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BREAKING: PAF base Mianwali under attack, suicide bombers and heavy weapons in use

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TTP and its backer India.

No man,,


Afghans have been bigger enemies then Hindus have

We thought these people were Muslims, so we let them in, they are animals

We need to get the afghanis out to protect our own country, we cannot have any mercy or waste any more time
As this is strictly airforce/Army etc security matter I will leave it to professionals to sort it out

As civilian I hope elections are held on time so competent Men can help army and air force

Give them budget to sort out the short comings
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Instead it's a good thing to loose a 200m$ plan

There can only be one reason for that

The base officiall don't want security cam because they don't want record of whom is going in and out

Otherwise I refuse to believe that they don't know these things exist (cameras and security equipment)
NZ and SA are really unlucky teams. This shit happens them most. It was still 200 runs left to score so few wicket could change game. Oh well who knows sign for Pakistan to win world cup.
Dude , maybe I'm just a noob in this business but please enlighten me, since all the attackers have been neutralised and I guess that includes the one recording the attack....so how or where did the handlers or source got the footage from ....Unless it's something pre-recorded. !!

Bro, they just recorded the video and whatsapp'd it. No rocket science.

Do you think video is fake? If they had to make a fake video, they would have done in more light. The fire coming out is from the HAS (aircraft shelters). As I showed in previous images they didn't had to destroy the HAS to access aircraft. Either door already were opened Or they opened themselves. Plus video clearly shows F-7PGs being light up at the ramp (in the cover).

Secondly, the way they were shooting the videos - Like they had all the time in the world to destroy aircrafts and do recordings with their utter nonsense commentary. It really seemed they got enough time to do the enough damage.

What's done is done. Penetrating the base itself is huge incompetency. We really have to accept our mistakes. We should understand, we will NEVER succeed with ISPR kind of mentality. What's more frustating than the attack itself was the statement by ISPR. Saying We Foiled the attack. Is this foiling the attack? This mindset and this approach has sucked for last 70 years. High time to accept such huge failures like this one and learn from them

I am not saying that killing 7 terrorists is any kind of achievement. I am also not defending incompetency of military leadership. They are incompetent. You and me both know that

I only seriously doubt your or terrorists claim that dozens were destroyed

Its not my claim, I saw the video and saw enough destruction. You yourself said, you saw some fire coming out of some place. Well those are the HAS (hardened aircraft shelters) Where active aircrafts were stationed. Door is half opened as it usually is even in normal times. They just fired RPG or just threw the drone in each one of those. Plus clearly you can see from the video aircrafts being destroyed in the ramp. All those were active fighter aircrafts.

Time to learn from mistakes. We didn't learned after Kamra and Mehran attacks. Its high time people should be questioned from top to bottom, incompetent ones need to be fired, criminal negligence should be punished and new and effective security mechanism needs to be put in place. Above all the intel agency which is supposed to be all ears and eyes and inform beforehand needs to be introspected. ISI takes more budget than navy, its bugdget is nearly the same as air force, what exactly its doing ? Attacks are only increasing. This is troubling.
It's because they are afghans

We have a problem with millions of these Afghans in the country

Unless you get them out Pakistan will never have peace we need to get rid of the afghanis QUICKLY

Not give them years to piss about

Ok but why Pakistanis always find someone to point fingers at. First it was MQM, Sindhis and now Afghans, at first Pakistan was pointing fingers at previous afghan government and RAW but now its Pakistan ally Taliban in power so now pointing fingers at all afghans. If you kick out 100% of Afghans, this problem will still be here, people will then point fingers at Pathans and Balochis. The bigger question is these Afghans have been here for 40 years, why didn't our government provide them with education, Influenced them. Instead our government has been busy in corruption and didn't give a ####. India and others are working hard to win them over whilst Pakistan is standing there with its pants down. Do you ever wonder how Afghans are treated in Pakistan, how they are bullied and looked down upon. Our people are jealous because Afghans made millions in Pakistan, they worked hard, they have their own culture and way of life whilst we follow bollywood culture. I met many Afghans and witnessed many things, racism and discrimination is high in Pakistan. I also met a few Afghans who told me hate for the army and local people, I showed them respect and even invited them over to my brothers wedding. They were good people who were just being bullied by local chawal mangis.

We need to look deep inside ourselves and then make policies to reflect that, which will not happen because we have dacoits who are ruling us with our own votes
Let me correct the statement by our Authorities

0- Pre-emptive Foiled Attack
Intelligence managed to act first and nab the intruders in their planning stage
Intelligence managed to find the network by tracing their calls or other digital imprints

1- Foiled Attack:
When you stop the intruders outside your Airforce parameter with successful defensive

2- Semi Foiled Attack:
When intruders manage to get in , but are killed immediately after entry
You still know your failed to some degree to stop intruders entering secure area

3- Fail
Intruders made video
Intruders uploaded the video out to world
Intruders killed people inside base
Intruders destroyed F-7 planes
Base security was unable to stop the intruders inside the base

Expected statement should be

"The Local Officer who failed to setup a proper security mechanism at Air base will face court Marshal"
  • ISI head faces court Marshal
  • Air Base Senior Officer faces court Marshal
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