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Chinese Navy To surpass U.S navy by 2015

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"Independent meida"? Yeah right.:coffee:

Your media empire is a powerful system. Do you know that News
Corp and Liberty Media own like 99% of your so called "Independent media"?

If you have to brand us as a "dictatorial regime", then so be it, because at least I am happy with it.
What kind of argument is that? Say we grant what you say is true, as bolded, how is that any worse than your government controlled media that is nothing more than a propaganda branch of the government? As for US, remember how Clinton was portrayed in the US and European media? How about the two Bushes? How about Reagan as befuddled old man? You think Mao or Stalin could have let the same go if it was applied to them? That, my friend, is an 'independent media'.
I sleep better than you do, kid. Whatsamatta? Cannot handle being beaten by a Viet?


Calm down, my dear senior American, better check your blood

pressure, after all its just a chat. Tell you the truth, i really enjoying

my youth, thats quite difficult for someone who had passed his

prime to realize.

Beaten by a Viet ? Hell no, to be honest, I am 22 years old, never in

my life i been beaten in real life. Cheers,my old play mate.
Calm down, my dear senior American, better check your blood

pressure, after all its just a chat. Tell you the truth, i really enjoying

my youth, thats quite difficult for someone who had passed his

prime to realize.
My blood pressure is fine and not only am I still in my prime, I have wiles to boot, something only time and experience can cultivate.

Beaten by a Viet ? Hell no, to be honest, I am 22 years old, never in

my life i been beaten in real life. Cheers,my old play mate.
You have been beaten. Here. Learn from the experience. From your elders.
What kind of argument is that? Say we grant what you say is true, as bolded, how is that any worse than your government controlled media that is nothing more than a propaganda branch of the government? As for US, remember how Clinton was portrayed in the US and European media? How about the two Bushes? How about Reagan as befuddled old man? You think Mao or Stalin could have let the same go if it was applied to them? That, my friend, is an 'independent media'.

Right.... congrats you can talk crap about your president. That just augment your life quality 1000 folds I must say :rofl:

But I guess when it comes to the sooooo obviously reason that U.S invaded Iraq - OIL -, then your media is silent as ****.

I don't need that kind of "independent media". Thank you for offering.:tdown:
Right.... congrats you can talk crap about your president. That just augment your life quality 1000 folds I must say :rofl:

But I guess when it comes to the sooooo obviously reason that U.S invaded Iraq - OIL -, then your media is silent as ****.

I don't need that kind of "independent media". Thank you for offering.:tdown:
Oil? Then you need beginner's courses in statistics and economics because your guess is terrible. Look at the international oil price lately? You need a course in history as well. During the Iraqi sanction years, under the Oil-For-Food program that was administered by the UN, the US was Iraq's largest singular buyer. The purchases were legal and the money was deposited into a UN managed escrow account. Unlike other purchases which were illegal that ended up with the Oil-For-Food scandal that tainted the Office of the UN SecGen itself. Chinese under the table oil purchases from Iraq under the OFF program contributed to that scandal.


So if we can buy Iraqi oil back then and if most of our oil come from non-ME sources, why would we need to invade Iraq for oil?

May be an independent media would have helped you about this confusion on your part?
Oil? Then you need beginner's courses in statistics and economics because your guess is terrible. Look at the international oil price lately? You need a course in history as well. During the Iraqi sanction years, under the Oil-For-Food program that was administered by the UN, the US was Iraq's largest singular buyer. The purchases were legal and the money was deposited into a UN managed escrow account. Unlike other purchases which were illegal that ended up with the Oil-For-Food scandal that tainted the Office of the UN SecGen itself. Chinese under the table oil purchases from Iraq under the OFF program contributed to that scandal.


So if we can buy Iraqi oil back then and if most of our oil come from non-ME sources, why would we need to invade Iraq for oil?

May be an independent media would have helped you about this confusion on your part?

Here I must correct your ignorance. Unfortunately, most people do not understand the real situation regarding Oil/Gas Reserves, Recoverables, In-situ, etc. Let me put it this way, US reached peak production around 1970s. How "domestic" production is counted is that if the production is from domestic oil companies (even if they are operating overseas) it is counted as domestic. Lastly, official figures are about 10-15 years old..... not only that, but not all numbers are there (get my drift?)..... hence, recoverable reserves is largely a mystery..... yeah, that's the name of the game!

I didn't even mention the major 'controversy' in Oil & Gas industry, which is:

Source of oil/gas? Biotic or Abiotic? (hint see Gwadar).
I sleep better than you do, kid. Whatsamatta? Cannot handle being beaten by a Viet?


lol, are you actually a Viet or are they talking about Viet style talking from you? Man, this thread is all out war...

P.S. I don't believe China can match US Naval power in the next 5 years, though the next 5 years should give China plenty of time for its Blue Water Navy to get under way. My guess here is that China will take another 20 or so years to be about equal to the US.
My blood pressure is fine and not only am I still in my prime, I have wiles to boot, something only time and experience can cultivate.

You have been beaten. Here. Learn from the experience. From your elders.

Good for you for your fine blood pressure, a little friendly advice for

my "elders" as you prefere, never abuse with your health with hate.

Yes, even my 67 years old next door neighbour still consider he still in

his prime. Its always nice to have a young feeling.

Beaten here ? so be it, who care, after all its just Cyber, its not for

real, you don't win anything and you don't lose anything.

No offence to my elders, but your comment about taking pride for

being a winner in the cyber world sounds pretty childish.

Whats matter most will be, do you still consider yourself a winner in

Real life ?

BTW, Hope you aware of something like Cyber addiction disease.

Here I must correct your ignorance. Unfortunately, most people do not understand the real situation regarding Oil/Gas Reserves, Recoverables, In-situ, etc. Let me put it this way, US reached peak production around 1970s. How "domestic" production is counted is that if the production is from domestic oil companies (even if they are operating overseas) it is counted as domestic. Lastly, official figures are about 10-15 years old..... not only that, but not all numbers are there (get my drift?)..... hence, recoverable reserves is largely a mystery..... yeah, that's the name of the game!

I didn't even mention the major 'controversy' in Oil & Gas industry, which is:

Source of oil/gas? Biotic or Abiotic? (hint see Gwadar).

The public is given limited facts and half-truths. I revealed much valuable info, hope some keen members can make valuable use if it. ;)
Here I must correct your ignorance. Unfortunately, most people do not understand the real situation regarding Oil/Gas Reserves, Recoverables, In-situ, etc. Let me put it this way, US reached peak production around 1970s. How "domestic" production is counted is that if the production is from domestic oil companies (even if they are operating overseas) it is counted as domestic. Lastly, official figures are about 10-15 years old..... not only that, but not all numbers are there (get my drift?)..... hence, recoverable reserves is largely a mystery..... yeah, that's the name of the game!

I didn't even mention the major 'controversy' in Oil & Gas industry, which is:

Source of oil/gas? Biotic or Abiotic? (hint see Gwadar).
This is not about 'reserves' but about IMPORTS. It is no secret that even though the US does IMPORT oil from the ME, the majority of IMPORT are from non-ME sources, such as Canada, Mexico and even Venezuela. You do not like the source I presented, then find your own but do not be surprised if they pretty agreed with each other, that IMPORT from non-ME sources are dominant.

May be colorful charts are distracting...So let me try plain old text...

August 2009 Import Highlights: October 29, 2009

Monthly data on the origins of crude oil imports in August 2009 has been released and it shows that three countries exported more than 1.00 million barrels per day to the United States (see table below). The top five exporting countries accounted for 64 percent of United States crude oil imports in August while the top ten sources accounted for approximately 84 percent of all U.S. crude oil imports. The top sources of US crude oil imports for August were Canada (2.007 million barrels per day), Mexico (1.057 million barrels per day), Venezuela (1.007 million barrels per day), Nigeria (0.877 million barrels per day), and Saudi Arabia (0.745 million barrels per day). The rest of the top ten sources, in order, were Iraq (0.500 million barrels per day), Algeria (0.404) million barrels per day), Angola (0.352 million barrels per day), Brazil (0.269 million barrels per day), and Columbia (0.260 million barrels per day). Total crude oil imports averaged 8.883 million barrels per day in August, which is a decrease of (0.344) million barrels per day from July 2009.

Canada remained the largest exporter of total petroleum in August, exporting 2.524 million barrels per day to the United States, which is a decrease from last month (2.639 thousand barrels per day). The second largest exporter of total petroleum was Mexico with 1.159 million barrels per day.
So answer the question, please, that if IMPORT are majority from non-ME sources and that during the Iraqi sanction years, the US was the largest singular legal buyer of Iraqi oil, why should we invade Iraq for oil?
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This is not about 'reserves' but about IMPORTS. It is no secret that even though the US does IMPORT oil from the ME, the majority of IMPORT are from non-ME sources, such as Canada, Mexico and even Venezuela. You do not like the source I presented, then find your own but do not be surprised if they pretty agreed with each other, that IMPORT from non-ME sources are dominant. So answer the question, please, that if IMPORT are majority from non-ME sources and that during the Iraqi sanction years, the US was the largest singular legal buyer of Iraqi oil, why should we invade Iraq for oil?

Let me reveal another little secret. It is well known that Alaska forms a major source of oil. What isn't known by the public is that the oil pipeline has been left to erode (due to corrosion), and the reason for that is because Prudoe Bay is running on empty. What also isn't known by most people is Mexico's biggest offshore field is near dry. What isn't known also is Canada's WCSB (Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin) has long peaked as well, conventional oil reserves are running on empty, and shallow gas reserves only have a 3-5 years of any good life left. Tar sands are proving to be loss-making in many pricing scenarios due to the input-output production realities (and fact government of Canada takes ~30% royalties-in-kind).

Now c-o-n-n-e-c-t t-h-e d-o-t-s.

What about the US's share of the Gulf of Mexico offshore? c-o-n-n-e-c-t t-h-e d-o-t-s
Let me reveal another little secret. It is well known that Alaska forms a major source of oil. What isn't known by the public is that the oil pipeline has been left to erode (due to corrosion), and the reason for that is because Prudoe Bay is running on empty. What also isn't known by most people is Mexico's biggest offshore field is near dry. What isn't known also is Canada's WCSB (Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin) has long peaked as well, conventional oil reserves are running on empty, and shallow gas reserves only have a 3-5 years of any good life left. Tar sands are proving to be loss-making in many pricing scenarios due to the input-output production realities (and fact government of Canada takes ~30% royalties-in-kind).

Now c-o-n-n-e-c-t t-h-e d-o-t-s.

What about the US's share of the Gulf of Mexico offshore? c-o-n-n-e-c-t t-h-e d-o-t-s
Fine...So how does this support the charge that the US invaded Iraq for oil and dispute the truth that the US import more from non-ME sources than from ME sources?
Fine...So how does this support the charge that the US invaded Iraq for oil and dispute the truth that the US import more from non-ME sources than from ME sources?

Still don't get it?! Venezuela is already divesting away. Canadian Oil Sands needs specialized upgraders to clean up Fort Mac's (do you know there's only 3 key tar sands upgraders????). Isn't it obvious that current suppliers are 'unreliable'. And you can count Russia out as well, for obvious reason. :azn: So basically that means African (e.g. Nigerian) and Arab (e.g. Saudi, Iraqi, Iranian) remain key sources. :flame:
Still don't get it?! Venezuela is already divesting away. Canadian Oil Sands needs specialized upgraders to clean up Fort Mac's (do you know there's only 3 key tar sands upgraders????). Isn't it obvious that current suppliers are 'unreliable'. And you can count Russia out as well, for obvious reason. :azn: So basically that means African (e.g. Nigerian) and Arab (e.g. Saudi, Iraqi, Iranian) remain key sources. :flame:
Looks like you saw the chart, got distracted by the colors and graphics, jumped to a false conclusion, now you are throwing up red herrings in a feeble attempt to distract attention from the truth that you cannot explain and support the charge that so many often spewed out -- That the US invaded Iraq 'for oil'.
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