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Chinese Navy To surpass U.S navy by 2015

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South Korea still exists and our military is still in the Korean peninsula. Explain that. You failed to help North Korea take over South Korea.

US is half a world away. China is just next door. That is why US needs a base in Korea. Geography favors China.

China was never responsible for the Korean war. The division of Korea was entirely the responsibility of USSR and US. Not China. China enter the Korean war was just to prevent MacArthur from crossing the Yalu. And hit them so hard that the defeat of the U.S. Eighth Army resulted in the longest retreat of any American military unit in history.

And it resulted in 60 years of peace on China's North East border.
Lol You only exist as a nation thanks to our benevolence....and we did exactly what we came to do....kept South Korea free of filth. And we are STILL there...on your border.....looking at you....waiting....Lol....you can't send one soldier to our hemisphere....and can't keep us from yours....and you bleat about parity? You aren't even in the same league! But I do love China....happy meals wouldn't be the same without them!

He bleats only what The Party, via his 50-cent army shift stupid-visor, told him to bleat. It is now almost halfway thru 2014 and China have yet to field an operation aircraft carrier, let alone match the USN in terms of global naval power projection and presence. But I guess we can cut the Chinese sheeple on this forum some slack. All they have to do is redefine what is 'parity' and the PLAN will meet that projection.
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