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Chinese aggression is good for India's Defence

This race will never end, but we will have minimum deterrence that is all we need. We are not in race. Russia is getting back to work, it lacked money which in some case we are providing.

And the US is focusing on China now because its GDP is already to surpass that of that of Japan. Japan in the 80s what touted as a country that can overtake the US in economy. However, it faltered. Japan seek to be the #1 auto manufacture. But it doesn't seek to be the #1 auto consumer. Japan finally become the #1 automobile manufacturer in mid 2000s. China just surpass US as the #1 automobile market this year. Its also projected to overtake Japan as the #1 manufacturer this year. For 100 years, US was the #1 consumer and producer. Japan become the #1 producer in mid 2000s and china is set to become #1 in these two categories. Furthermore, Chinese consumption and production, is growing at the current rate, will require it to import a lot more cars very, very fast. This is the reason that the US won't want to restrict Chinese imports too much because it doesn't want the US companies to miss out on the Chinese market.

With a fast increase in wealth, China will be able to rapidly increase its technology research and so it will grow faster.
I do believe that Fox is the only news org that provides the most balanced view in this country. The rest of the news networks make obama bash because of how much they smooch his behind. You must be in America or Canada to know so much about fox and Glenn beck. Also, I'm a fan of Bobby Jindal and America would be much better off with him then Barack Hussein Obama.:usflag:

Oh my, Fox news even puts Zaied Hamid to shame.

Be cautions with this one. We have a fox in our mist
When a citizen of a country knows their strength or weakness, it shows wisdom. What is sad is when a people doesn't know their weakness or their enemie's strength and dwell in their own strength and plans for their futures without regard to other's plans, that is playing chess only calculations of your own moves but not taken into account of the opponents moves.

Again with Vague umbrella statements.

Speaking specifics can help others actually understand what you mean.
With a fast increase in wealth, China will be able to rapidly increase its technology research and so it will grow faster.

Ever the Optimist are we. strange how you don't bring even an Iota of that attitude to your comments on India.

How is that China plans to solve its Demographic's issue. The One child policy was a double edge sword. You have a pyramid shaped Demographic just like Japan. and the Gender Imbalance certainly did not make things easier.

If China plans to grow at the same rate if not Faster in the future it cant do so using the same model.

You need to make a seamless shift from a Low income export economy to a high Income Technology and Finance hub.

While China is capable of making that Shift. The seamless nature of that Shift is what should be questioned.
Ever the Optimist are we. strange how you don't bring even an Iota of that attitude to your comments on India.

How is that China plans to solve its Demographic's issue. The One child policy was a double edge sword. You have a pyramid shaped Demographic just like Japan. and the Gender Imbalance certainly did not make things easier.

If China plans to grow at the same rate if not Faster in the future it cant do so using the same model.

You need to make a seamless shift from a Low income export economy to a high Income Technology and Finance hub.

While China is capable of making that Shift. The seamless nature of that Shift is what should be questioned.

Well, I'm just speaking the truth, it might hurt but its the fact. In terms of population, both India and China has more than enough people for their land to support. The rate of population growth in India would sink the Indian economic aspiration. As it would take 30 years before China would encounter a reverse pyramid shaped age demographics.

China's growth is mainly driven now by domestic consumption. That is how when there is recession in the west ,it can still grow at 8% GDP growth.

Any shift from low tech to high tech would take time. We'll know how seamless it is. But as of now, China is still in a growing phase and its not there yet.
the Olympic games is a regional org,not exactly a national org,it is like the WTO,WHO and so on;only the United Nations (UN) is a national org and only one:smitten:
Olympics is about national pride. HOng Kong and Taiwan is in affect a separate country when it comes to Olympic games. Their medal count is not include in the China count.
whereas u will continue to learn from ur numerous copy and fail missile tests..:)

and will continue to lie about evrything..typical chinese mentality..:smokin:
lie what?China is a very big country,It may have the nost modernized city and develping village,but no matter the rich and the poor,they are all work hard to live better.
I am a general people in China,from a small village,we live better and better through our hands,there are two computers,fridge,water heater ,Tv,five mobile telephones(1/1 people) and a regular telephone in our home,three electric vehicles, a small truckand so on,20years ago,our home had nothing except 5 people.And now my home is still a general home in our village
lie what?China is a very big country,It may have the nost modernized city and develping village,but no matter the rich and the poor,they are all work hard to live better.
I am a general people in China,from a small village,we live better and better through our hands,there are two computers,fridge,water heater ,Tv,five mobile telephones(1/1 people) and a regular telephone in our home,three electric vehicles, a small truckand so on,20years ago,our home had nothing except 5 people.And now my home is still a general home in our village

dont count things here on the forum in ur home...!!!!!!!!
u dont want to say if u have something means there is no poverty in China.. dont be so selfish... instead of just ur home look outside for those also who are not so fortunate to have even the basic needs of life....:disagree:
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The standard of living in China is higher and the definition of "poverty" and "middle class" is different from India's. Starvation is pretty much non-existant nowdays (though there may be individual cases, it is far from a social issue). The majority of India's middle class will easily fall into "poor" category in China. The fact that India has so many more billionaires makes the matter even worse (btw many Indians are proud of this, I don't know why)...

dont count things here on the forum in ur home...!!!!!!!!
u dont want to say if u have something means there is no poverty in China.. dont be so selfish... instead of just ur home look outside for those also who are not so fortunate to have even the basic needs of life....:disagree:
The standard of living in China is higher and the definition of "poverty" and "middle class" is different from India's. Starvation is pretty much non-existant nowdays (though there may be individual cases, it is far from a social issue). The majority of India's middle class will easily fall into "poor" category in China. The fact that India has so many more billionaires makes the matter even worse (btw many Indians are proud of this, I don't know why)...

this is not a thread to compare poverty of India with China, or China with US. India poverty below poverty line means below $365 per year.

Care to put on the forum the figure used by your ever lying govt for the criteria(money earned per year or mnth) below which ppl are considered below poverty line..?? you will get to see the truth.

Either givbe me that figure or dont reply to this post. Coz this thread is not meant to discuss this.
Just because tomorrow i say poverty means earning of 1$ per year, doesnt mean tomorrow i can declare India doesnt have poverty and others are having extreme poverty. This is what ur govt does.
this is not a thread to compare poverty of India with China, or China with US. India poverty below poverty line means below $365 per year.

Care to put on the forum the figure used by your ever lying govt for the criteria(money earned per year or mnth) below which ppl are considered below poverty line..?? you will get to see the truth.
Either givbe me that figure or dont reply to this post. Coz this thread is not meant to discuss this.
Just because tomorrow i say poverty means earning of 1$ per year, doesnt mean tomorrow i can declare India doesnt have poverty and others are having extreme poverty. This is what ur govt does.

i think u should take back what "lying govt "and so on.....
Just discussing the issue,You do people even belittle India and this is also against Pakistan Defence Forum Rules.
india here is just like indian worker i met,Lazy、Narrow-minded and Three individuals have four kinds of thoughts lol
in fact 5 chinese worker can do 15 india worker , that is the fact.
why u loss do u think about it?
cuz u lazy and good at speak and lack of Solid work!so indians be silent and do more solid work now,or u can only be Comparison with a province of china lol
wake up wake up :bounce:
if u ever been to china ,visist china city ,u will know what i mean ,and i will show u
for indian save u money to feed u people and u baby :china::pakistan:
I do believe that Fox is the only news org that provides the most balanced view in this country. The rest of the news networks make obama bash because of how much they smooch his behind. You must be in America or Canada to know so much about fox and Glenn beck. Also, I'm a fan of Bobby Jindal and America would be much better off with him then Barack Hussein Obama.:usflag:

dear god, fox news is the most worthless piece of sh!t news program ever, other are not perfect but fox makes me lose faith in humanity just thinking about people who believe their cr@p
dear god, fox news is the most worthless piece of sh!t news program ever, other are not perfect but fox makes me lose faith in humanity just thinking about people who believe their cr@p

You must be a Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann fan. One of the few that watch that station. Fox news has more viewers than all the others combine. Its the only news channel that broadcast actual news while others provide propaganda. No different from what's there in China or India.
i think u should take back what "lying govt "and so on.....
Just discussing the issue,You do people even belittle India and this is also against Pakistan Defence Forum Rules.
india here is just like indian worker i met,Lazy、Narrow-minded and Three individuals have four kinds of thoughts lol
in fact 5 chinese worker can do 15 india worker , that is the fact.
why u loss do u think about it?
cuz u lazy and good at speak and lack of Solid work!so indians be silent and do more solid work now,or u can only be Comparison with a province of china lol
wake up wake up :bounce:
if u ever been to china ,visist china city ,u will know what i mean ,and i will show u
for indian save u money to feed u people and u baby :china::pakistan:

:blah::blah:typical Chinese mentality..very poor indeed....
when there is no answer to the post, they start deviating from the quesion asked.....!!!!!!!!

U wrote such big useless post, which i did not even read properly after 1 line.....but u did not answer my post to which u replied....:yahoo:

China is a country whose every statement is almost a lie..... be it growth figures, Poverty level figures, no of native ppl killed in Tibet/Xinxiang, criminal oppression and execution of Tibet/Xinxiang, False claims about its weapons etc etc
China is a country whose every statement is almost a lie..... be it growth figures, Poverty level figures, no of native ppl killed in Tibet/Xinxiang, criminal oppression and execution of Tibet/Xinxiang, False claims about its weapons etc etc

Do you have anything articles to back that up or its just your assumption. If its just your guess, than your guess is just as good as mine or anyone else's. Stop guessing and back up your guesses with valid data.

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