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Azerbaijan interested in Pakistan’s long-range missiles

True. Under MTCR, it's forbidden to sell any missile beyond 300 km range. I've absolutely no idea what do they mean by "long range".

I thought it was forbidden to sell missiles over the range of 300 km's?? So how can we sell "long range" missiles??

I think Pakistan did sign it. Btw, did AZ sign it or not?

Technically , Pakistan never signed the MTCR to begin with , so we are free to deliver whatever they need as long it isn't too sensitive . Second , I think the defense journalists made a mistake , they may be interested in missiles , not necessarily long range ones .

Apart from international restrictions our missile programme is purely defensive in nature. Selling anything above 300Km would mean pissing any country off within range. Secondly this news is probably bull as there is no such confirmation in goverment circles. Azerbaijan is probably snooping around and at the end of day they wont be buying anything from us.
Diplomatic relations and trade bro. If they cant offer us much then they can prove to be a good market for trade and selling mangoes.:lol: But remember u have relations with israel too which is also not our friend.
We sell 60% of our oil to ISrael, thats why we have to have some relations. also, they helped us to make stronger our air defense and updated our aviation with new technologies. Other than that, recently we build some relations with Iran too. Its free country and these should be done to keep it alive or to push Armenia more to give those land back. Now, the only country helps Armenia and open its border is Iran, without them, Armenia will be isolated.
I agree, some Pakistani members are behaving emotional here. You have to understand though, Pakistanis are a very emotional people, i guess its because we are still a very young nation (only 67 years old) and partly because we take the Islamic brotherhood thing way too seriously that we expect everyone else to give us the same attention/support/recognition.

@Pakistani members, come on guys, man up and stop acting so emotional. For one, we don't even know if this news is true, it could be a rumor for all we know. And secondly, if the Azeri's do procure our missiles then good for them, if not then its not our loss in any way, the world isn't going to end lol.

Well, if war happens between Azerbaijan and Russia, then i want Pakistan to support Azeris. However, that doesn't mean we shouldn't have the right to recognize Armenia, and our recognition of Armenia should't imply that we are hostile to Azerbaijan. Just as i know Turkey would favor Pakistan in a india-Pakistan war even though Turkey recognizes India as a sovereign country.
nobody say anything about that, I personally wouldnt feel bad that If Pakistan will accept Armenian sovereignty, its normal, but by not doing it, Pakistan also got a lot of positive feedback in Azerbaijani public. Its like free Marketing about Pakistan.
We sell 60% of our oil to ISrael, thats why we have to have some relations. also, they helped us to make stronger our air defense and updated our aviation with new technologies. Other than that, recently we build some relations with Iran too. Its free country and these should be done to keep it alive or to push Armenia more to give those land back. Now, the only country helps Armenia and open its border is Iran, without them, Armenia will be isolated.
Well look our missile man @The Deterrent has conformed that the news is rubbish as these are our strategic weapons after all and their sale cant be done. As these things are something the best of technology we are able to acquire/produce. Even Azeri sources r just quoting the same thing shared in the Original Post of this thread Azerbaijan interested in Pakistan’s long-range missiles they arent even quoting any Azeri official to conform it.

Also please try to understand from our POV as well u have got israel and turkey to take care of u and we dont have enough luxury over here. So their theft by israel to study them still to this day remains our concern. Azerbaijan with who is under tremendous influence of israel is particular concerning for us and if we r to sale something as big as our strategic weapons then this israel thing cant be ignored by us. As Israeli theft or unnecessary pressure on Azerbaijan of technology of these assets in Azerbaijan to study its mechanism cant be ignored as india is its largest arms buyer specially of its air defence systems.

As for trade we like the chinese policy who has disputes with all of its neighbors but still dont let it come b/w the trade which benefits both countries. Even i want Azerbaijan and Armenia to trade and i want Pakistan as well to trade more with Azerbaijan as well. By this our institutions will have relations b/w them like yr institutions have with israel and turkey this way the good will in the people of both countries can be put to some good and meaningful use and it can happen through business and trade. And which will eventually strengthen our bond.

And please dont make it a Muslim thingy......As having relations with Israel this much is also not a Muslim thing knowing that yr oil will be used in their tanks, aircrafts, ships and subs against same Muslims. So its not abt Muslim its different case.

But dont worry if a war broke out we will side with Azerbaijan.

Dude '****' is an offensive term to us !

Whereas choosing between China & Turkiye is concerned - Don't make us choose !

Thats liks asking Turkiye to choose between - Azerbaijan & Pakistan !

China has stood by us through thick & thin even when our so-called Muslim Brethren abandoned us - If China were ever attacked & volunteers were asked from Pakistan.....I'd join up without hesitation as would tens of thousands of Pakistanis because we remember Our Friends - Always !

Turkiye is Our Brother & I'd do the same for Turkiye !

So please - No talk of choosing one over the other !
This comparison thing reminds me of Husband-wife thingy. Where wife says to him u love me more or yr mother.:lol:

A man loves both of them and both have different important and valuable places in his life. But its just not fair to compare both loved ones.
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Well look our missile man @The Deterrent has conformed that the news is rubbish as these are our strategic weapons after all and their sale cant be done. As these things are something the best of technology we are able to acquire/produce. Even Azeri sources r just quoting the same thing shared in the Original Post of this thread Azerbaijan interested in Pakistan’s long-range missiles they arent even quoting any Azeri official to conform it.

Also please try to understand from our POV as well u have got israel and turkey to take care of u and we dont have enough luxury over here. So their theft by israel to study them still to this day remains our concern. Azerbaijan with who is under tremendous influence of israel is particular concerning for us and if we r to sale something as big as our strategic weapons then this israel thing cant be ignored by us.

As for trade we like the chinese policy who has disputes with all of its neighbors but still dont let it come b/w the trade which benefits both countries. Even i want Azerbaijan and Armenia to trade and i want Pakistan as well to trade more with Azerbaijan well. So Diplomatic relations and trade is justified. And i want our institutions to have relations with them like yr institutions have with israel and turkey this way the good will in the people of both countries can be put to some good and meaningful use and it can happen through business and trade.

And please dont make it a Muslim thingy......As having relations with Israel this much is also not a Muslim thing knowing that yr oil will be used in their tanks, aircrafts, ships and subs against same Muslims. So its not abt Muslim its different case.

But dont worry if a war broke out we will side with Azerbaijan.

This comparison thing reminds me of Husband-wife thingy. Where wife says to him u love me more or yr mother.:lol:

A man loves both of them and both have different important and valuable places in his life. But its just not fair to compare both loved ones.
We dont worry about anything and we dont beg for anybodies help. There is no war going to be between Azerbaijan and Russia, because eventually it will turn to World war 3 by Turkey joining in. We dont really care who is doing business with whom. your comments are soo childish.
We dont worry about anything and we dont beg for anybodies help. There is no war going to be between Azerbaijan and Russia, because eventually it will turn to World war 3 by Turkey joining in. We dont really care who is doing business with whom. your comments are soo childish.
read my post again with a cool head. i have added some things.
European Union has embargo on Azerbaijan. Even when turkey wanted to sell firtina, because of the German engine, they stoped the deal, only after 2 years Turkey finished it with another engine. This is the reality, we get attacked, loose 20% of our land and also get the ambargo!!! the reason is if we get strong, the peace in the region will not be because we want our land back. thats why i hate Europeans, thats why we all should get strong strong stronggg

Saab and some other companies are now allowed to sell weapons to Azerbaijan
one of the reasons Azerbaijan is buying spy satellites from France for ex.

read the comments of a member where account name is Azeri or something......
it was my last comment to you. dont just blame people or nation that you have never met. anyway, i hope we finish this deal so and look further projects.. good luck to you.

I hope we don't
I got nothing against Pakistans systems , but it will just create logistical problems
What Saudi is more concerned about are farsi mullahs.

Sir, I couldn't help but notice that you're trying to spread disinformation, I hope that is not an intentional attempt but as an Iranian I see it as my duty to clarify something for our international friends and I hope that you don't take an offence by me doing so.

First of all, policies that Islamic Republic is following today is anything but "Pan-Iranic" or "Farsist" as you put them, their policies are based on Islamic Unity (or at least they try to make it look that way), so you couldn't really use labels to hide what could be your separatist agenda;

Second, "Mullahs" come from all sorts of Iranian ethnic groups, Azerbaijanis themselves have played a crucial role in the Islamic Republic formation and they still do as of today, as a matter of fact in the following list you could find some of notable key players in Islamic Republic:

1- Ali Khamenei (Iran's supreme leader): I have seen in one of your posts that you claimed he is Mashhadi, however the truth is that he is an Azerbaijani;
2- Sadeq Khalkhali: I think you know him;
3- Mir-Hossein Mousavi: Current opposition leader;
4- Mehdi Bazargan: Iran's First Prime-Minister after the revolution;
5- Mohammad Kazem Shariatmadari;
6- etc.

So, please tell me, what is the single Pan-Iranic act that is carried by the current Iran's administration? If memory serves right, Sadeq Khalkhali nearly destroyed Persepolis if not for people of Marvdasht and Mr. Khomeni even suggested that Persian Gulf's name be changed to Islamic Gulf.

What is it about them that you find Pan-Iranic exactly?
I could understand if you're advocating separatism, but please don't try to make it look as if that's because of "Farsists".

Thank you
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Sir, I couldn't help but notice that you're trying to spread disinformation, I hope that is not an intentional attempt but as an Iranian I see it as my duty to clarify something for our international friends and I hope that you don't take an offence by me doing so.

First of all, policies that Islamic Republic is following today is anything but "Pan-Iranic" or "Farsist" as you put them, their policies is based on Islamic Unity (or at least they try to make it look that way), so you couldn't really use labels to hide what could be your separatist agenda;

Second, "Mullahs" come from all sorts of Iranian ethnic groups, Azerbaijanis themselves have played a crucial role in the Islamic Republic formation and they still do as of today, as a matter of fact in the following list you could find some of notable key players in Islamic Republic:

1- Ali Khamenei (Iran's supreme leader): I have seen in one of your posts that you claimed he is Mashhadi, however the truth is that he is an Azerbaijani;
2- Sadeq Khalkhali: I think you know him;
3- Mir-Hossein Mousavi: Current opposition leader;
4- Mehdi Bazargan: Iran's First Prime-Minister after the revolution;
5- Mohammad Kazem Shariatmadari;
6- etc.

So, please tell me, what is the single Pan-Iranic act that is carried by the current Iran's administration? If memory serves right, Sadeq Khalkhali nearly destroyed Persepolis if not for people of Marvdasht and Mr. Khomeni even suggested that Persian Gulf's name be changed to Islamic Gulf.

What is it about them that you find Pan-Iranic exactly?
I could understand if you're advocating separatism, but please don't try to make it look as if that's because of "Farsists".

Thank you

Please spare your farsi BS somewhere else. This thread should not be derailed. I don't care for your BS lies.
But, as a note for some of the repeated BS of your type, I would let others know that:

1) Khamenei is not Azerbaijani. He is originally from Kashmar, and Ashtian, and only his father has lived for a limited time in Azerbaijan. He has lived in Mashhad himself. He is actually 100% farsi. So, do not spread your BS lies. I personally consider it as an insult for Azerbaijanis that you are trying to connect him with us.
2)You should be a fucking blind moron if you don't see the pan-farsist policies of mullahs. Now tell me what is the official slogan of Iran team in world cup? Do Azeris, and turks, who are 1/3 of Iran population have the right to educate their children in their language? The list is very long.
3)Shariatmadari was captured and insulted by khomeini regime. Bazargan had not a better fate. Khamenei is not Azerbaijani. Mousavi is currently is in house detention.
BTW, your stupidity about destroying Persepolis in farsistan has not anything to do with us. Although, nothing serious would have happened even if it was destroyed, since most of it, is really a historical scam, and made up.
About separatism, I don't care about the integrity of mullahland. What I care about are prosperity and freedom of my people and nation, who are azerbaijani turks. If it was achieved by the mullahland, I would not have objection, but it is obviously not.
Please spare your farsi BS somewhere else. This thread should not be derailed. I don't care for your BS lies.
But, as a note for some of the repeated BS of your type, I would let others know that:

Which section of my answer did you find offensive? Where have I spoken of anything "Farsi"? I will not derail this thread, we could continue this in "Iranian Chill Thread". I will answer to all your points there.

Thank you ;)
Which section of my answer did you find offensive? Where have I spoken of anything "Farsi"? I will not derail this thread, we could continue this in "Iranian Chill Thread". I will answer to all your points there.

Thank you ;)
Then quote me in Cay Bahcesi thread.
Azerbaijan has held preliminary negotiations with Pakistan on purchase of missiles. Pakistan's Ministry of Defence Productions says that good relations with Azerbaijan allow Pakistan to sell advanced technologies to Azerbaijan, APA reports.

Pakistan has offered to sell Azerbaijan high-range missiles and other defence systems it may request. The source did not clarify what other systems they could be.

Read more: Azerbaijan might consider buying Pakistani missiles | Terminal X
@Aeronaut @Rashid Mahmood @Kaan @mafiya @tarrar @RazPaK @AUz

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