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China has U.S. anti-missile tech

Something to ponder about mid course missles, the US mid course has somewhere around a 50% falure rate, this is against conventional missles. What happens when you try to shoot down a Topol-M? A missle that employs counter measures, evassive manuvers and has a speed of 10,800 mph (17,400 km/h).

The mid course missile defence is highly reliable and I agree with you. Also, its not designed to shoot down Russian ICBMs.
russia has always been china's best friend and intimate ally, so let's forget about who has the better techs. united, we will able to defeat our enemy; otherwise, we will definitely be used and be defeated respectively.
russia has always been china's best friend and intimate ally, so let's forget about who has the better techs. united, we will able to defeat our enemy; otherwise, we will definitely be used and be defeated respectively.

can I ask what are you smoking?

Russia is China's biggest enemy, which is even more dangerous than india in a long term.
I think the Soviets teach different kind of history than the rest of the world. Everyone else teach that Kennedy stood firm and Kruschev blinked. Maybe you could be right but that would be an under the table deal. But officially, Russians withdraw and US pulled the missiles out of Turkey could be the same or totally different deal. But unless the info is declassified, no such deal happened.

Bingo, it was declasified.

In a separate deal, which remained secret for over twenty-five years, the U.S. also agreed to remove its nuclear missiles from Turkey.

Cuban Missile Crisis - John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum

can I ask what are you smoking?

Russia is China's biggest enemy, which is even more dangerous than india in a long term.

Didn't the two nations sign a 30 year pact? And doesn't Russia sell and share technology with China?
can I ask what are you smoking?

Russia is China's biggest enemy, which is even more dangerous than india in a long term.

Russia is an enemy, India is an enemy, Japan, korea too right? and the list could be add on and on to include every countries with which chian has dispute. so may i ask one simple question: how many enemies do you want?

for the "long term" you mentioned, how long is that and why these two countries will be our enemy?
Russia? is she going to invade us in any form? not probably!
India? except the boder issue which will eventually be solved peacefully, there will be no major conflict laying ahead.

one more thing:
although we are strong enough to protect our soil now, but let me remind you something: we are actually fighting a war now. our cultural and economic territory is under seige. first of all, they instilled something like democracy, globalization, free trade etc is good. so that they could manipulate your countrymen's mind more easily. when you are assimilated culturally then comes with the econimic assimilation. finally, through something what they called reform or even a revolution, they harvest everything. remember what happen to Japan in the 80s and Russia in the 90s, do you really want the history to replicate itself again, on china then India, Brazil ...
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Something to ponder about mid course missles, the US mid course has somewhere around a 50% falure rate, this is against conventional missles.
Care to show who got better?

What happens when you try to shoot down a Topol-M? A missle that employs counter measures, evassive manuvers and has a speed of 10,800 mph (17,400 km/h).
Too vague to be any credible.
one more thing:
although we are strong enough to protect our soil now, but let me remind you something: we are actually fighting a war now. our cultural and economic territory is under seige. first of all, they instilled something like democracy, globalization, free trade etc is good. so that they could manipulate your countrymen's mind more easily. when you are assimilated culturally then comes with the econimic assimilation. finally, through something what they called reform or even a revolution, they harvest everything. remember what happen to Japan in the 80s and Russia in the 90s, do you really want the history to replicate itself again, on china then India, Brazil ...
Actually...You got it backward.

Before anyone thinks about assimilating any elements from other cultures, he thinks about how he could better his and his family's lot in life. That means while we cannot control your taste, we can influence your thinking by showing you how you could better yourself ECONOMICALLY. Once you see how our system provides a better avenue for you to improve your life, truth is, we do not care if you accept Hollywood and its garbage or not. And once THAT is evident...We won.

That was how we beat the Soviet Union.
Actually...You got it backward.

Before anyone thinks about assimilating any elements from other cultures, he thinks about how he could better his and his family's lot in life. That means while we cannot control your taste, we can influence your thinking by showing you how you could better yourself ECONOMICALLY. Once you see how our system provides a better avenue for you to improve your life, truth is, we do not care if you accept Hollywood and its garbage or not. And once THAT is evident...We won.

That was how we beat the Soviet Union.

are you sure? or can you tell economic activities and economic system apart?

let me give you a exapmle:
if you want to take over Bank Of China(BOC) what are you going to do?
1) BOC is a state own company, so unless you managed to transform it into a private one this is mission impossible.
2) to achieve prerequisite 1, you need to change socialism china into a capitalism one.
3) to achieve prerequisite 2, you need to turn centralization into democracy.
4) to achieve prerequisite 3, you need to make the chinese people to believe that individual human right is much more important than their motherland's interest
5) to achieve prerequisite 4, you need to assimilate their culture by sending priests or hollywood movies or showing off your economic achievement.

actually, that is exactly what they did to USSR in the 90s and russians did got "rewards" during step 5 to 2. but when step 1 was finished, we all known what had happened.
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China has the best anti missible defence system in the world. It is not disclosed to the world for strategic reasons. No country can attach china with missiles. Missiles will be shot down within 1000 kms of chinese border. China can shoot down enemy aircraft within 100 kms also. World does not know our secret yet. All military advances are lept secret. Then we will one day decalre oursleves as super power. countries like pakistan which are sub servient to us will be rewarded and countries like india will be punished.

Have you just gotten away from the madhouse?:coffee:
can I ask what are you smoking?

Russia is China's biggest enemy, which is even more dangerous than india in a long term.

no, i'm pretty sure Russia is a strategic partner while the US is the most dangerous of all.

guest is also very true. people don't think "how do i better my economic lot in life" and then link that up with "hey maybe i should start loving USA and hating my own country, americans might give me a few dollars".

soviets know the pain, and chinese people learned from the soviet experience. the "democracy" and wheelie traitors in the US that scream about china, are completely ignored. back in the 80's, lots of chinese ppl loved american culture, and with it, american politics. now, who is going to be fooled by US propaganda? in the 80's it used to be fashionable to wear plain blue jeans and a t-shirt like a typical american, now it's looked down upon. if chinese people look to foreign countries, they look to europe and japan, much more than the US. we have to thank the US bombings of our embassy, the illegal intrusions into chinese coastlines, support of taiwan independence, containing china in international arenas and CIA backed traitors for this awakening.

otherwise we might end up like iran or india.
Was that suppost to be an isult? Are you trying to say the Soviets got scared and left? Let me take you to school, the Soviet Union withdrew its missles from Cuba under the condition the US remove it's missles from Turkey and Italy.

Actually the Soviets did get scared off. The deal was that missiles in Europe were to be dismantled slowly, over many years, without a formal plan actually put in place. The Soviets knew this, and they decided not to lose Russia in the event of a nuclear confrontation with the US, hence it pulled out. And that was the guts of the 1962 Cuba Missile Crisis.
DH-10 / CH-10
Could you tell me what is CH-10? We has nothing with it.

As for DH-10,it is nothing with Russia. Even someone want barking,he must be an american.

i don't wish some russians regard their country's leader as idiocy.
It's strange to consider Russia as our enemy while we are facing a number of obvious threats. China and Russia need ezch other for a more equal and multipolar world. It's exactly why SCO was built. IMHO China does not have an true enemy of traditional sense. But we do have to deal with threats such as US as well as disturbing elements such as India.
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