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"Arab" League: We have no power to stop Israel

Rescuing the US economy wouldn't be a mission-impossible ,but they will want to do more budgets cuts, increase taxes ,and stop launching drone airstrikes :D

listen USA's economy still have not collapse because US dollar is used as currency standard, if you remove it from currency standard just watch how USA's economy collapse.

china is doing every thing to do so. They made agreement with South Africa to exchange their own currencies during trade instead of US Dollar :D , USA is like---> :pissed:
listen USA's economy still have not collapse because US dollar is used as currency standard, if you remove it from currency standard just watch how it collapse.

Yes, the West in general is racing to the bottom these days. While China and India keep bill-gating. In short, the fedral government keeps printing more money for a zilch value.
Check this out

I wish to Bang all the best bro :tup:
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Mainly people from isolated and lonely countries whining over weakness of Arab League, it's not a union guys but it's much effective than other unions, it's members have more similarities than differences.
Yes, the West in general is racing to the bottom these days. While China and India keep bill-gating. In short, the fedral government keeps printing more money for a zilch value.
Check this out

I wish to Bang all the best bro :tup:

btw some arab fellas said that They are giving jobs to BD people, want to stop immigrant, tell them that they are not doing humanitarian stuff, it is pure business. You need cheap production cost (which largely depend on labor cost) have advance over prices so that you can export more , on the other hand we are getting money, it is win-win situation.
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china is doing every thing to do so. They made agreement with South Africa to exchange their own currencies during trade instead of US Dollar :D , USA is like---> :pissed:

Haha, wakey wakey! China is doing that whenever she possibly can. They're doing in Dubai now and worked out very well with them.
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btw some arab fellas said that They are giving jobs to BD people, want to stop immigrant, tell them that they are not doing humanitarian stuff, it is pure business. You need cheap production cost (which largely depend on labor cost) have advance over prices so that you can export more , on the other hand we are getting money, it is win-win situation.

Listen, there is a bright future for BD, you folks probably happen to have more arable lands than the entire middle eastern nations combined. Your population allows you to push for a promising industrialized nation all what it takes is a political reform and good education.

EDIT @BDforever
Idk who said that to you ,but I personally find this kind of language very distasteful particularly toward the BD people.
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Listen guys. You picked on the Jews and God didn't like it.

You should know that picking on the chosen people makes Allah very angry.
But to call us anti-Semite is outrageous. My dispute with you is purely political.
The "political" solution advocated by the Saudi government, supporting unlimited right-of-return and Arab immigration without restriction, is seen as a "honey trap" that will lead to the extinction of Jews in the Holy Land, just as they vanished from Arabia and Pakistan, etc.

Even if you yourself aren't anti-semitic (which means anti-Jewish) you aren't going to stop those that are from harming Jews in this fashion. It will take centuries of good behavior by Arabs and Muslims before they can ever be accepted as peoples good enough morally and spiritually to protect their minorities as Americans and the Jews of Israel have demonstrated they can do in the present day.

You're just not good enough and honest enough to be trusted - and my judgment isn't prejudice, but something you've earned.
The "political" solution advocated by the Saudi government, supporting unlimited right-of-return and Arab immigration without restriction, is seen as a "honey trap" that will lead to the extinction of Jews in the Holy Land, just as they vanished from Arabia and Pakistan, etc.

Even if you yourself aren't anti-semitic (which means anti-Jewish) you aren't going to stop those that are from harming Jews in this fashion. It will take centuries of good behavior by Arabs and Muslims before they can ever be accepted as peoples good enough morally and spiritually to protect their minorities as Americans and the Jews of Israel have demonstrated they can do in the present day.

You're just not good enough and honest enough to be trusted - and my judgment isn't prejudice, but something you've earned.

How shocking!! Israelis don't trust Arabs..
We trust you even less. Centuries Jews have been peacefully living in Palestine as a respected minority, until mysteriously your population doubled 10 times and you declare war on your host.
So, You claim that all Muslims and Arabs are bigoted and intolerant? A Pamlea Geller's like ,much? How come you judge 1.7 billion on your own? Or is it because of your blinkered eyes? What about Rep.Peter king who wants to monitor every single Muslims community? Does that sound moral to you? Or because of the so-called American exceptionalism you think you can do whatever you want to do? And yet you brag about your democracy 24/7 :lol:

I don't expect from people to like me or to gain their trust, very immature and pathetic. There maybe less to it than meets the eye, the zio loyalist neo-cons are thick-headed with blood on their hands. You may continue your approach if you wish ,but I will put down a marker for you, both sides will continue to bleed ,and it's the time for the Israeli regime to give its priority to its nation and not to your "Holy Land":D

Look, I'm very optimistic about putting an end to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict tbqh, especially when the Israelis know that Iran is building the bomb for them ;) The ideology that dwells in the soul of the Iranian regime is very very formidable.

I really feel sorry for you Solomon ...
The "political" solution advocated by the Saudi government, supporting unlimited right-of-return and Arab immigration without restriction, is seen as a "honey trap" that will lead to the extinction of Jews in the Holy Land, just as they vanished from Arabia and Pakistan, etc.

Even if you yourself aren't anti-semitic (which means anti-Jewish) you aren't going to stop those that are from harming Jews in this fashion. It will take centuries of good behavior by Arabs and Muslims before they can ever be accepted as peoples good enough morally and spiritually to protect their minorities as Americans and the Jews of Israel have demonstrated they can do in the present day.

You're just not good enough and honest enough to be trusted - and my judgment isn't prejudice, but something you've earned.
So, You claim that all Muslims and Arabs are bigoted and intolerant?
Oh, no! I claim that Muslims and Arabs are unwilling to fight bigotry and intolerance committed by Muslims against Jews. If you can find public examples contradicting me, I'd like that, thanks.

What about Rep.Peter king who wants to monitor every single Muslims community? Does that sound moral to you?
Is it a "moral" question or a "sensible" one of monitoring groups where, given the historical record, terrorists are most likely to appear? Saudi Arabia has a "monitoring" system, yes?

Or because of the so-called American exceptionalism you think you can do whatever you want to do?
Red herring. I didn't make such a claim. Obviously I've touched you're nerve.

I don't expect from people to like me or to gain their trust, very immature and pathetic...There maybe less to it than meets the eye, the zio loyalist neo-cons are thick-headed with blood on their hands.
In the final analysis, Jews have "blood on their hands" because they defended themselves from violence, while Arabs have "blood on their hands" because they sought, collectively, to murder all the Jews in Palestine. One cause is noble, the other ignoble - we just disagree about which is which.

Look, I'm very optimistic about putting an end to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict tbqh, especially when the Israelis know that Iran is building the bomb for them ;) The ideology that dwells in the soul of the Iranian regime is very very formidable.
All your assumptions are about the need for Israel to change. What about the need for the Arabs to change? Do you somehow think everything been so sweet and peaceful and prosperous within Arab lands for the past seventy years?

Centuries Jews have been peacefully living in Palestine as a respected minority, until mysteriously your population doubled 10 times and you declare war on your host.
There isn't any "mystery" about it; rather, Arabs are systematically taught a distorted history of the past century's events. Those that learn better - and I've met some of these - often make a conscious choice to support and expand on the fakery, arguing that pride (especially the kids for the parents) is more important than truth - and thus more important that the lives of innocent Jews, Christians, and other minorities.
Oh, no! I claim that Muslims and Arabs are unwilling to fight bigotry and intolerance committed by Muslims against Jews. If you can find public examples contradicting me, I'd like that, thanks.

Is it a "moral" question or a "sensible" one of monitoring groups where, given the historical record, terrorists are most likely to appear? Saudi Arabia has a "monitoring" system, yes?

Red herring. I didn't make such a claim. Obviously I've touched you're nerve.

In the final analysis, Jews have "blood on their hands" because they defended themselves from violence, while Arabs have "blood on their hands" because they sought, collectively, to murder all the Jews in Palestine. One cause is noble, the other ignoble - we just disagree about which is which.

All your assumptions are about the need for Israel to change. What about the need for the Arabs to change? Do you somehow think everything been so sweet and peaceful and prosperous within Arab lands for the past seventy years?

There isn't any "mystery" about it; rather, Arabs are systematically taught a distorted history of the past century's events. Those that learn better - and I've met some of these - often make a conscious choice to support and expand on the fakery, arguing that pride (especially the kids for the parents) is more important than truth - and thus more important that the lives of innocent Jews, Christians, and other minorities.

You should try to loose this victim role of yours,evry time the same.
I never see nothing other then what muslims have done to jews,dont allways say muslims.
We have never done nothing to jews,infact we saved you alot of times do i need to provide links(spain,hitler).
So as allways you generalize evrything,you should stop beeing a victim.
You wont get far with your claims.
You should try to loose this victim role of yours,evry time the same...You wont get far with your claims.
Exactly. As you've shown here, to most Muslims "victims" of violence committed by Muslims or Arabs are to be belittled, not sympathized with or defended.

We have never done nothing to jews,infact we saved you alot of times do i need to provide links(spain,hitler).
The Spain stuff was centuries ago: in general, the Arabs abused the Jewish refugees whereas the Turkish rulers did not; yet what can you point to today? The last such event I heard of was the conviction by the Jordanians of a soldier who, unprovoked, decided to shoot and kill some Israeli girls who were touring the country back in the 1990s - and today there is a huge hue and cry in Jordan's parliament to have him exonerated and hailed as a hero, that his example may serve as a role model for the current generation. The Mavi Mamara affair shows the direction Turks are leaning towards today, yes?

Are you willing to confront Arabs and your fellow Muslims about this, telling them that their feelings are despicable? Or tell them that because their efforts have been noticed that they are creating bad press for Islam or the Palestinians?

Or are you going to grit your teeth at my words and think only bad thoughts about me and Jews in general?

I personally know Jews who were saved by Muslims in WWII Yugoslavia. These Muslims tend to sympathize with Israel: link I understand some Muslims also saved Jews in German-occupied Tunisia during WWII. More honor to them - and I wish their example will soon be taken to heart by the majority of the world's Muslims.
Exactly. As you've shown here, to most Muslims "victims" of violence committed by Muslims or Arabs are to be belittled, not sympathized with or defended.

The Spain stuff was centuries ago: in general, the Arabs abused the Jewish refugees whereas the Turkish rulers did not; yet what can you point to today? The last such event I heard of was the conviction by the Jordanians of a soldier who, unprovoked, decided to shoot and kill some Israeli girls who were touring the country back in the 1990s - and today there is a huge hue and cry in Jordan's parliament to have him exonerated and hailed as a hero, that his example may serve as a role model for the current generation. The Mavi Mamara affair shows the direction Turks are leaning towards today, yes?

Are you willing to confront Arabs and your fellow Muslims about this, telling them that their feelings are despicable? Or tell them that because their efforts have been noticed that they are creating bad press for Islam or the Palestinians?

Or are you going to grit your teeth at my words and think only bad thoughts about me and Jews in general?

I personally know Jews who were saved by Muslims in WWII Yugoslavia. These Muslims tend to sympathize with Israel: link I understand some Muslims also saved Jews in German-occupied Tunisia during WWII. More honor to them - and I wish their example will soon be taken to heart by the majority of the world's Muslims.

I just skimmed your post quicky, honestly do you actually think that anyone actually hates Jews? Wtf do they feed you

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