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China swimmer Ye Shiwen 'clean', says British Olympic Association

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No, it doesn't take two hands to clap in threads about Chinese Olympic Athletes. These are our threads.

If Indians want to flame, instead of discussing the topic, then it's entirely on their shoulders.

(And look, your fellow Indian timetravel is even thanking you for your stalwart defence of the Indian members here.)
Fair enough, if you are saying Chinese never flame India related thread, well then I have no words to say anymore. You know the trend of this forum and the posts on the threads but if you have made up your mind to overlook, there is nothing left to say.

Carry on.
actually they are pakistand defense forum threads.. not yours

secondly... krait is right.. you attack ANYONE who is not chinese.. your like a gang of flies.. serial pests... you all come in the hundreds together and talk racist mumbo jumbo crap... thats what you are.. flies...

your guilt is alot more then anyone elses on here.. you whinge when anyone denounced china.. yet your the first to denounce anyone non chinese... your first to dish out abuse and insults...

and look.. im australian.. im not indian, im not pakistani.. im not asian.. i do not even have any genetics of those races at all... so before you jump to conclusions gets your facts straight... first fact is.. i am not timetravel, or any other member on here... and second fact is, china cheats to win at the olympics

go back to india :cheesy:
and look.. im australian.. im not indian, im not pakistani.. im not asian.. i do not even have any genetics of those races at all... so before you jump to conclusions gets your facts straight... first fact is.. i am not timetravel, or any other member on here... and second fact is, china cheats to win at the olympics

Yeah right. :lol: Australians have English as their first language. Whereas English was my third language.

So why do you write English like you only learned it two years ago? How can a Chinese person such as myself (with English as my third language) have better English, than an Australian with English as their first language?

Sell that BS to someone else, timetravel.
krait they are also guilty of the very thing they accuse others of

they make dual or triple accounts, under different flags to try give themself creedance lol.. and they blame everyone else for doing that lol

as far as i can see, the chinese are the one who do it, and it happens not so often with anyone else

i am sitting here laughing at them accusing me of being indian, asian, pakistani, whateva and saying i have other accounts lol

because the fact is, im not any of the above.. and i only have one account and the admins can check and verify it too
krait they are also guilty of the very thing they accuse others of

they make dual or triple accounts, under different flags to try give themself creedance lol.. and they blame everyone else for doing that lol

as far as i can see, the chinese are the one who do it, and it happens not so often with anyone else

i am sitting here laughing at them accusing me of being indian, asian, pakistani, whateva and saying i have other accounts lol

because the fact is, im not any of the above.. and i only have one account and the admins can check and verify it too

Look KRAIT, your fellow Indian is asking you for "creedance". :cheesy:
Yeah right. :lol: Australians have English as their first language. Whereas English was my third language.

So why do you write English like you only learned it two years ago? How can a Chinese person such as myself (with English as my third language) have better English, than an Australian with English as their first language?

Sell that BS to someone else, timetravel.

lets see.. because i CBF writing with proper grammar and i rather spell quicker then take more time repling in proper form to a lame-arse like you lol... and your english is nothing compared to mine lol i am a native english speaker, but this is the internetz , not an essay
Look KRAIT, your fellow Indian is asking you for "creedance". :cheesy:
I won't comment :no: You didn't agree to me :cry: and you didn't provide any proof that he is an Indian.:enjoy:

Spare me from this fight...:D

I don't want to get any infraction, I am trying to be a good boy. :angel:

Meet you in some other thread....:D
go back to india :cheesy:

These guys are such sore losers because they can't win any medals.

When they get banned for flaming threads on Chinese Olympic Athletes, they come back with their other accounts and continue flaming where they left off.

This is their mindset, and why they can't win anything.
Yeah right. :lol: Australians have English as their first language. Whereas English was my third language.

So why do you write English like you only learned it two years ago? How can a Chinese person such as myself (with English as my third language) have better English, than an Australian with English as their first language?

Sell that BS to someone else, timetravel.

It's called Slang , and he can write it because he's a native English speaker , unlike yourself. At least prove your high IQ once in a while instead of writing such bullshit. Complain to the mods if you think he has a fake account , and that should prove everything. Also , since you spend a lot of time trolling on the forum and seem to be jobless, why don't you check his post history , you would see some pretty messed up comments about India and Indians.
It's called Slang , and he can write it because he's a native English speaker , unlike yourself. At least prove your high IQ once in a while instead of writing such bullshit. Complain to the mods if you think he has a fake account , and that should prove everything. Also , since you spend a lot of time trolling on the forum and seem to be jobless, why don't you check his post history , you would see some pretty messed up comments about India and Indians.

How are the Gold medals coming sarthak? :lol:
how can a non white be better than white!!
This is just stupid.

The Tour de France is the Olympics of cycling, and you think Lance Armstrong is immune from charges of illegal performance enhancement? It is precisely because Armstrong had cancer -- CANCER -- that people believe that he MUST have used illegal performance enhancement drugs.

Get a clue. Doping is a worldwide problem for athletes, professional and amateur. It does not help if the program is state sponsored like how the communist bloc did it. China is not innocent of this...

Chinese doctor reveals state-sponsored doping - Yahoo! Sports
Chinese Olympians were subjected to a state-sponsored doping regime in the 1980s and 1990s, a retired chief medical supervisor revealed to Australian media on Friday.

Xue Yinxian, the former chief doctor for the Chinese gymnastics team in the 1980s, said steroids and human growth hormones were officially treated as part of "scientific training" as the country emerged as a sporting power.

"It was rampant in the 1980s," she told the Sydney Morning Herald. "One had to accept it."

Xue said athletes often did not know what they were being injected with and medical staff who refused to participate were marginalised.

The newspaper said it was the first time anyone in the system had publicly contradicted Beijing's line that a host of embarrassing doping busts in the 1990s was the result of ambitious individual athletes and coaches.

Beijing has insisted it has cleaned up its act since the 1994 world swimming championships when China performed beyond expectations to win 12 gold medals amid widespread suspicions of doping.

Later that year seven swimmers tested positive for steroids at the Hiroshima Asian Games, which left the squad so decimated that it won only one swimming gold at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics.
Why would Beijing insisted that China had 'cleaned up' since then? What does 'cleaned up' mean? What was being 'cleaned up'? Dirty laundry, perhaps?

how can a non white be better than white!!
How about the Williams sisters in tennis? Their skin color ain't exactly white. And to think you were 'Thanked' for that 'useful' post? No wonder that feature is next to worthless.
How are the Gold medals coming sarthak? :lol:

LOL , it's a sport , I honestly don't give a damn whether India wins a single gold or not. I am happy as long as India performs well in cricket , tennis ,golf because these sports appeal to me. Also , I want India to get better at sports such as Rugby and Football , because I feel they are a million times better than gay sports such as gymnastics , where flexible guys show their dancing and balancing skills to the world :rofl: Anyway ,good luck to china , because you guys seem to be obsessed with winning. You guys indeed are a unique race. The way you guys are acting , it seems you crave medals more than sex , alcohol , weed and things that normal human kids desire. Go ask an average kid from India , or even US , Australia etc , they will tell you how many *****s they give about winning medals at Olympics. But anyway , good luck to China. I sincerely hope you win at least 50% of the gold medals in Olympics.
It's called Slang , and he can write it because he's a native English speaker , unlike yourself. At least prove your high IQ once in a while instead of writing such bullshit. Complain to the mods if you think he has a fake account , and that should prove everything. Also , since you spend a lot of time trolling on the forum and seem to be jobless, why don't you check his post history , you would see some pretty messed up comments about India and Indians.

exactly!!! ... and yes i have wrote messed up things about indians.. i have written messed up things about germans, and americans.. even australians... i tell it how i see it... other times i might even argue the case for the underdog.. i have previously argued the case on syria in favor of the FSA and against the FSA.. etc.

this does not make me racist, does not make me indian, does not make me vietnamese, or chinese or anything else... it just makes it obvious i am telling things how i see them and i am clearly unbiased because i have argued the case for and against all sides :)

the chinese are like flies... at least most of the indians in this forum have an objective outlook on things and can actually have a debate with some thoughtful, knowledgeable submissions to this forum. the chinese here just create other ID under different flags, pretend they are american when clearly they are committed to china only, i have met very few chinese here who debate properly, the chinese just gang up like flies, let loose the insults and accusations, pick on spelling and slang and think you win a debate. but of course it is obvious to everyone else the chinese are uneducated rabble who's only defense or offense is to say, ohh you cant even speak english, ohh your indian, ohh we can nuke u
lets see.. because i CBF writing with proper grammar and i rather spell quicker then take more time repling in proper form to a lame-arse like you lol... and your english is nothing compared to mine lol i am a native english speaker, but this is the internetz , not an essay

The smell of curry is rather strong with this one !!!
Every sentence you write further confirms it. :lol:

The Indian Australians on this forum are pro-Indian which is understandable, but the actual Australians in real life seem to enjoy attacking Indians and beating them to death on a regular basis.

show me one case where an australian has beaten an indian to death?? just 1... you cant.. has not happened once again you have shown your stupidity by talking out your ****, as per usual.

and as the other guy pointed out.. i have often on this forum gave a lot of crap to the indians here so there goes your silly theory based on absolute nothingness.. but i get it, your scared of indians obviously, so much is your paranoiya it is border lining on hysteria lol.... i guess thats a win for the indians on this forum

and it is just plain funny to see for the rest of us lmaoooo.

The smell of curry is rather strong with this one !!!

and the smell of sheet is strong with you... maybe you should take a shower daily?
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