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Confirmed!!! The engine is WS-10G

说实话, 很多人20首飞非常的惊讶,但是我是只能算喜悦吧。 其实吧,很多大佬的爆料是可信的,至少是可以参考的。
其实想看爆料,cd的空版意义不大,那里很多大佬充斥着bkc原教旨主义。 在好几年前,所谓的很多hkc大佬们就爆过料了,新歼将在10~11年左右出来,15~16左右ws15可以装机j20可以少批量的生产了。 还有其他很多的东西啦。人家甚至说过了在竞标大会上杨伟拍胸脯向领导保证10年出4代。 这些东西也不是没被转到过cd, 可惜被人转过去的目的是不纯的----是让cd的一些人嘲笑围观的。 其实吧,就是1,2个月前,这些话谁信?前段时间官方将军出来透露说新歼马上首飞,有人信吗?还不是给贵宾和无知群众嘲笑?前段时间还有人说还没内部竞标呢,可笑不?

说这么多,其实意思就是其实外界对tg的消息很有滞后性,了解也非常的少。常常以过去的眼光来看现在的tg, 所以才有这么大的惊讶。出国留过学/工作过的兄弟估计都会有这样的感觉:我们对西方的了解远超西方对我们的了解。甚至我自己有这么个感觉:在我们抛却意识形态的而全面趋发展自己的今天,西方却还在意识形态的牢笼里。而他们说我们被洗脑,思想言论上我们是被关在牢笼里的鸟,我却认为我们现在根本不是,这是他们的偏见太厉害了。反而我觉得西方的洗脑太厉害了,他们创造了一个巨大无比的,色彩鲜艳的雕刻着美丽图案的鸟笼把他们相当部分的人装在里面,却成功的让他们相信了他们自己是在五彩缤纷的完美天空翱翔。

前面有兄弟说谁知道他们谁是大佬谁是神棍,没错, 这就要靠你自己去判断了,网络时代你甚至不知道和你交流的是啊猫啊狗, 有自己的判断力就没错。甚至你对航空知识不大了解都没关系。兼听则明,偏听则暗。多扩宽自己的知识面并辅以平和的心态就差不多了,对于不是很专业的问题比如只是判断有无/对错等定量性问题足够了。

最后一句: 前面香港的朋友, 想奉劝你句不要用民用的东西/情况去硬套军用的。
:cry: :cry: :confused: oh my chinese bro... kindly post in english ... btw following is thegoogle translation

To be honest, a lot of people very surprised 20 first flight, but I can only count the joy of it. In fact it, a lot of big brother broke the news to be credible, at least for reference.
In fact, broke the news to see, cd, empty version of little significance, where a lot of big brother full of bkc fundamentalism. Several years ago, the so-called big brothers have to burst a lot of hkc had expected, and the new F-10 will be about 11 years out of about 15 to 16 can be installed j20 ws15 a smaller batch production. There are many other things friends. People even said that Yang Wei in the bid conference to ensure that each of the offerings of 10 years to the leadership of the 4th generation. These things are not not been transferred over cd, but was aimed at people turning impure ---- is to make some people laugh cd onlookers. In fact it is 1,2 months ago, who believe these words? Official earlier said that the new F-general soon came out first flight, some people believe it? VIP and ignorance is not to ridicule the masses? Others said some time ago within the bid does not ridiculously?
In fact fr6, huzhigen, and even Chen Taiyang good advice (some of it broke the news earlier, and now this man into the demons out) a lot of news is reliable.

So much, in fact, means in fact, the news of the outside world is very lag tg understand very little. Point of view often in the past now tg, so have such a big surprise. Abroad have been studied / worked Brothers estimates would have this feeling: we know far more than the West to our understanding of the West. Even I myself have such a feeling: In our increasingly discard ideology and comprehensive development of their own in the West today are still in the ideology of the cage. And they said we were brainwashed, thought and speech, we are caged birds, but I do not think we are, this is their bias too much. But I think the West is too much brainwashing, they created with a huge, colorful carved with beautiful patterns of the cage a considerable part of their people packed in there, but they believe that the success of their own in the colorful perfect skies.

In front of brother who know what they say is the big brother who is the God who stick, yes, It is up to you to judge, and the Internet age and you do not even know you share the ah ah cats dogs, have their own sense on the right. Even if you do not know no knowledge of aviation relations. Hear all, who speaks little. Broaden their knowledge and more peace of mind combined with the almost, for example, is not very professional is to determine whether the problem / issue of right or wrong for quantitative enough.

The last sentence: in front of our friends, want to advise you what sentence do not use civil / military situation to rigidly applied
:cry: :cry: :confused: oh my chinese bro... kindly post in english ... btw following is thegoogle translation

To be honest, a lot of people very surprised 20 first flight, but I can only count the joy of it. In fact it, a lot of big brother broke the news to be credible, at least for reference.
In fact, broke the news to see, cd, empty version of little significance, where a lot of big brother full of bkc fundamentalism. Several years ago, the so-called big brothers have to burst a lot of hkc had expected, and the new F-10 will be about 11 years out of about 15 to 16 can be installed j20 ws15 a smaller batch production. There are many other things friends. People even said that Yang Wei in the bid conference to ensure that each of the offerings of 10 years to the leadership of the 4th generation. These things are not not been transferred over cd, but was aimed at people turning impure ---- is to make some people laugh cd onlookers. In fact it is 1,2 months ago, who believe these words? Official earlier said that the new F-general soon came out first flight, some people believe it? VIP and ignorance is not to ridicule the masses? Others said some time ago within the bid does not ridiculously?
In fact fr6, huzhigen, and even Chen Taiyang good advice (some of it broke the news earlier, and now this man into the demons out) a lot of news is reliable.

So much, in fact, means in fact, the news of the outside world is very lag tg understand very little. Point of view often in the past now tg, so have such a big surprise. Abroad have been studied / worked Brothers estimates would have this feeling: we know far more than the West to our understanding of the West. Even I myself have such a feeling: In our increasingly discard ideology and comprehensive development of their own in the West today are still in the ideology of the cage. And they said we were brainwashed, thought and speech, we are caged birds, but I do not think we are, this is their bias too much. But I think the West is too much brainwashing, they created with a huge, colorful carved with beautiful patterns of the cage a considerable part of their people packed in there, but they believe that the success of their own in the colorful perfect skies.

In front of brother who know what they say is the big brother who is the God who stick, yes, It is up to you to judge, and the Internet age and you do not even know you share the ah ah cats dogs, have their own sense on the right. Even if you do not know no knowledge of aviation relations. Hear all, who speaks little. Broaden their knowledge and more peace of mind combined with the almost, for example, is not very professional is to determine whether the problem / issue of right or wrong for quantitative enough.

The last sentence: in front of our friends, want to advise you what sentence do not use civil / military situation to rigidly applied

haha, soz for about that. :china::pakistan:
一个国家什么都大包大揽是没前途的, 给人小家子气的感觉
十足一農民创业, 什么都抓在手里才安心
不是不想做, 是不能做

民营的只会做得更好, 他们可是为錢的, 不是應付任务的
要是民营能做, 这些国有企业, 就不用玩了

"private" enterprise like Samsung, Toyota, Mitsubishi? They are heavily connected with their respective governments, so much that they might as well be state owned enterprises. The capital expenditures for heavy industry are far too much for a developing nation's private enterprises to take on, and the research expenditures of developing new capital goods is even higher. If we gave things like electrical power generation, nuclear power plants and defense to private companies, the first thing they'll do, is import American tech. What, you think Koreans and Japanese actually use their own technology? At least the state owned companies make an effort to not do that.
Sorry, no more Chinese chat in this forum next time.

And it is 95% confirmed that the engine is WS-10G, now it is only the matter of the specification of that engine being unveiled by CCP.
how do you confirm anything from a blog post. and where did you pull that 95% stat from?

anyways, don't believe anything unless it's offical
how do you confirm anything from a blog post. and where did you pull that 95% stat from?

anyways, don't believe anything unless it's offical

This blog was populated by some insiders, and most posters called them "Big Brothers". Most leaked first hand information were came from these Big Brothers. And one of them is even a Chinese-speaking Russian, he claimed the engine is WS-10G.

And CCTV also confirmed that J-20 is 100% indigenous technology, if it uses Russian engine, then the word "100% indigenous" would not be used so lightly.


And the source came from the time magazine quoted by CCTV.
how do you confirm anything from a blog post. and where did you pull that 95% stat from?

anyways, don't believe anything unless it's offical

well,eastern people do things differentely than western people~

for example.
when J20 first fly, china's Pre. Hu confirmed it.that's a western way.
but 10 years ago,when J10 fly,if u ask an officer who knew the truth,he would lead u to another topic .thats a eastern way.

this is because we have different culture.we express things and comprehend in different ways~

Confirming the fact or not,depend on whether it's good for china.and this is the only fact that never change.

back to the topic. never expect an official statement。it may be 20 or 30 years later~
The J-20 took off in less than 200 meters without using afterburners.

With J-20's weight being more than the F-22 and the T-50, I say that the WS-10G's real specifications are a bit higher.

But I doubt it's as high as the WS-15's real specifications.
The J-20 took off in less than 200 meters without using afterburners.

With J-20's weight being more than the F-22 and the T-50, I say that the WS-10G's real specifications are a bit higher.

But I doubt it's as high as the WS-15's real specifications.

well, the J20 prototype isn't loaded.
The engine doesn't have TVC for sure. That can be seen from the pics. The engines with TVC have their nozzles pointing downwards due to gravity when not active, but that doesn't happen with J-20. So there is no TVC there, at least for now.

Also the TWR seems to be too high. So it can be assumed for now that the news is a fake.

are you sure about maximum thrust at 155 kn \????its comparable to raptors engine
and even thrust to weight ratio is too high, never heard of it above 2.
its huge, and if it is true then china is on high grounds on engine technology. anyway congrats for china for having there own engine

I believe its the TWR with respect to the engine not the aircraft.

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