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Are we obsessed with Pakistan?

do i need to say that?

Yes yes yes :agree:
I think people living in Pakistan should begin looking beyond Pakistan now.

India, they've been obsessed as if with nothing else since '47, we should let them be.
I think people living in Pakistan should begin looking beyond Pakistan now.

India, they've been obsessed as if with nothing else since '47, we should let them be.

I think you meant "I think people living in Pakistan should begin looking beyond india now".

If it wasn't for Kashmir dispute, india would never come into Pakistani people's political discussions.

How many Pakistanis do you know visit indian forums and compare to the number of indians here.

Theres more indians here than Pakistanis. Now whose obsessed :woot:

By the way, the indian anchor who keeps moving his papers is mad annoying :hitwall:
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This forum is a good example but even on youtube you can see indians showing their true colours on Pakistani songs, Pakistani cricket videos, movies etc.
And it goes beyond internet. When I was in Toronto there were many Indians and they still hadn't gone past the 1947 issue.
Not in really life, lol. Who gives a ****, but on the internet I am sure some people are.

I choose this forum simply because it looks better then Indian forums and has better discussions.

Oh really.

In India, Obama faces questions on U.S. relations with Pakistan

MUMBAI - President Obama was challenged Sunday by an Indian university student to explain his administration's unwavering support for Pakistan, exposing in a single question the central challenge to his goal of strengthening the U.S. relationship with India.

During a town hall forum at St. Xavier's College here, a student rose to ask Obama why he does not refer to Pakistan as a "terrorist state," drawing some gasps from the rest of the audience. Obama told the crowd that he had expected the issue to come up, and he answered by challenging the several hundred students present to view a country against whom India has fought three major wars, and was the staging area for a devastating terrorist attack against this city, from a new perspective.

"We want nothing more than a stable, prosperous and peaceful Pakistan," Obama said. "Our feeling has been to be honest and forthright with Pakistan, to say, 'We are your friend, this is a problem and we will help you, but the problem has to be addressed.' "

The question came two years after gunmen trained in Pakistan landed in a fisherman's village on the city's waterfront and killed more than 170 people in a days-long siege. The question highlighted the problem Pakistan presents for Obama as he seeks to strengthen trade, military and cultural ties with one of the world's fastest-growing democratic economies.

Obama commemorated the Nov. 26, 2008, massacre on his arrival Saturday when he laid a white rose at a memorial to the victims and spoke at the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel and Tower, a main target of the attack. But he infuriated many Indians by not mentioning Pakistan in his tribute, reinforcing the impression here that Obama cares less about India's grievances than he does about defending a key partner in the Afghanistan war.

The issue will probably come up again Monday, Obama's final day in India, when he appears with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh before the U.S. and Indian media and later addresses the Indian Parliament. Obama could well face questions over his position on Kashmir, a religiously mixed region in the subcontinent's northwest that both India and Pakistan claim.

How he portrays the U.S. interest in Pakistan, whose weak government is defending itself against its own Taliban insurgency, will probably determine whether his visit here succeeds in convincing Indians that he is serious when he says, as he did Sunday, that "the U.S.-India relationship will be indispensable in shaping the 21st century."

"It may be surprising to some of you to hear me say this, but I am absolutely convinced that the country that has the biggest stake in Pakistan's success is India," Obama told the students. "I think that if Pakistan is unstable, that's bad for India. If Pakistan is stable and prosperous, that's good. Because India is on the move."

A sense of neglect

Encounters with young people have become staples of Obama's travels abroad, a nod to his appeal as a symbol of U.S. progress and tolerance. And in few countries will young people make more of a difference in the short term than in India.

More than half of India's 1.2 billion people are under 30 years old, a promising market for U.S. goods and the foundation of a workforce driving the country's technical innovation.

The Indian public's view of the United States rose after Obama took office. But it has fallen back to its pre-election level amid a sense that he has neglected India's interests to win favor with Pakistan and with China, a rival economy.

While interested in U.S. policies that directly affect their region, including the details of Obama's endgame strategy in Afghanistan, some of the high-achieving students he met with Sunday also seemed well aware of his political troubles at home. One asked whether the candidate who made "change" a watchword of his 2008 campaign intends to adopt some himself after the midterm elections.

In India, Obama faces questions on U.S. relations with Pakistan
This forum is a good example but even on youtube you can see indians showing their true colours on Pakistani songs, Pakistani cricket videos, movies etc.
And it goes beyond internet. When I was in Toronto there were many Indians and they still hadn't gone past the 1947 issue.

Its not as one sided as you think. Its the exact some on the other side. Trust me.


I dont think most Indian have time to even think about what Pakistan is up too or care about it in general. These are nationalistic nut heads similar to the once on these forums and video sharing websites like youtube.

I dont care or think about Pakistan(or India,USA,etc) ONE bit when im in the real world. Even when I am with my Pakistani friends I dont think about the nation or get political. Only when I have a tab open as defence.pk or looking up something related to South Asia because I am bored.

When I was in Toronto there were many Indians and they still hadn't gone past the 1947 issue.

Thats a shame, but is it majority of the Indians?
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Its not as one sided as you think. Its the exact some on the other side. Trust me.


I dont think most Indian have time to even think about what Pakistan is up too or care about it in general. These are nationalistic nut heads similar to the once on these forums and video sharing websites like youtube.

Then what brings you to PAKISTAN Defence Forum?

I think we should also make a section in this forum called terrorist state of india and make scenarios of how to destroy india like bharati forums.
Its not as one sided as you think. Its the exact some on the other side. Trust me
Thats a shame, but is it majority of the Indians?

Its not the exact same on the other side. I don't know why Indians are overly obsessed with Pakistanis. Go on any other Indian site and you wont see it being flooded by Pakistanis.

And yes the majority of Indians I have met haven't gotten over the fact that Pakistan is independent now.

btw many Indian women are obsessed with Pakistanis :agree: but thats not a problem
Then what brings you to PAKISTAN Defence Forum?

I think we should also make a section in this forum called terrorist state of india and make scenarios of how to destroy india like bharati forums.

I already told you, its simply better then Indian forums. Thats it. Better Look, discussions, etc. And when I type "LCH official flight" or something like Arjun, Lca, etc on Google this forum pops up some times. You click it, and eventually join. lol thats it.

btw many Indian women are obsessed with Pakistanis but thats not a problem

Um.... No... lol

I live in an area with large # of Indians, Pakistanis, Guyanese, etc, etc, etc, etc. I know enough.

ts not the exact same on the other side.

Then you are blind.

By Pakistani

Cow piss, Hinduism bashing, poor, poverty, etc all over many Indian related videos. Arjunk , LCA fail, Dhruv fail, etc on these videos.

By Indians Indian side

Terrorist Pakistani, terrorist hub of the world, Babur copy of tomahawk, Aid/begger, etc on Pakistani related videos.

Its not one sided as you think. They are just keyboard warriors, so dont even take them seriously.
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Um.... No... lol

I live in an area with large # of Indians, Pakistanis, Guyanese, etc, etc, etc, etc. I know enough.

Then you are blind.

By Pakistani

Cow piss, Hinduism bashing, poor, poverty, etc all over many Indian related videos. Arjunk , LCA fail, Dhruv fail, etc on these videos.

By Indians Indian side

Terrorist Pakistani, terrorist hub of the world, Babur copy of tomahawk, Aid/begger, etc on Pakistani related videos.

Its not one sided as you think. They are just keyboard warriors, so dont even take them seriously.

Dude trust me I've lived in Toronto for like 18 years and I know that Indian women are madly into Pakistanis. And I know this from personal experiences.

And again the Anti-Pakistan stance by Indians seen on this forum is enough of a sign that Indians are obsessed with Pakistan. Its true there are Pakistanis bashing Indians but the majority of the keyboard warriors come from the Indian side.
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