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Armenia's irredentist plan for Georgia

We won't be the first to intervene but if Russia does without being provoked then you can bet Turkey would become involved in the conflict. Russia isn't in a position to pull a Georgia conflict out of this with Turkey around.

In my view, Azerbaijan needs more training and equipment to fight its own war against Armenia. Russia, France and United States would not want total defeat of Armenia. Azerbaijan will only be permitted to liberate its occupied territories.
In my view, Azerbaijan needs more training and equipment to fight its own war against Armenia. Russia, France and United States would not want total defeat of Armenia. Azerbaijan will only be permitted to liberate its occupied territories.

That is what Azerbaijan would do. They wouldn't push for anything else since that would risk involvement of the Russians. I do not believe the Russians would actually be involved unless Azerbaijan made a push into actual Armenian territory.

I think right now Azerbaijan has a massive military advantage. This is only going to get wider. It is only a matter of time before the conflict heats back up.
I think right now Azerbaijan has a massive military advantage. This is only going to get wider. It is only a matter of time before the conflict heats back up.

That is why Armenia must be planning surprise attacks on Azerbaijani targets inflicting unacceptable damage with little force and fewer capabilities used. You cannot predict where smaller and weaker but determined Armenia will strike. Armenia may strike Azerbaijan oil and gas targets while Azerbaijan should retaliate by attacking Armenian nuclear power plant near Turkish border.

Armenia ‘Unfazed’ By Azerbaijan’s Growing Military Spending
Armenia - Soldiers and tanks lined up for a military exercise, undated.

Armenia - Soldiers and tanks lined up for a military exercise, undated.
Sargis Harutyunyan

Armenia is taking ‘asymmetric steps’ in response to Azerbaijan’s growing military spending, seeking a higher efficiency at a relatively low cost, according to a senior defense official in Yerevan.

Earlier this month Azerbaijan said it sought a nearly 90 percent rise in its military spending from this year’s level -- to stand at $3.1 billion next year.

If approved, Azerbaijan’s military budget will also be more than eight times as much as the Armenian government’s request of some $385.5 million for its military spending in 2011.

Armenia’s first deputy defense minister David Tonoyan on Monday explained in an interview with RFE/RL’s Armenian service (Azatutyun) that “asymmetry in military art implies inflicting unacceptable damage on the enemy with little force and fewer capabilities used.”

Tonoyan said as far as Azerbaijan is concerned, Armenia has developed “a strategic system of checks” that he said has stopped Baku from breaking the current peace.

The two former Soviet republics fought a three-year war in the early 1990s over Azerbaijan’s breakaway Nagorno-Karabakh region where ethnic Armenians constituted a majority of the population.

Hostilities ended only after the warring parties signed a Russia-brokered ceasefire agreement in 1994. By that time about 30,000 people had been killed in the war.

Sporadic skirmishes along the line of contact between the Karabakh and Azerbaijani armed forces have continued throughout the ceasefire years.

Both sides have suffered more than a dozen confirmed military casualties since June this year when skirmishes around Karabakh and nearby Armenian-controlled territories intensified amid a faltering peace process.

“Armenia is doing what it has done since 1994. In fact, already for 16 years our armed forces are engaged in checking hostilities,” the Armenian defense ministry official said.

“I think all states concerned with the region’s security should be aware of the contribution that our armed forces are making for keeping the peace,” Tonoyan added.

He stressed that by increasing its military spending Azerbaijan does not necessarily increase the “combat-readiness” of its armed forces.

According to the official, a number of European countries comparable to Armenia by their territory and size of the population have military budgets several times exceeding Armenia’s.

“But it does not at all mean that these states’ military possibilities are higher,” Tonoyan said.

“It is at least naïve to expect a victory by only increasing military spending and purchasing arms. The outcome of a war is decided by much more important factors and the lessons of the Karabakh war should be learned [by Azerbaijan],” said Tonoyan.

“It is already several years that we have witnessed preparations [in Azerbaijan] to solve the Karabakh conflict militarily. I think it is a matter of concern not only for Armenia, but also for the international community,” he said, adding that “regardless of its outcome a war would have catastrophic consequences for the entire region.”

The defense ministry official said that Armenia has a clear vision of a security environment for itself and the region, as well as “a realistic evaluation of the existing threats and a clear direction for neutralizing these threats.” He did not elaborate on that.

Armenia is a member of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, a Russia-led defense alliance of other seven former Soviet countries. The treaty calls for a collective defense action should any of its members suffer an aggression. Karabakh is not, however, legally considered to be Armenian territory.

As Moscow’s closest ally in the South Caucasus Armenia hosts a Russian military base and is also capitalizing on the offer of Russian-made weapons at cut-down prices or free of charge.

A new Russian-Armenian defense agreement signed in August extends Russia’s military presence in Armenia till 2044 and commits Moscow to supplying Yerevan with “modern and compatible weaponry and special military hardware.”
where was NATO in 2008????

this comment by Bagdasarov is troubling however; seems that Armenia is becoming the sheep some people may mistake as a ''lion'' ....

some can argue they hope Turkiye and Azerbayjan become neighbours :D
where was NATO in 2008????

Georgia is not part of NATO so the Georgia-Russia war did not concern it directly.

this comment by Bagdasarov is troubling however; seems that Armenia is becoming the sheep some people may mistake as a ''lion'' ....

some can argue they hope Turkiye and Azerbayjan become neighbours

Turkey and Azerbaijan are technically neighbors since Turkey and Azerbaijan's region Nakhchivan shares border. Russia, France and United States won't allow Armenia proper to be invaded by Azerbaijan or Turkey.
Georgia is not part of NATO so the Georgia-Russia war did not concern it directly.

nor was (now independent) Kosovo!


NATO reaffirms support for Georgia membership bid, but reforms needed | World | RIA Novosti

Turkey and Azerbaijan are technically neighbors since Turkey and Azerbaijan's region Nakhchivan shares border. Russia, France and United States won't allow Armenia proper to be invaded by Azerbaijan or Turkey.

well, France --we all know why. US; true, because of Armenian lobby. But that lobby still isnt strong enough to get them more attention on so-called ''genocide'' which theyve been wasting years trying to do

Russia and Iran seem to affirm full support to Armenia while Turkiye is more pro-Georgia and pro-Azerbayjan.

The Azeris do seem to be spending a lot on defence lately, though they still do seem to be reliant on Russia, especially for air defence.

Looking forward to them inducting JF Thunders, hopefully the deal will go down within the next couple years or so. :)
well, France --we all know why. US; true, because of Armenian lobby. But that lobby still isnt strong enough to get them more attention on so-called ''genocide'' which theyve been wasting years trying to do

Turkey's strategic location keeps Congress from passing so-called Armenian genocide bill.

Russia and Iran seem to affirm full support to Armenia while Turkiye is more pro-Georgia and pro-Azerbayjan.

There are nearly 20 million Azeris in Iran. Azerbaijan was part of Iran until occupied by Russia. Former Azerbaijani President Abülfaz Elçibay infuriated Iran by claiming Azeri inhabited regions of Iran. That resulted in Iranian support for Armenia.

The Azeris do seem to be spending a lot on defence lately, though they still do seem to be reliant on Russia, especially for air defence.

Looking forward to them inducting JF Thunders, hopefully the deal will go down within the next couple years or so.

Azerbaijani lost so badly against weak Armenia that one has doubts about Azerbaijan's military capability in a war. On paper they look superior to Armenia but in real war it is still a question mark.
There are nearly 20 million Azeris in Iran. Azerbaijan was part of Iran until occupied by Russia. Former Azerbaijani President Abülfaz Elçibay infuriated Iran by claiming Azeri inhabited regions of Iran. That resulted in Iranian support for Armenia.

Azerbaijani lost so badly against weak Armenia that one has doubts about Azerbaijan's military capability in a war. On paper they look superior to Armenia but in real war it is still a question mark.

Azerbaijan was never a part of Iran, contrary Azeri dynasties rueld Iran through history.

About first Karabakh war, I already explained.
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Azerbaijan was never a part of Iran, contrary Azeri dynasties rueld Iran through history. Russians invaded independent khanates of Azerbaijan, not a part of Iran.

About first Karabakh war, I already explained.

Azerbaijanis in Iran are integrated into Iranian society and are part of ruling elite. I don't understand why Azerbaijanis would claim Iranian territory while Armenia has captured 17% of their territory. Even Armenia is smart enough to have good relations with Georgia while Armenians in Javakhetia wants to join Armenia. Azerbaijanis need more diplomatic skills and military training.
Azerbaijanis in Iran are integrated into Iranian society and are part of ruling elite. I don't understand why Azerbaijanis would claim Iranian territory while Armenia has captured 17% of their territory. Even Armenia is smart enough to have good relations with Georgia while Armenians in Javakhetia wants to join Armenia. Azerbaijanis need more diplomatic skills and military training.

That was a thing of past, I don't see anywhere Azerbaijan claiming territories, Iran supports Armenia because they are against Azerbaijani nation. Its a lie that Azerbaijanis are a part of ruling elite. They are opressed in Iran.
Azerbaijani lost so badly against weak Armenia that one has doubts about Azerbaijan's military capability in a war. On paper they look superior to Armenia but in real war it is still a question mark.

The more doubts they have the better.
That was a thing of past,

Former Azerbaijani President Abülfaz Elçibay was stupid that he made those claims against Iran and created another enemy while he lost a war against Armenia.

Iran supports Armenia because they are against Azerbaijani nation.

They are not against Azerbaijani nation but they fear Azerbaijan will again make these claims against Iran. Azerbaijan has to make compromises and have good relations with Iran. Azerbaijan itself has made Iran its enemy and has to work hard to make Iran a friend.

Its a lie that Azerbaijanis are a part of ruling elite. They are opressed in Iran.

I have Iranian Azerbaijani friends in Canada and they are happy in Iran. It is the Azerbaijan that is making this trouble and creating Iran as a enemy. No wonder Armenia has good relations with Iran.
WOW..thats a lot of ambitious plans for a country like armenia..they want to open a front with turkey, azerbaijan and now even gerogia??
WOW..thats a lot of ambitious plans for a country like armenia..they want to open a front with turkey, azerbaijan and now even gerogia??

The reason for their over confidence is that they have defeated Azerbaijanis so easily and decisively. Azerbaijanis on the other hand have been their own worse enemy by starting to claim Iranian Azerbaijan. Instead of making friends they have created another enemy.
The reason for their over confidence is that they have defeated Azerbaijanis so easily and decisively. Azerbaijanis on the other hand have been their own worse enemy by starting to claim Iranian Azerbaijan. Instead of making friends they have created another enemy.

Well as bro ASQ has mentioned their is a lot of difference between the balance of the armed forces of Armenia and Azerbaidjan between now in 2010 and at the start of the Nagorno Karabagh war back in the late 80s. Back then the two oponents had roughly the same number of soldiers, today the azeri army is roughly 2 times the size of the armenian one and the gap is growing every year. Of course it can be a massive error to ***** the potential outcome of a war by counting the number of troops the two sides have but this just gives a general idea of how today the situation has changed from back in the 80s.

However i agree with an earlier comment made that Azerbaidjan really needs to start moving away from russian weaponry, naturally the switch cant come all suddenly but as everyone knows Russia will side with Armenia in a potential war and that means Azerbaidjan cant be relying on the enemy for weapons to fight him.

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