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Blast at Varanasi- please be respectful

कृष्ण की पुकार हैं ये भागवत का सार हैं
की युद्ध ही तो वीर का प्रमाण हैं
कौरवों की भीड़ हो या पांडवों का नीड़ हो
जो लड़ सका हैं वो ही तो महान हैं

This line beautifully espouses the arguments put forth by Krishna while persuading Arjun to fight. All the arguments of Arjun regarding Wise men (pandit) considering victory and defeat as same thus making the war illogical are negated by these arguments of Krishna.

If Krishna had espoused this message to Duryodhan, perhaps, this is how he would have taken it. Matter of perspective. The Duryodhan's tamasic perspective are seen in final couplet of this poem-

जीत की हवस नहीं, किसीपे कोई वश नहीं
क्या ज़िन्दगी हैं ठोकरों पे मार दो..
मौत अंत हैं नहीं तो मौत से भी क्यों डरें
ये जाके आसमान में दहाड़ दो

Krishna wanted Arjun to invoke his tamasic side and indulge in gory war, instead of being in profound self doubt and waste the opportunity of establishing the reign of Dharma (righteousness) on earth. Arjun was sulking over probable death of the bodies of his cousins and teachers even before the war started. It was as if, he gave up before he even started, assuming that he will win the war.

The dream that he saw of establishing the rightful empire of Pandavas was beautiful as long as it was dream. When time came to convert that dream into reality, profound self-doubt clouded the wisdom of this mighty warrior. He took his own victory over numerically and technologically superior foe, for granted. And procastrinated the grief he will experience in future when he kills his kin.

Krishna said in context with the war in which the kins warring were brothers not some 18 month old kids with guns zapping.

Alas there are some nutcases who call themselves indians who may happen to be our brothers and sisters and we wont spare a moment to behead them for the rule of dharma.

Rightly said so hope you wont sulk over when these India based IM are sent to hell to rot under the rightful.
Don't go after her she is a flag faker, u are already in a agitated condition. She will inflame u and get u banned, heed my advice.Leave it here.

I can very well handle her. Not short of nutcases in my real life also. :lol:

Bring her on. :pop:
I can very well handle her. Not short of nutcases in my real life also. :lol:

Bring her on. :pop:

you will only get this topic shut down. can you take it to another topic please if you can't refrain from taking that kids bait every time?
you will only get this topic shut down. can you take it to another topic please if you can't refrain from taking that kids bait every time?

Can you please feel free to tell me where have i been offtopic. i just replied to the rants of AJTR where she was trying to justify the blasts. And listen this is pathetic to call the death of a innocent child as "bait"
IM email......


An open question to moderators....


Do not provide any more coverage to these Ba****ds. They are already getting more than fair amount of airtime.

P.S. I'll remove the quoted post ASA the original post is taken care of!
ganimi kawa said:
An open question to moderators....


I've already reported the post, don't know why the user isn't banned (yet) :confused:
I've already reported the post, don't know why the user isn't banned (yet) :confused:

we as Indians have a higher standard required of us to follow the rules here- and it's really their forums - so take it with a grain of salt and just ignore these flamers by avoiding directly quoting them / replying to them. Else they will only continue to taunt.

Other alternative is to start ab Indian hosted message board ( lord knows there are plenty of Indians registered here). Till then you are a guest here and quite frankly the admins here do give Indians some latitude.
Forget the terrorists, the first people we should hang is the man in charge of RAW and the police commissioner of UP. Negligent, incompetent bastards.
Forget the terrorists, the first people we should hang is the man in charge of RAW and the police commissioner of UP. Negligent, incompetent bastards.

i dont think so because "security agencies have to succed all the time and terrorist just need to succeed just one time. we dont even know how many such incidents they foiled. India was a hotbed of attacks but situations have changed in recent times and the credit goes to security agencies only.
great mujahideens took revenge by killing a baby. congratz mujajids
great mujahideens took revenge by killing a baby. congratz mujajids

Namardon ki fauj kar hi kya sakti hai. Namak-haram doosron ke fainke paise pe pal rahe hain aur paise ke liye kal apne ghar ke bachon ko bhi nahin bakshenge.

The people who are behind this should be beheaded like they would have been in Saudi. Lets give them the taste of their own law.
if this blast was done to break our resolve against terrorism. they have failed.
if this blast was done to weaken our nation. they have failed.
if this blast was done to incite hindu-muslim violence. they have failed.

घोर अंधकार हो,
चल रही बयार हो,
आज द्वार-द्वार पर यह दिया बुझे नहीं
यह निशीथ का दिया ला रहा विहान है।
शक्ति का दिया हुआ,
शक्ति को दिया हुआ,
भक्ति से दिया हुआ,
यह स्वतंत्रता-दिया,
रुक रही न नाव हो
ज़ोर का बहाव हो,
आज गंग-धार पर यह दिया बुझे नहीं,
यह स्वदेश का दिया प्राण के समान है।

यह अतीत कल्पना,
यह विनीत प्रार्थना,
यह पुनीत भावना,
यह अनंत साधना,
शांति हो, अशांति हो,
युद्ध, संधि, क्रांति हो,
तीर पर, कछार पर, यह दिया बुझे नहीं,
देश पर, समाज पर, ज्योति का वितान है।

तीन-चार फूल है,
आस-पास धूल है,
बाँस है -बबूल है,
घास के दुकूल है,
वायु भी हिलोर दे,
फूँक दे, चकोर दे,
कब्र पर मज़ार पर, यह दिया बुझे नहीं,
यह किसी शहीद का पुण्य-प्राण दान है।

झूम-झूम बदलियाँ
चूम-चूम बिजलियाँ
आँधियाँ उठा रहीं
हलचलें मचा रहीं
लड़ रहा स्वदेश हो,
यातना विशेष हो,
क्षुद्र जीत-हार पर, यह दिया बुझे नहीं,
यह स्वतंत्र भावना का स्वतंत्र गान है।

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