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Blasphemy Charged for Recieving Text Message


Nov 27, 2008
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Hector Aleem arrested under blasphemy

Rawalpindi: January 27, 2009. Pakistan Christian Post.

A Christian human rights activist named Hector Aleem resident of Islamabad, has been arrested suspiciously, in a Blasphemy case in Rawalpindi.
Hector is running an organization to promote peace in society named as Peace Worldwide. On 21st January 2009, about 50 policemen trespassed Hector’s house at midnight. They tortured Hector, his wife and daughters and looted money, gold ornaments and mobile sets etc. Police arrested Aleem and took him to the police station. Later his family came to know he is implicated in a Blasphemy case.

Mr. Sohail Johnson Chief Coordinator Sharing Life Ministry Pakistan & CLAAS team members named Mr. Joseph Francis National Director, Ms. Katharine Kramat and Ms. Roma reached the place and met with Hector’s family. They also met with investigation officer and some other authorities to support Hector in this tense situation.

According to the facts collected by Sharing Life Ministry Pakistan and CLAAS team members, a case has been registered vide First Information Report (FIR) No. 767, offence under section 295, 25-D Telegraph Act with police station R-A Bazar Rawalpindi. Case is registered on application submitted by member of Muslim organization Sunee-Tehreek.

According to the complainant, on November 28, 2008, he received a SMS (text message) with derogatory remarks against Prophet Mohammad on his mobile phone.


Blasphemy charges are an easy way to persecute and torment Christians in Pakistan.
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Where is proof for this>>They tortured Hector, his wife and daughters and looted money, gold ornaments and mobile sets etc oh...Oh wait Police called u later to share precious things lol. And try to use Peace be upon him on my Prophet as I use for ours Jesus (P.B.U.H)...
It's easy to say that the suspect was "Brutally tortured, robbed, harassed" etc. A very important ingredient to sell the story.

However, the "Graphic" Details of the story shouldn't be given any credibility for now until a proper investigation report comes forward through reliable sources.

Also, could you provide a source for the news?
I guess truthseeker got carried away with such news..he is always looking for such news in his all free spare time after depression in US without jobs....

I don't want to create mess but i have so many links & Videos of Christians who tortured Muslims literally physically as well as mentally with 100% proofs. But hey why should i post it i'm majority who cares about minority on this forum with few exceptions...Get proof get a life!!
Enough have been said by the worthy members! i'll just add, if Mr Hector has actually done the blasphemic act he needs to be rogered properly.

And Mr Truthseeker we in Pakistan impose death penalty i repeat death penalty for blasphemy (against the Holy Prophet(PBUH), the Holy Book and the related material and individuals)

And if it is proved the otherway around then the police and that guy from sunni-tehreek needs to be kicked in their groins!!
As far as the freedom and rights of minorities in Pakistan is concerned i can tell you many Christian names that have risen up in the Pakistani society. There are many Christians in the high ups of the Civil bureaucracy, in the military and in the civil sector. So if you think this single post can undo this fact then i would say that you'll not be successful!

This thing equally holds guud for Hindus and others. i have many non-Muslims friends and have never received a complain from their side ever!
Where is proof for this>>They tortured Hector, his wife and daughters and looted money, gold ornaments and mobile sets etc oh...Oh wait Police called u later to share precious things lol. And try to use Peace be upon him on my Prophet as I use for ours Jesus (P.B.U.H)...

You cannot and should not make other people use PBUH when mentioning Prophet Muhammad saw's name.

In fact, even if a muslim says it or not, it is his perogative, and his/her own action.

In a famous narration in Bukhari, some Jewish people of Madinah used to greet the Prophet with As Saamu Alaikum, a pun on the word salam, tham actually meaant Death be unto you. The prophet just replied wa alaikum, and his wife was shocked by his calm demeanour.
Our Police and Agencies don't have a good reputation, They are often accused of these type of things. Let Dust settle down, no body can hide the truth.
So if you think this single post can undo this fact then i would say that you'll not be successful!

You are being very defensive. "The lady doth protest too much, methinks." -- Shakespeare, Hamlet Act 3, scene 2, 222–230.

All I did was post an article from a Pakistani newspaper. I made no comment other than to remark that the blasphemy laws are "convenient" to harass and torment Christians. I have read of several cases in the past year in Pakistan where Muslim neighbors use accusations of "blasphemy" to extort things, like land or non-payment of a debt, from their Christian neighbors. I have posted a few other similar threads from the Pakistan Christian Post newspaper here. This one was not the first. Can't you see that it would be very hard for a Christian to defend himself from a charge of blasphemy? If some person sends you a blasphemous text message on your cell phone, how is that your fault and responsibility?
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Anything printed in a christian news source has abt 20% credibility as from personal experience, they add a lot of 'stuff that sells and gets more donations' to their 'stories'.

however, i of course DO NOT support state bothering minorities and think the blasphemy laws in pakistan are wrong.
Yeah i heard you need a statement of only 4 muslims to convict a guy of blasphemy charges. And also heard a christian statement at court have only have half the value of the same as muslims(Correct me if i am wrong). This gives easy hand for the people to misue the law. Many members here argue that nothing of this sort ever have happend in their country. I believe no country is full of angels. Here even in some dowry harrassment cases people are increasingly misusing the law, now people have started voicing their concern over it. I believe the blasphemy laws have to be modified to be more logical so that no misue of the same happens.
One more case in today's BBC;

توہین رسالت: چار احمدی گرفتار

پاکستانی پنجاب کے جنوبی شہر لیہ کی پولیس نے توہین رسالت کے الزام میں جماعت احمدیہ سے تعلق رکھنے والے چارلڑکوں کو گرفتار کرلیاہے۔
ان لڑکوں کی عمریں بارہ سے سولہ برس کے درمیان ہیں اور تمام سکول کے طالب علم ہیں۔

BBCUrdu.com | ??????? | ????? ?????: ??? ????? ??????
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Anything printed in a christian news source has abt 20% credibility as from personal experience, they add a lot of 'stuff that sells and gets more donations' to their 'stories'.

You don't know this about the Pakistan Christian Post (PCP). It is mostly gathering stories from other press sources about Christians in Pakistan and internal news about the Pakistani Christian community. On the story I posted (go to the link given above) it gives facts and affidavits of the people involved. Of course the affidavits may be lies, but, if so, that is not the fault of the PCP. The PCP is biased towards the Christian perspective on a given story but your "20% credibility" is way out of line. Check it out and see for yourself:

Pakistan Christian Post

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