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Car Buying Advice

If it was upto me i would buy you a volvo - but i doubt you will pray for me rather you actually will hate me because chicks don't even look at volvos , as soon as they see the volvo badge the "stereotypical image" of "Baba jee with volvo" kicks in. :lol:

Girls love Audis , hate beamers and Mercedes when driven by boys. On average guys who own an R-34GTR Nissan skyline or any Holden based muscle cars ie HSV R8 GTS pick more skirts than anyone else. -- so buy a HSV if youre a skirt chaser :D

We don't use HSVs on the civilized side of the pond (US) :P
from 2007 the audi a4 convertable had a refurb with better interiors and more up to date looks ,it is a good car for sure :tup:
E39 ///M5


buddy and I went to autocross event since we're kinda into that kinda shyte....he has the E39 (2001 model) M5; suffice to say, I had my fair share of fun. It's quick, it's fun, it handles like a dream, excellent throttle response, excellent steering feedback; you can fit groceries and kids in it easily; its comfortable; it's one of the best all-rounders out there in my humble view

did i mention it handles like a dream and is fun :D:D:D




hell -- if i wasnt paying for school, rent, various other bills and my existing car i'd dish out 15-20 grand and get one myself!! ;)
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