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China's massive navy is only getting bigger, and the US is looking overseas for help keeping its warships in action

I used to call you guys 'conscript rejects'. Looks like still applies.

Might? Is that the best Iran could do? Threaten two US aircraft carriers with 'might'? :eek:
Whatever Iran does or does not, the US cannot retaliate against Israel for sending 34 American sailors on a permanent scuba diving mission to the depths of the Mediterranean.
. . No matter who occupies 1600 Pennsylvania St, that person cannot deny the Pentagon's response should anyone attack that physical manifestation of America's military power. We are waiting. :enjoy:
Try again.
This fact explains everything, this coming future had long passed the point which can be changed its course.

Whatever Iran does or does not, the US cannot retaliate against Israel for sending 34 American sailors on a permanent scuba diving mission to the depths of the Mediterranean.

Try again.
In other words, despite what happened with the Liberty, Iran will do nothing because Iran knows that the Liberty means nothing.
Yes, it is funny. That this is a military oriented forum and not one of you guys ever served. Too cowardly?
If the Americunt military is served by retards like you, I feel very good indeed.

After all, you were retarded enough to claim China can't sustain its current military.
In other words, despite what happened with the Liberty, Iran will do nothing because Iran knows that the Liberty means nothing.
Iran knows US has capitulated in the past, as proven by the 34 American sailors whose remains are buried in a mass grave in Washington.
Iran knows US has capitulated in the past, as proven by the 34 American sailors whose remains are buried in a mass grave in Washington.
Sure. The USS Liberty was a 'technical support' aka 'spy' ship. Now there are two bigger prizes for Iran. Go for them. :enjoy:
Why are you so personally invested in seeing other countries and races submit? If you were white, I’d at least understand the knee jerk emotional attachment because of an attachment to white supremacy. Not that it’s justifiable to feel that way. However you’re not even white. Just find it very repulsive how invested you are in murdering and oppressing poor people halfway across the world for American corporate and imperial interests.
He is vietnamese I think @gambit? You would think that the way USA slaughtered his ancestral home with carpet bombings he would at least have a little bit of shame. But no, he kisses them.
He is vietnamese I think @gambit? You would think that the way USA slaughtered his ancestral home with carpet bombings he would at least have a little bit of shame. But no, he kisses them.
A child being adopted by the killer of his family. one can make a tv drama of tragedy out of his life.
He is vietnamese I think @gambit? You would think that the way USA slaughtered his ancestral home with carpet bombings he would at least have a little bit of shame. But no, he kisses them.
Strangely whenever he talks about Vietnam, it is with this detached emotional vantage point like he is some old white boomer Vietnam vet.
When you have to rely your ships building, repair and maintainence on foreign countries, you've already lost the race.

Not necessarily, US law prohibits weapon carrying ships to be repaired in a foreign dock. Primarily it was a measure to protect business for its own repair docks.

Repairing logistical ships would be immensely benefitial as it would improve supply lines and reduce downtime while ensuring supplies are delivered within the required timeframe
Thanks for admitting you are wrong.
You make these comments about US, not because you served or have even a cursory reading of military history, but because you want to satisfy an emotional need to mock US, that is all there is. I doubt that the Iranian military is foraging internet forums for strategic options from people like you. Taking options from me, on the other hand, is a different matter. :enjoy:

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