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China Says US 'Pacific Pivot' Destabilizes Region

Use them, we will make sure your population will drop from 1.3 billions to zero.

Sounds like you dont have any friends and relatives living in China!

We are more generous. How about we have the mercy of keeping 1.5 (3 x 0.5) enemies in usa alive for another 2 years and spare all the lives of our friends?
Wow flame war dont worry sir J does nukes can't fly its poorly copied and plus if they lunch it they be killing themselves with it
Really can't tell a joke from a real post please be more i don't know smart?
Really no you quoting one of the Philippines top defense forums please can't you work by your own will?
I am working at my own will. Anyway, please, continue ranting
oh please tell me then what's new? did say we are giving up? maybe its fake forum design by you chi#ko Imperials
No, it was made by over nationalistic countrymen like you.
Nothing can escape the gravity pull.

China is the largest mass in the Far East Region - no nation can ignore its influence, not even the big ole USA.

The pivot is futile.
Wow flame war dont worry sir J does nukes can't fly its poorly copied and plus if they lunch it they be killing themselves with it

Now, this is a good joke
Chinese Nuke will hit their own soil when they launch because they are using Intel Computer Processor LOL


Now this is a good joke :)

Seriously, I never even afraid of a Nuclear Armageddon, we all prepared for this,, bear in mind apocalyptic survival business growth 20 millions last year alone. We have the most Bomb Shelter vs House ratio in the US. When they strike, we will simply just go underground. And don't forget the US helped the Japanese to clean out the fall out after we bomb them twice, we are ready. But how about the Chinese.........When our missile hit, most of them will be above ground and well, got blown to smithereens.........

I'll say, let the nuke loose :)
Well we don't have the kind of money to build things like that but still am glade to know some relatives of mine will survive a nuke war but i know that will never happen but just in case as on of my favorite king in the lord of the rings said: "we my make it such an end that it would be as will be worthy of song" God i love the king of Rohan.

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