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British chancellor Rishi Sunak on his last legs?

Too many politicians, journalist and intellectuals believe in popular policy should boost politicians political popularity.

They just think on people protesting on the street, while forgetting the silent majority.

Dont underestimate general public comprehension on economic policy, majority of them does understand the need to stay prudent in economy and the necessity to do some unpopular policy in order to save the economy and has lasting economic growth in long run.

Take example of what happening in Indonesia. Jokowi approval rating before the hike of fuel price around 30 % is around 68 percent. He raised fuel price around 30 % ( despite Indonesia state budget is basically still able to withstand higher subsidy ) in September 1, and then his approval rating going down into just 60 %, but just less than a month, still in September, regardless of labor and student protest his approval rating go up again at 68 %

In May 2022 his approval rating is just 58 % despite his assurance that fuel subsidy (and other subsidy like electricity, etc) remain intact


About a week after raising 30 % fuel price, his approval rating is down to 60 %


After about 3 weeks, his approval rating increase again into 68 %

Cutting subsidies is one thing, cutting pensions and NHS that the retirees had paid into all their working lives is another thing.
That's still 54% of a small amount of people. You might like a banana republic we don't.
Truss got less than 30% of the vote of MP's. No one can run a govt when ONLY 30% OF YOUR OWN MP's, whose support you absolutely need, to pass legislation. Especially when your opponent (Rishi) got MORE votes of confidence from the MP's than you. 54% is a majority by the way.
Truss got less than 30% of the vote of MP's. No one can run a govt when ONLY 30% OF YOUR OWN MP's, whose support you absolutely need, to pass legislation. Especially when your opponent (Rishi) got MORE votes of confidence from the MP's than you. 54% is a majority by the way.

Yes it was bad with Truss but at least she went to the membership, who did this one go to?

He has nearly half the party hate him, good luck passing laws and budgets etc.
I tell you people what will happen.

Pakistanis will get jealous of Indians and the hatred will increase for failing to compete in every field.

This will prompt Pakistani Mr.X and Mr. Y from establishment to poke India once again and this will be the last time Pakistan will be called as Pakistan.

India will unleash it's full economic power on Pakistan and there will be chaos and that will be the movement Pakistanis will realize who will no more remain Pakistanis what mistake they have done.

I am fed up of the blanket and iron curtain which Pakistani establishment has put on the eyes of Pakistanis. These people have kept all of us jaahils roaming on the streets eating malpua and naan.

India has technologically and economically and military achieved the status of semi super power. They are now at that level that they can even counter Pakistan's nuclear status.

Yes it was bad with Truss but at least she went to the membership, who did this one go to?

He has nearly half the party hate him, good luck passing laws and budgets etc.

For 200 years the Tories NEVER asked for the opinion of party members and yet the party is and became the most successful political party in the history of world.
UK is a parliamentary democracy it is not a presidency. We do choose Presidents we choose the political manifesto of the party of choice.
The leader of a party in Parliament can and was chosen by his peers as it is the confidence of his peers that allows the leader to lead the legislation.

Conservatives ONLY VERY RECENTLY changed rules to allow party members to vote.

See where it got them.

Labour members elected Corbyn see where that led my party
For 200 years the Tories NEVER asked for the opinion of party members and yet the party is and became the most successful political party in the history of world.
UK is a parliamentary democracy it is not a presidency. We do choose Presidents we choose the political manifesto of the party of choice.
The leader of a party in Parliament can and was chosen by his peers as it is the confidence of his peers that allows the leader to lead the legislation.

Conservatives ONLY VERY RECENTLY changed rules to allow party members to vote.

See where it got them.

Labour members elected Corbyn see where that led my party
Democracy is the government of the people, by the people, for the people.
This isn't happening here. The conservatives won the election with a manifesto which has already changed and Rishi hasn't promised to keep.
That is enough to call an election.
Democracy is the government of the people, by the people, for the people.
This isn't happening here. The conservatives won the election with a manifesto which has already changed and Rishi hasn't promised to keep.
That is enough to call an election.
Members choose their candidate to fight the election in their constituency from whomsoever wants to stand. In a parliamentary democracy this person will use his/her best judgement to choose a the best amongst them to lead them in Parliament.
Because they are best placed to judge their compatriots who they deal and interact with daily to best lead them.
As I said voting for the leader of a party by party members is a RECENT innovation.
The MOST SUCCESFUL PARTY on earth for 200 years never asked party members to elect the party leader.

If you are that keen on party members choosing party leader and call it democracy why stop there , why not let members write the laws like deport all brown people and vote on it. Let every law be written by party members and voted on by party members

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