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Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development


Apr 29, 2011
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According to Defence.az Azerbaijan army already received T-90S


Azerbadijani Tank Fleet...

400+ upgraded T-72 Aslan
25 T-80U
20 T-90 more on order
200+ T-84 Oplot Ms to be ordered to replace T-55s

The problem is that Russia wants to keep the situation status quo because they don't want their favourable position on gas to be disturbed by the Azeris.

Selling weapon to Armenia and Azerbaijan, the true winner in that situation is Russia, neither Armenia or Azerbaijan. Of course this can be resolved if Armenia would leave nagarno karabakh. However it'll only happen with force of arms it seems. (invaded territory is 40% of Azerbaijans land).
I think they should talk with China about some license production of about 70 J-10BS in their home:


And later on go for about 70 J-10C as well:



That can also look like this, but it seems that its a new fighter:
The military expenditures of Azerbaijan for 2011 are set at US$4,46 billion. Azerbaijani defense industry manufactures small arms, artillery systems, tanks, armors and noctovision devices, aviation bombs, pilotless vehicles, various military vehicles and military planes and helicopters.

The Azeri Air Force uses MiG-21, MiG-23, Su-24 and Su-25 aircraft, as well as the MiG-29 purchased from Ukraine in 2006 and Il-76 transport aircraft. The MiG-29 have been designated as the standard aircraft for the AzAF.[30] Azerbaijan is holding talks with either the People's Republic of China or Pakistan to purchase JF-17 Thunder aircraft. MiG-25s previously in service have been retired seemingly in the 2007-09 period.

Azerbaycan is interested in the Turkish Altay tank and the t-129 Attack Helicopter

OT Buddy, is the thread about how beautiful the Azeri and Turkish flags look together?

we can add pakistan aswell :D

In December 2009 an agreement on military assistance was signed by Turkey and Azerbaijan. The agreement envisions Ankara’s supplying Azerbaijan with weapons, military equipment and, if necessary, soldiers in case war with Armenia over Karabakh resumes.[61]
Turkey has provided Azerbaijan with infantry weapons, tactical vehicles (jeeps, trucks, etc.) professional training, military organization, technology transfer, licenced military hardware production and other services. Due to help from Turkish specialists and instructors, thousands of Azerbaijani officers have been trained to western standards.[62]
The military position as international importance of Azerbaijan increased with agreement between Azerbaijan and Turkey on the participation an Azerbaijani peacekeeping platoon in the staff of Turkish battalion in Kosovo.[63]
Since 1992 Azerbaijan and Turkey have signed more than 100 military protocols, some of the major protocols include:[64]
Cooperation of staff members
National security cooperation in the topographical area
Forming and training of profession school of forces kind of Baku
Carrying out of the material and technical purchasing
Military industry cooperation
Development of the 5th Army Corps also known as Nakhchivan Army Corps in Nakhchivan[65]
Cooperation in the area of military history, military archives and museum work and military publication
Assistance on training, material and technical between the Azerbaijan Border Guard and the Turkish Armed Forces.
Long-term economical and military cooperation and application of the financial aid
Application of material and technical provision
In May 2011, Azerbaijan had discussed the purchase of long-range rockets from two Chinese companies, the minister of the defence industry has said. Other arms deals were signed with Turkey. Turkish Defence Minister Vecdi Gonul and Yaver Jamalov signed a protocol of intent on future joint production of two types of output - 107-mm rockets and the national rifle, possibly the Mehmetçik-1. A protocol of intent was signed the same day with the Mechanical and Chemical Industry Corporation [MKEK] on the joint production of 120-mm mortar launchers. This project will come into force in a few months time. Agreement has also been reached with Turkish company Aselsan on the production of some types of defence output in Azerbaijan, specifically the latest types of weapons' sights. These projects will probably happen in the near future too.[66] Recently, Turkish defense industries secretariat told that an export version of the T-155 Firtina self propelled howitser is almost done and could start production. T-155 has been powered by a German MTU power pack, which restricts the sale to some countries like Azerbaijan. The Turkish manufacturer MKEK, has announced that they have found an alternate supplier for the power pack where Azerbaijan showed interest to buy the high tech, more capable 155mm 52 caliber from Turkish authorities.
Ottoman-Turk, we want serious millitary information on this forum. You dont have to open a thread for every emotion feeling or idea. We have a Turkish thread where you can post your thoughts.

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