and helped them get a lawyer.

Katherine Schweit, spokeswoman for the FBI, stated: ‘We are working with Pakistan authorities to determine their identities and the nature of their business there if indeed these are the students who had gone missing.’

One of the young men is a student at Howard University named Ramy Zamzam. Last week the FBI contacted Samirah Ali, president of Howard University, and informed her that he had been missing for a week.

Ms Ali said: ‘He’s a very nice guy, very cordial, very friendly.’

Agencies add: ‘We have had access to the five detainees,’ Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told reporters on Thursday at an unrelated news conference. She called the move ‘part of the usual outreach’ of the US government and declined further comment.

Senior police officer Haseeb Shah said: ‘A two-member FBI team has arrived in Sargodha to interrogate the six men.’
yes they are american citizens but none of them is local american..2 of them are pakistani americans..so the thread title is wrong
Hence, we are back to square one, good taliban, bad taliban.

Well, the latest twist concerning our fair weather friend's is that an American Diplomatic vehicle was stopped as it was displaying forged diplomatic plates, the crew has returned to the US Embassy, while the car has been impounded.
An American woman has also been arrested today for video taping movement of intelligence officials.
Detained Americans in Pakistan facing deportation

ISLAMABAD — Five young American Muslims detained in Pakistan over alleged terrorist links are most likely to be deported, a local police chief said Friday.

The men have allegedly told investigators they tried to connect with al-Qaida-linked militant groups in Pakistan and were intending to cross the border into Afghanistan and fight U.S. troops there.

They were reported missing by their families in the Washington D.C. area a week ago after one of them left behind a militaristic farewell video saying Muslims must be defended. Pakistani police detained them this week — along with one of their fathers — in the town of Sargodha in eastern Pakistan.

Regional police chief Javed Islam said the men had yet to be charged with any crime but they would "most probably" be deported. He declined to say how long police could hold them before they were charged.

U.S. officials, including some from the FBI, have visited the men in custody.

The case has fanned fears that Americans and other Westerns — especially those of Pakistani descent — are traveling to Pakistan to join up with al-Qaida and other militant groups. It comes on the heels of charges against a Chicago man of Pakistani origin who is accused of surveying targets for the 2008 terrorist attacks in Mumbai, India.

Police have said those detained included three Pakistani Americans, two Ethiopian Americans and an Egyptian American who is a dental student at Howard University.

Islam said Thursday the five young men wanted to join militants in Pakistan's tribal area before crossing into Afghanistan to take part in jihad, or holy war. He said they met representatives from the al-Qaida-linked Jaish-e-Mohammed militant group in the southeastern city of Hyderabad and from a related group, Jamat-ud-Dawa, in Lahore but were turned away because they were not trusted, he said.

In August, police arrested a group of foreigners, including a Swede who had spent time in Guantanamo Bay prison camp, close to the Afghan border region and publicly accused them of al-Qaida links. They were held for over a month before being released and put on a plane out of the country.
why even educated Muslims tend to move towards Jihad.
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