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BLA terrorists bomb Jinnah's Ziarat residency museum.

ahh, now they hit us emotionally.

Army did built it after 2008 earth quake, lets hope they bring it back and provide effective security.

and the government take fully care of each and everything associated to Jinnah.
I was really upset when I heard the news, but for some unknown reasons our media is silent. Then I came here and found some solace among my friends of PDF. I understand it was just a building, but it was a building related to my Quide. I pray that every Pakistani start showing the same love for Quide's country when people damage this country through corruption, nepotism, fraud, dishonesty, theft, militancy or any other way.

it was never just a building, it was our legacy of freedom struggle, it was our General's last residency, it was our Fieldmarshall's last resting place, it was our Leader's legacy.

anyhow, luckily the interior is pretty much saved, due to timely movement by FC.

hope Army sappers would restore it like they did in 2008.

and the fallen police officer in the line of duty, may Allah be pleased with him and grant him janat-ul-firdous. Amen
it was never just a building, it was our legacy of freedom struggle, it was our General's last residency, it was our Fieldmarshall's last resting place, it was our Leader's legacy.

anyhow, luckily the interior is pretty much saved, due to timely movement by FC.

hope Army sappers would restore it like they did in 2008.

and the fallen police officer in the line of duty, may Allah be pleased with him and grant him janat-ul-firdous. Amen

according to the reports the furniture has also been damaged
One day we must realize that Musharraf have done wonderful work ... He would has been crushed to those ba$ tards till date ............
In future we will recognize his as hero ... I hope .................
could be any one making sure things dont get better.
The reins of the rule are in the hand of ordinary Baluchistanis
and obviously this is not what they were hoping for.
All anyone needs is $$$ to finance and do their dirty work.
even i'm in shocked its not about worshiping some one. its about sentiments and respect you have for that person who sacrifice everything in founding our home.

Worshiping is wrong and to give respect to HIM shows our patriotism for Pakistan. even will cry after looking at his home burning.

PA we are with you. STFU this bloody CJ who is busy in taking suo moto everything except doing anything for National interest of pakistan.

Really my blood feel screwed when i read new a terrorist get released from court because of lack of evidence.

Time to WAKE UP PAKISTANIS.... are we doing right with our people who sacrificed there life in bomb blasts, target killing.

MAY ALLAH give our leaders courage and give wise to our blind Nation.

i really don't like that guy……
he seems to be a moron and this act by BLA or any terror org will hurt their reputation and publicity among nation and more people will be against them…
well about BLA it is a fitna that was created by Soviets 5star and red colour in BLA flag also points in that direction……
and now their funding sources r from Afghan and Iran borders……
really hate such orgs……:sick:
The Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) has claimed the attack on the Jinnah residency in Ziarat, Express News reported on Saturday.
Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar revealed that the residency had been attacked by five militants, who had removed the Pakistan flag and raised the BLA flag in its place.
A rocket attack had killed a policeman on Saturday and gutted an historic summer retreat used by Pakistan’s founder Muhammad Ali Jinnah in the resource-rich province of Balochistan, only days after a new government vowed to end a guerrilla war there.
Three rocket propelled grenades slammed into the heritage Quaid Azam Residency in the hill town of Ziarat in the early hours of the morning, district commissioner Nadeem Tahir said. A policeman died and the ensuing blaze tore through the two-story wooden building, damaging several other houses nearby.
“It seems that rockets have been fired from nearby mountains,’ a police official said.
The vast province bordering Iran and Afghanistan contains largely unexplored copper and gold deposits but has suffered a long-running armed independence movement, and what rights groups call a campaign of forced disappearances.
Balochistan supplies much of the natural gas feeding Pakistan’s lifeline textile industry in eastern Punjab province, and is home to a deepwater port at Gwadar.
Saturday’s attack was the first since a new chief minister of the province took office last week. He has urged security forces, who deny wrongdoing, to end rights abuses and support his hopes of kindling talks with the insurgents, who are seeking an independent homeland.
On the day chief minister Abdul Malik took oath, five bullet-riddled bodies were found in the province.
The discoveries were seen by many as a message that forces were intent on continuing what human rights groups have dubbed a systematic campaign of “kill-and-dump”.
Jinnah stayed in the Quaid Azam Residency as he tried to recover from a lung disease in 1948, a year after his successful campaign to separate Pakistan from India. He died in Karachi soon after. The building is a national heritage site.

BLA claims attack on Jinnah residency in Ziarat – The Express Tribune
If it BLA then it is time for ISI and MI to track down the exact terrorists behind this attack and then make them disappear along with the whole families. Disappear them in the way that they never ever existed on this planet earth.

They don't know what they have done this time and how they will pay for it. Sharafat ki zabaan in choohon ko samajh nahi aati.
Jinnah’s burnt Ziarat residency: A piece of Pakistan died today – The Express Tribune Blog

Jinnah’s burnt Ziarat residency: A piece of Pakistan died today

Smoke, dust, blood, fire and it is all gone; a piece of Pakistan is dead.

June 15, 2013 will be remembered forever. Today, the beautiful building that adorns our hundred rupee notes was burnt and destroyed by militants who flung hand grenades at Jinnah’s residency in Ziarat. All the historical photographs and furniture was destroyed. As always, the militants who committed this despicable act of senseless violence escaped unhurt.

Today, a wood and brick building came down, but along with it, our beloved Quaid-e-Azam’s memory too was tarnished.

A quick history check: Ziarat residency was constructed in 1892 with the idea of it becoming a sanatorium due to the presence of a Juniper forest in the area in which it was constructed. Later on it was converted into a summer residence of the Agent to the Governor General. But it being the building where Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah spent his last days is what it makes it truly historical.

Nations all around the world, preserve such places, securing them, guarding them from any calamity – manmade or natural. However, we failed to protect our revered founder’s second last earthly residence. Jinnah loved the peace and quiet of Ziarat, as Fatima Jinnah in her book My Brother informed us.


It was a majestic building, with so much history attached to it. Its walls were privy to the musings of the ailing leader who was concerned about the genocide that was occurring along the border; who was worried about the future of the newly created state; who was constantly pondering over who would replace him in the future and whether he would be able to keep the ship of Pakistan afloat. This, once majestic house saw many leaders arrive, begging for Jinnah’s guidance. Its walls saw Jinnah fighting bravely against tuberculosis, unwilling to give up. The house is now a pile of rubble, and Jinnah’s memory from it has been torched.


The very fact that the founder of the nation’s residence has now been burnt down to the ground- destroyed in a militant attack- speaks volumes about what we as a nation have come down to since 1948.

It is not just about the priceless archives, photos and Quaid’s furniture; it is not about the loss of a tourist hotspot in Ziarat. It’s about preserving the memories of a man who gave his all for our freedom. It is about the preserving the idea of Pakistan, where every ethnicity and religious group is free to live and practice its customs, because this has nothing to do with the business of the state.

Yet, when intolerance and tyranny seeps in, it destroys the ideals on which this state was founded upon.

When people are alienated with daily abductions and killings, then you force them down the path of separatism and this further leads down towards terrorism.

Burning down Ziarat residency was a symbolic act of terrorism – an act by militants to show the world that they don’t want Quaid’s Pakistan anymore. By burning down Ziarat residency terrorists have shown that the idea of being part of Quaid’s Pakistan is abhorrent to them.

The impact of this event is enormous. How many people will go missing? How many schools and pipelines will be blown up? How many innocent people will now be shot in the aftermath?

In a way, the burnt down hulk of Ziarat residency is a perfect metaphor for the state of Pakistan’s affairs.

Pakistan lies burnt to the ground with militancy, corruption and nepotism rife. Maybe in the future, Jinnah’s home in Ziarat might be restored, replicas of furniture installed and so on. It might even look exactly the same as it did before, but will we and our country be able to rise out of the ashes? That remains to be seen.

I hope our authorities will take appropriate steps to ensure the security of all places associated with Quaid-e-Azam. I think we owe him at least this much!

For now, Dear Quaid, I am sorry we couldn’t protect your legacy despite all that you gave us.

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