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Creation of Bangladesh: Pakistani and Bangladeshi perspective

India wanted to spill Bangladeshi blood. India still enjoys this. Read these articles. They explain how India constantly decides to invade bangladesh and murder innocent and hapless bangalis who are absolutely helpless.

India-Bangladesh border still tense after worst clash in 30 years
By Nishanthi Priyangika
21 May 2001

The India-Bangladesh border remains tense following a major clash between the armed forces of the two countries in mid-April that claimed the lives of 19 soldiers. While the immediate cause is an outstanding dispute over territory, the incidents have fueled nationalist sentiments in both countries—particularly in Bangladesh, where the government and opposition have exploited the issue in the lead up to elections due in July.

The April 16-19 fighting was the worst since the creation of Bangladesh in 1971. It took place around the village of Padua (known as Pyrdiwah in India), which adjoins the Indian state of Meghalaya and the Timbil area of the Bangladesh border in the Sylhet district. In that area, 6.5 kilometres of the border have remained in dispute for the past 30 years.

The trigger for the clash appears to have been an attempt by Indian forces to construct a footpath from an army outpost in Padua across a disputed territory some 300 metres wide to Indian Meghalaya. According to a Bangladesh Rifles spokesman, when the Indian Border Security Force refused to withdraw, the Bangladeshi military attacked and restored the country's “territory and sovereignty”.

In three days of fighting, both sides used rockets, mortars and heavy machine guns, resulting in the deaths of 16 Indian soldiers and three Bangladeshis. As a result of the clash, an estimated 10,000 Bangladeshis and 1,000 Indians were forced to flee the area.

In Bangladesh, the media stoked up fears of Indian retaliation. The Independent reported that Indian troops were digging thousands of trenches along northeastern border and “massing troops.” A May 9 article in the Daily Star claimed that Indian security forces had sounded “a red alert” along 100-kilometre stretch of the border and were cracking down on villagers crossing into India. On May 11, the same paper reported villagers complaining of Indian troops creating panic by engaging in night operations.

The Indian press seized on claims that the Bangladeshi soldiers had mutilated the corpses of the Indian troops killed in the clash. Speculation was further fueled when the Indian military failed to hand over the bodies to the relatives of the soldiers.

New Delhi and Dhaka have, initially at least, defused the issue. The Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina telephoned her Indian counterpart Atal Behari Vajpayee on May 22 to express “regret” over deaths of the Indian soldiers. The previous day, the Bangladeshi Rifles withdrew from Padua village to restore the status quo.

At the same time, however, Hasina used the incident at home to strengthen her position against the opposition Bangladesh National Party (BNP) by claiming that the military's actions demonstrated her willingness to stand up to India. The rightwing BNP, which is allied to a number of Islamic fundamentalist parties, has consistently accused the government of “subservience to India”. She ruled out any visit to New Delhi to meet with Vajpayee.

Bangladesh has been in political turmoil for months after a protracted series of strikes and protests by opposition parties demanding that the government resign and call early elections. The ruling party has countered with demonstrations and rallies of its own and the deployment of thousands of police and troops. Over two months, several people have been killed and hundreds wounded in clashes between opposition protestors and the security forces.

For its part, the BNP has seized on the border clash to demand even tougher action. BNP leader Khaleda Zia was quick to brand Hasina an Indian stooge. “You've already seen that our independence and sovereignty isn't safe in their hands,” Zia told a public meeting in Sylhet. “We reassure you that if we come back to power we'll make sure that Padua belongs to us.”

A BNP statement signed by 106 opposition parliamentarians hailed the Bangladeshi military, saying “the patriotic people of the country were behind them for protecting every inch of our soil”. The leader of the Islamic fundamentalist Jamaat-e-Islami, Matiur Rahaman, insisted that “India should apologise to Bangladesh unconditionally”.

In comparison to its belligerent responses to incidents involving Pakistan, India has sought to downplay the fighting and the role of the Hasina government. While it is unlikely that the Bangladeshi troops would have gone into action without the approval of Hasina, the various theories circulating in India seek to pin the blame on someone else—military leaders sympathetic to the BNP or Pakistani military intelligence agents. The BNP has denied any involvement in the clash, noting that the government handpicked the head of the Bangladeshi military.

The Indian government clearly has a preference for maintaining Hasina in power over her anti-Indian rival, Zia. Bharat Karnat, a defence analyst at the Centre for Policy Research in New Delhi, commented: “Considering the very moderate reaction of the Indian government, it seems, they don't want to spoil the chances of the present government.”

India also has more long-term interests at stake. New Delhi is seeking to gain easier access to its northeastern states via road and rail links through Bangladesh. The two governments have already signed an agreement providing for road transport. Indian big business also has an eye on substantial natural gas reserves in Bangladesh—both to invest in and also as a source of fuel.

Whatever the immediate outcome of the clash, the border dispute points to the unstable political relationship between the two countries and, more fundamentally, to the artificial and thoroughly reactionary character of the 1947 partition that divided the Indian subcontinent along communal lines.

The border between India and Pakistan was drawn up in just six weeks by the appointee of the British government Sir Cyril Radcliffe between the end of June and August 15, 1947. India's eastern border split Bengal in two and created East Pakistan—today's Bangladesh. The intertwined Bengali territory, economy and people were separated into two parts on the basis of religion by pencilling in a line on the map. A number of areas remained in dispute.

In 1971, the East Pakistani masses revolted against the country's military junta based in West Pakistan. The Indian government of prime minister Indira Gandhi intervened militarily to support the establishment of an independent Bangladesh for two reasons—to weaken and divide India's rival, Pakistan, and also to ensure that the rebellion did not spill over into India's state of West Bengal. Nevertheless, border disputes remained, involving over 112 enclaves held by India and 32 by Bangladesh.

An agreement was signed between the two countries in 1974 establishing the borders and providing Indian access to transport across Bangladesh. Bangladesh ratified the deal but India did not. While the present Bangladeshi government claims to have reduced the disputed border from 200 kilometres to only 6.5 kilometres, the latest conflict confirms the explosive character of the region's communal divisions.

These border clashes seem to happen almost daily:
Two Bangladeshis and two Indians were killed when fighting broke between Indian Border Security Force (BSF) and Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) on Akhaura border on Saturday. Unconfirmed reports however put the death toll higher.

And Indian BSF massacres bangladeshi civilians men women children in what it calls a drive to stop illegal immigration:
Over 100 Bangladeshi civilians have been killed in the past 6 months by Indian BSF forces.

Another one:
At least 73 Bangladeshi civilians were killed allegedly by BSF in the past six months, official records said.

'India is our friendly neighbour and such a huge number of killing of civilians is unacceptable,' said Bangladesh Foreign Secretary Touhid Hossian, returning home after an annual consultation meeting with Indian Foreign Secretary Shiv Shankar Menon in New Delhi.

As can be seen from the recent course of events they could not dare to do this in Pakistan and get away with it. They could not ever kill 100 civilians and daily shoot dead (BDR ones in Bangla's case) soldiers and get away with it. A simple violation by the airforce almost resulted in a war right now.

Fact is Bangladesh is sort of submissive to indian agression sadly. India is in absolute control of Bangladeshes water supplies and also what goes in and out of the country. They push their goods and products and block Chinese trade. Bangladesh is surrounded on all sides by India and is in a position of submission to India in any case of conflict. This is what India wanted and has been sucessful in founding in many ways as proven by iajdani's unknowledgable comments. As far as I know any bangladeshi can see what has happened after 71 and even at that time where Indian troops openly looted and killed Bangladeshis during the invasion. It got so bad that after only a few months indian forces were forced to withdraw to make sure the Bangali sentiment did not turn against them.

A divided Pakistan (its arch enemy) was what India wanted and this was what which would make both sides weaker. A population of 320 million muslims the largest such population in the world was a major threat to all of India. Also 200 Km2 of Bangladeshi territory, territory that once used to exist in a united Pakistan is now with India. India stole Bangladeshes territory broke the country and made it much weaker and relient on India. India wanted Bangladesh to be a slave of India but Bangladeshis understand that India had ulterior motives for attacking Pakistan in 71 and are noticing how everyday Bangladesh is suffering because of Indian terror which we are all victems of. Not only Pakistan and Bangladesh but the entire sub continent. Bangladesh is one of the biggest victims of this terror and it is only the Bangladeshi people who can realize this and change this and work for their soverneighty. If you notice BSF kills bangladeshi civilians daily. Also do note India invaded Hyderabad and Kashmir illegally and were occupied without permission from the states.

In Hyderabad most muslims shifted to Pakistan but did not fight for their right to independence though such wings have been set with growing realization amongst the locals with the Democratic Hyderabad Liberation Movement hosted by my own freind having over 300 members already. These wings are too small however for the real struggle to be suppressed and Hyderabad still remains the heart of hindu muslim tension. Kashmir on other hand suffered massive brutality with people being massacred like anything in very horrible ways.

In any case this this post should be clear enough for Bangladeshis to realize there enemies. Pakistanis have immense love for the Bangalis and we still call u east pakistanis. We see u as long lost brothers who turned in a different direction only because of foreign propaganda and mass terror playing upon our weaknesses was used. We could be in a much stronger position had we been together. Specially bangladesh would not have to suffer these border raids and massacres of Bangladeshi civilians by Indian forces.

BSF is expert on killing unarmed people.I know some of those killed are possibly smugglers,but why killing them??You can arrest them and hand over to BDR.

Sometimes BSF enters BD villages and rapes women.Kills our farmers inside our territory.And the Indian media covers their "GOOD DEEDS" with pinpoint accuracy.

It is hard to believe this is the same BSF who helped BD during 1971.:tsk:

One more thing,BDR is the most battle hardened para-military force in South Asia.(Previously East Pakistan Rifles)
BDR clearly emerged victorious last time when there was direct conflict with BSF.Inshallah,they will protect our territory from any kind of intrusion.

India should station its Bengali BSF soldiers on the borders with BD,instead of Rajput or whatever.Because A Bengali will think twice before killing another Bengali.
India actively sought the disintegration of Pakistan from 1953 and sent two agents (Chittarnajan Sutar and Kalidas Biadya) to foment trouble in East Pakistan. India was not an innocent bystander.

I believe this is from 'Indian Doctrine' ... ??:rofl::rofl::rofl:
I believe this is from 'Indian Doctrine' ... ??:rofl::rofl::rofl:

It was disclosed in the book by Kalidas Baidya in which he reveals Indian plans for East Pakistan. I referenced his comments in my book 'The India Doctrine (1947-2007)'. Since Chittaranjan Sutar is a known RAW agent there can be little doubt that Kalidas had inside knowledge of what was to be done. He later created a terrorist organization based in Kolkata which seeks the secession of 4 districts of Bangladesh. His organization is funded by RAW.
We Indians Accept that We Didnt Free Bangladesh out of Love For Bangladesh People Alone, Yes-the refugees were a problem, But It was done to Divide Pakistan. But I Believe, If the People of Bangladesh really wanted to Stay with Pakistan, they wouldnt Have Revolted, Not Matter whatever RAW or IB did!!!!!! Dont you also think so?

I Personally Believe that the Bangla People should not Have Revolted, and Should have Stayed on with Pakistan, and tried to Address their problems differently than through arms. I feel Some Bangladeshi Members on this Forum, Would have liked to stay on with Pakistan because they admire Pakistan, as a Nuclear power! Isnt it so???

India Will never try to Integrate Bangladesh Or Pakistan Into what is now India, Because FRANKLY, there is nothing worthwhile in these Nations, I mean Like OIL, Or a Developed Industrial Base or other Economic Incentives. India would have Collapsed If It tried to Integrate Bangladesh in 71, We couldnt handle the Influx of Refugees, Do you think we could have Handled a Whole New Country?????

Given a Chance, Would the People of BD like to get back together with Pakistan?? A Honest Question. Answer in a Mature Way Please.

Dont Bring in War Crimes in 71 Because I personally Believe it was a TWO WAY ROAD. West Pakistanis were also Killed in BD and The People of BD were also Murdered By the W Pakistani Army. So Its sort of lame discussing it here. God Speed.

@ So my dear Indian friend I am answering your question in a mature way. " Definitely not" but of course we as a brother muslims always wants a good and cordial relation with Pakistan even much more than that.

@ We also want a good and friendly relation with India. Although we are muslim but not like Taleban.

@ What India has done for us only helping during the 1971. India is fingering each an every moment. India supported the Chittagong Hill Tract insurgency movement for long 20 to 25 years where many of soldiers and civilian died.

@ Indian friendship with us is always suspectable. I remember, it was almost 5/6 years back while Indian contractors were given the contract for building the Chittagong-Dhaka Highway where many serving and retired soldiers were send under the veil of labour. Well it is true that they got the contract through International tender.

@ Indian BSF is killing our innocent people along the border almost every day. In the flag when asked why they have done , the answer is simple, "At night we have a curfew on the border line, we have shoot at sight order". Think, this is the attitude of Indian BSF. But in those days of Pakistan India never dared. India is always diplomatic. Another inccident, it was in the year in 2000 on the border side of Mymensingh towards Meghaloy Province, Indian one Company suddendly attacked to one of our Border Post and the fighting continued through out whole day. At last it was unbelieveable around 500 troops of Indian side died like "kere mokore" and casualty from our side was only 2 to 3. India could never conceive this setback. They thought that these black skin Bengalies(non marshal people like Pakistan though) will fly away once they would attack.

@ Perhapes some people say that India has taken that revenge once the massacere took place at Peelkhana where 55 BDR officers were killed by the Jawans. Some people say that India had an hand in it. Well everythink cannot be proved.
“Advantages of Creation of Bangladesh to Pakistan”.

M.Akram Khan Niazi, Pakistan

Usually smaller Parts of a country having extraordinary resources tries to break away from the mainland to take the maximum advantage of their resources for their advantage, and to protect themselves from the drain of their resources to majority or dominant section of the country, but in case of Pakistan Majority Part on the basis of population, which was also having scare resources, separated from the other part, Generally, it is regarded as an unfortunate event for Pakistan by people of Pakistan, and no Pakistani tries to see other side of the coin of that event for analysis of the benefits achieved to them by this event

The reason of this is that all literature about that event has been written by those who were living in East Pakistan and they suffered personally by this event, due to which they always indicate their miseries and losses and forget to explain the advantages of that event to whole Pakistani Nation. Therefore, it is necessary to see the real results of this event. With the separation of East Pakistan, following advantages were achieved to Pakistan.

1. Economical

•Separation of Bangladesh was as much beneficial for Pakistan as separation of Pakistan from India.

•As the part of world in which East Pakistan was situated, was having limited resources, and many poor areas of subcontinent are situated in that part, such as Bihar , Assam ,West Bengal, Burma and Bhutan. Technically it was not in the interest of Pakistan, to keep itself attached with East Bengal(Historically one of the most poorest area of subcontinent) .In fact Pakistan after separation saved its future from economic burden of poverty ridden Bangladesh,

• Huge Population and scare resources of East Bengal were clear Indicators, that there will be no extraordinary progress in future in that province and no sensible person may think that it was valuable for Pakistan to keep itself attached with most poverty ridden part of this region.

•Being a part of East Pakistan, rulers were forcing to West Pakistani citizens to become a market of East Pakistan’s low quality Products, such as Tea, Pans and jute on artificial high prices on the name of Patriotism, while now such type high quality Products may be purchased from other countries on very low prices.

•After separation of Bangladesh, it was possible for Pakistan to make its economic policies without having any concern of interests of a far situated part.

•Pakistan Economic Managers relieved themselves from the Economic restrictions due to economic interest of East Bengal. That situation was as much harmful, as today Pakistan start to take care of the economic interest of Myanmar or West Bengal; it is certain that such type situation will be disastrous for Pakistan.

•With the analysis of economic situation of present day Pakistan and Bangladesh, shows that Pakistan GDP and Foreign currency reserves are double than that of Bangladesh and Electricity production is also 5 times more. It is obvious, that separation was much more in the interest of Pakistan, Because, the only solution of the Disparity between two parts, was to serve the Bangladesh with the resources of West Pakistan. Otherwise there was no other magic solution to address that disparity.

•It is still obvious that, there is still no charm in having trade links with countries of South Asia, because it is not in the economic interest of Pakistan, instead of that we should focus on rich and developed areas such as China, Middle East, Far East, Europe and USA.

2. Political Advantages.

•Due to extraordinary majority of Bengali Population, it was not possible for any province of West Pakistan to become equivalent to that majority any time in future, and it was certain that representatives of Provinces of West Pakistan will always remain in opposition in assemblies as per modern time democracy principles, this was really a frightening situation and the People of Pakistan were going to be ruled by any ethnocentric Bengali Leader or by any Bengali Military dictator for ever.

•Due to Bengali nationalism and ethnocentrism, on the basis of which People of Bangladesh were victimizing the Urdu Speaking Muslim refugees from India and that is still continue, and their Ethnic Cleansing with aborigines people of CHT, were clearly indicating that people of that area were not sincere and aware of the Ideology of Pakistan, in fact attachment of Pakistan with East Bengal was self deception and nothing else.

•Due to agitation style and different culture, the politicians of East Pakistan were always blaming Pakistan for their problems and exploitations, while people of Pakistan were worried about deteriorating condition of people of East Pakistan due to poverty and natural disasters, and they were too much fed up with that situation as they were seeing no end of all this, as this thing was also harming the Basic Ideology of Pakistan, and therefore to get rid of this situation and to avoid baseless allegations it was necessary to separate that area(East Bengal) from Pakistan, and this was the main reason that West Pakistani Military Personnel, even having capability for defending that part decided very easily and conveniently to end their any relation with that land on the basis of the facts that they were tired of all those messy affairs.

• Due to separation of East Pakistan, Pakistan saved itself and its ideology from baseless criticism of Bengalese Politicians, and now on real grounds they are blaming each other for their problems.
•With the separation of Bangladesh, Pakistan Islamic Ideology became more prominent with the introduction of Islamic laws and future scenario of Pakistan became much more firmed with the conversion of population ratio to 98 % Muslims, while with Bangladesh, presence of Huge Hindu minority was having adverse effects on the ideological progress of the country.

3. Security Advantages:

As East Pakistan was situated in the abdomen and inside the body of India and thousand miles away from West Pakistan, India was using this factor for blackmailing and pressurizing Pakistan from the beginning, In fact burden of huge population of East Bengal was loaded on West Pakistan to make Pakistan a crippled and failed state by Indian National Congress. India used that part as a button for keeping under pressure to Pakistan in 1947, in war of 1965 and again in 1970 with policy to occupy large chunk of land in East Pakistan. Due to 1000 miles distance between both parts and that also filled by enemy land, in such worst scenario even maintaining contacts between security forces and their mobility was in fact a difficult, expensive and life taking task, accompanied with wastage of huge resources, ultimately resulting in weakening of Defense forces and economy of the country. By separation of East Bengal, Pakistan was able to get rid of its weak point which was a most easy and favorite target of India. Due to that now Pakistan Defense is more strong and protected as compared to vulnerable and weak position before 1971.

4. Social Advantages:

•With the separation of Bengal flow of population from densely populated Bangladesh to parts of West Pakistan stopped, which was a good development for the culture and social set up of West Pakistan.

•Due to two national languages, Cultural evolution of the people of West Pakistan was stopped and their local languages were dying, with the separation of Bangladesh, that process was stopped.

•After separation of Bangladesh huge jobs opportunities were raised for people of different provinces of West Pakistan in both Federal and Provincial Governments. Due to elimination of share of people of Bengalese in civilian Jobs, which resulted in an increase in participation of local population in the affairs of country, by this their sense of depriving was minimized.

•People of Bengal are usually dark skinned, while people of West Pakistan were of Fair Skinned, due to continuous flow of Bengalese from East Bengal was creating racial discomfort and fears in the mind of local populations, that by this they will become minority in their own provinces, specially in the case when Federal Government was encouraging Bengalese to rehabilitate in West Pakistan, By separation of East Bengal this process of migration was also stopped.

This is the reason that after separation of East Pakistan, Mr. Mujibur Rehman was immediately released by President Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, and he never expressed any regret about creation of Bangladesh.

Similarly once Prersident Zia-ul-Haq commented that freedom fighters of Bangladesh were in fact the freedom fighters of Pakistan, Now Bangladesh is a free country and Pakistan is also a free country.

It is crystal clear from all above mentioned facts that separation from Problematic East Bengal created new life and new freedom in Pakistan.

Written By M.Akram Khan Niazi.
I know that a lot of Indians dream about Akhand Bharat, but why didn't India include Bangladesh into India when it "liberated" Bangladesh, why do so many Indians talk about Pakistan and India being one country and not Bangladesh and India, Bangladesh was also part of British India. I think that Bangladesh even would've agreed to be part of India in 1971 if it was asked by India, anyways Pakistan will never agree to be included in Akhand Bharat theory.

Please stop with this Akhand Bharat BS. We do not want to add Pakistan or Bangladesh to India. We however want good relation with them, simply because India can think about its own development. And prosperity in South Asia will equal economic and social progress not only in India, but all of South Asia. You seriosuly think Indians want to add more land. India is already a big country to begin with.

With the Indian BSF thing. Do you know they kill more Indians near the border then East Bengalis?
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