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Army chief calls for national consensus to confront ‘economic and terrorism’ challenges

It is a matter of perception and assessment. To me, following are the 2 biggest threats to the sovereignty, integrity and potential progress of Pakistan:
1) Generals of PA
2) Criminal political mafia of PMLN and PPP
Other threats signify because of the above 2.
Okay, and how do you propose we extricate ourselves from that if this is your threat perception?
Taken from Telegram - TTP have released an info graphic of their terrorist attacks in Pakistan during 2022:


Look at the production quality and in particular one logo on the above infographic and tell me who the “puppet master” behind these attacks really are.
Kumar from Ganga with data provided by Goatfu**er from Khost proudly present this Infograph.
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and that is the million dollar 💵 problem isn’t it. People can’t see the wood for the trees. But it’s okay, just dump all the blame on one entity and call it a day.

Pay yourself on the back and say “yeh”…
Finally F*** the Taliban.
Without seeing any repercussions from Pakistan Talibans are going to act like the way, they are acting.
When Govt was going for Table Talks with TTP many of us pointed at that idiotic move but Ladla Corps was not going to listen a word about blunders committed by Ladla. Whatever momentum TTP has got, it just had gathered it in months after ceasefire,an operation is asap needed and no ceasefire, operation till last of this kind is killed,burned and scattered.
Okay, and how do you propose we extricate ourselves from that if this is your threat perception?

Sir Jee: I don't know. It is not necessary that we can find a solution to every problem.

Allah kay aasray per haen.
and that is the million dollar 💵 problem isn’t it. People can’t see the wood for the trees. But it’s okay, just dump all the blame on one entity and call it a day.

Pay yourself on the back and say “yeh”…

If, as I said, Generals and Criminal Political Mafia, are the principal threats for Pakistan; then, if not all, but most of us, as society, are also responsible, as these criminals are the product of the same society and are from amongst us. Under such circumstances, solution is a far cry.

After all, people, like you and me, were very much there; when East Pakistan debacle happened, and we failed to prevent it, in spite of abundant pre-warnings. If I recall, though I was only 13 years old then, it was as if we were paralyzed and incapacitated to act.
Talk about National Consensus.

While convene a NSC meeting to discuss security threats primarily to KPK and not invite the representative of that province.

Decisions on operations againsts militants in Pushtun areas without any input from the Chief Minister.

Wah Hafiz Wah !
No, thats not it. Aaam aadmi aka public doesn't have anything on its neck let alone a boot because public will bribe to get job done, lie on face, commit contacts in action when needed, waste time in wok place, never work hard in life and then complain to heart's content about Pakistan like a thankless jock.

please mention a single public org/dept which isnt being run by either an f.a or b.a ?

Now how's that a fault of an engineer that hes been LEGALLY barred from getting at the top lets say in wapda or how much amount of hard work is required from a Doctor to become Secretary health?
A humble advise to the Establishment.

Completely disconnect yourself from politics. No political statements, no meetings with politicians (except for defense related matters) and accountability for all servicemen involved in politics, and submit yourself to the constitution of Pakistan.

Only then, the 5th Gen army that you were so proud of, and protected you, will maybe, start supporting you.

The times are changing. Your institution will never be regarded as a holy cow as in the past. Your supra constitutional role is a major cause of stunted growth and weaknesses of other institutions.
NSC meeting yesterday....


Just look at the optics, the message it is conveying, hilarious and horrible at the same time.

Hypocritical and horrendous, a cruel joke for the nation. Mafia talking to Mofos, Cabal pandering to Cabal, looters planning with plunderers.

Bunch of crooks
please mention a single public org/dept which isnt being run by either an f.a or b.a ?

Now how's that a fault of an engineer that hes been LEGALLY barred from getting at the top lets say in wapda or how much amount of hard work is required from a Doctor to become Secretary health?
FYI - any Army officer at or above the rank of mid-career Major is not FA/BA instead Masters which is the requirement of promotion to Lt Col.
please mention a single public org/dept which isnt being run by either an f.a or b.a ?

Now how's that a fault of an engineer that hes been LEGALLY barred from getting at the top lets say in wapda or how much amount of hard work is required from a Doctor to become Secretary health?
Not only that. How much is Pakistan affected by a clerk or manager not spending all the hours in the office? or taking bribes? lieing on the face? swearing?
If a judge takes bribes, it has a profound effect on society, as justice is his core duty. Armyman can take all slacks of a clerk, manager, etc, but the thing is the army is not fulfilling its primary duty.
In fact, it is violating it by not defending Pakistan's interests. Just trespassing on every human right, civil law, and constitution in the name of strategic compulsion.
In the meantime, we should extend the peace agreement with the TTP. A way out of the bloodshed would be to introduce Sharia in Tribal Districts on the patterns of Nizam e Adl in Swat. America and its local agents would want the count y to be turned into another Syria so that they get their foothold again. We should talk to the militants and pacify them by meeting some of their demands like Sharia with home grown solutions.
Another point is that if we can have a hybrid system in the country with joint rule of military and political parties then we can further hybridize the model with addition of religious elements in the ruling, There is the example of Lebanon where Hizbullah, a religious party has its own army which defeated Israel in the last war.
A system like this would never work, accepting their demands would significantly increase the number of militants by unprecedented numbers and give them time for further organisation - which is how this initially got to this point.

And other provinces will be emboldened to demand Sharia as well, TTP is not a ideology that really stops at one area, it will spread and so will there support.
waste time in wok place, never work hard in life
Ohh please! Speak for yourself sir
I work two jobs myself first one from 930 to 7 then another two hours on private teaching, also on Saturdays, apart from taking care of all my domestic chores and errands myself. We the middle class aka aam admi is working our azz off while these generalz, bureaucrats and politicians are enjoying their life sitting on the nation wealth like their baap ki jagir.
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