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Creation of Bangladesh: Pakistani and Bangladeshi perspective

We never wanted Bangladesh but there were other factors too. May be the people of East Pakistan were not happy but if all had happened without the bloodshed and Indian intervention that would have been a lot better. 1971 war has created such enmity that IMO we will not be satisfied until the disintegration of India.
Arm twisting usually takes the form of sabotage and sponsorship of terrorist groups. RAW is not always subtle.

Having helped in liberating the bangladeshis from pakistan which in turn was a result of a popular uprsing in bangaladesh... and also of course with some objective of removing pakistani grip from the east(which we all agree). What else would be indias objective in Sabotaging and supporting terrorists group in Bangaldesh. I dont think there are any terrorist group in BD which serves indias interest. No known issues can be solved through an act of sabotage or terrorism.. like the farakka barriage issue, bay of bengal issue. etc.... and i don't understand why would raw ever do anything..to make another unstable neighour in the region.. its beyond any logic..!!!

It would be helpful if you could elobrate on the above point you raised , so that we(as in we the average joe of india) can get our perspective right..!!!
Yes a RAW agent under the name of Rabindra Ghosh tried to buy me a few years ago with promises of wealth and recognition.

No the book is not available in Amazon. Its a very limited edition. This however has no relevance to the contents or the quality of the book. This is also the wrong thread again for raising this issue.

To me you are a cooked up witness working with some vested interests against Advocare Ghosh as he has been raising minority issues in BD;

HRCBM: Protect the Life and Properties of Advocate Rabindra Ghosh.

His work goes against your philiosophy. By naming him you are just branding him a RAW agent and antinations. I am not surprised.

This a Kautilyan diplomatic attempt by some indian members of this forum to raise such sensitive issues to further divide the Islamic fraternity between people of Pakistan and Bangladesh and rally the Bangladeshi Muslims against Pakistan's interests. I just do not get what type of moderation the admins and mods are showing, because it is a Pakistan defence forum and it should serve the interests of Pakistan. After all how many times a man can commit the same blunder repeatedly? What is the policy there the admins and mods keep not to protect the interests of a country which has been affected and humiliated again and again by the fascist zionist indian hindu forces? Indian hindu members are so clever that they even sometimes uses some Mir Jafars and Mir Sadiks to confuse and thereafter brainwash the members who forget the harm that has been done by indian hindu forces to their respective countries.

For all Bangladeshi members, I request you personally to ignore such issues first and then report the mods and admins with strong arguments if you see such issues harmful to Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, Nepal, Bhutan, Burma or any other countries that indian hindu forces see as enemies. Again it is my personal advice and the decision should be taken with your own consent.

I do not want to see any country bashed out but at the same time, I always remember it is the Pakistani Defence forum and all threads as well as posts should be appropriate to the name of the forum. The nation which forgets its history and historical dates, can not move forward to progress. If someone wants to live, she or he must live with honor, strength and courage and not as a shameless person who does not know which are her or his interests and which are not.

I appreciate all of your thoughtful post. You may not be Muslim but you are a brother and better than some so call Muslim who admire Jew. All though I don't disagree with anything you said rather I have problem with us Muslim being mistrusting each other by listen to our enemy. Why the hell Muslim mistrust or misunderstand each other by listen to third party. Are we some kind of "dood pine wala bacha". Didn't Allah warn us from our enemy and showed us the rite path to the brotherhood? :hitwall:
I Personally Believe that the Bangla People should not Have Revolted, and Should have Stayed on with Pakistan, and tried to Address their problems differently than through arms. I feel Some Bangladeshi Members on this Forum, Would have liked to stay on with Pakistan because they admire Pakistan, as a Nuclear power! Isnt it so???

That sounds pacifistic.
Please read about the national assembly structure and army structure of Pakistan before Bangladesh. Bangla people would have ruled Pakistan in another world.

May be some BD members believe so. But invariably I find them to be advocates of an Islamic state and hence share the Islamic ideology with Pakistan. THis is essentially what connects them. I observe they oppose secularism. You might want to correct me here ...
I think whatever blame BD people put on Mujib or other freedom fighters is like Pakistanis blaming their own people for actions which are totally unintended and costed the credibility of Government's stand.
Recent examples include security adviser, Geo. Some blame Sharif even Bhutto till she died.
I don't think any country can have so many traitors.

In Mujib's case it did only good for people. So the only blame can be expected from quarters affiliated to making BD an Islamic country, people who identify with Islamicness of the country more than the country itself.
This a Kautilyan diplomatic attempt by some indian members of this forum to raise such sensitive issues to further divide the Islamic fraternity between people of Pakistan and Bangladesh and rally the Bangladeshi Muslims against Pakistan's interests. I just do not get what type of moderation the admins and mods are showing, because it is a Pakistan defence forum and it should serve the interests of Pakistan. After all how many times a man can commit the same blunder repeatedly? What is the policy there the admins and mods keep not to protect the interests of a country which has been affected and humiliated again and again by the fascist zionist indian hindu forces? Indian hindu members are so clever that they even sometimes uses some Mir Jafars and Mir Sadiks to confuse and thereafter brainwash the members who forget the harm that has been done by indian hindu forces to their respective countries.

For all Bangladeshi members, I request you personally to ignore such issues first and then report the mods and admins with strong arguments if you see such issues harmful to Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, Nepal, Bhutan, Burma or any other countries that indian hindu forces see as enemies. Again it is my personal advice and the decision should be taken with your own consent.

I do not want to see any country bashed out but at the same time, I always remember it is the Pakistani Defence forum and all threads as well as posts should be appropriate to the name of the forum. The nation which forgets its history and historical dates, can not move forward to progress. If someone wants to live, she or he must live with honor, strength and courage and not as a shameless person who does not know which are her or his interests and which are not.
I dont think Pakistan and Bangladesh will have any problem of reconciliation even if they accept history. The only difficulty is some people worried about accepting the history. BDs need not study distorted history if they want fraternity with Pakistan. Nor do they need to hate India.
We never wanted Bangladesh but there were other factors too. May be the people of East Pakistan were not happy but if all had happened without the bloodshed and Indian intervention that would have been a lot better. 1971 war has created such enmity that IMO we will not be satisfied until the disintegration of India.

Totally agree...
To me you are a cooked up witness working with some vested interests against Advocare Ghosh as he has been raising minority issues in BD;

HRCBM: Protect the Life and Properties of Advocate Rabindra Ghosh.

His work goes against your philiosophy. By naming him you are just branding him a RAW agent and antinations. I am not surprised.


You are also violating forum rules by disclosing a private conversation of which you were not even part. HRCBM is funded by RAW. Ghosh to prove his support from India showed me picture of him and Advani and Vajpayee when they were in power. I am sure he has more recent photos but I have not been in communication with him after that incident.
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You are also violating forum rules by disclosing a private conversation of which you were not even part. HRCBM is funded by RAW. Ghosh to prove his support from India showed me picture of him and Advani and Vajpayee when they were in power. I am sure he has more recent photos but I have not been communication with him after that incident.

I can show you so many pictures of so many people with VIPs. Is it really difficult to get pictures with VIPs ? I have seen pictures of your FM with so many international dignitaries which one can always get while attending some international meetings. Politicians often oblize people with snaps. Let us be mature and look at things in a more mature way. I am not saying that Mr Ghosh is totally innocent. I am sure he has his own agenda. Running national affairs is a very complex issue and one can not paint in thin air on anything and everything.

Alochona eForce- A Media Watch Report

HRCBM – An Enemy of the State

Executive Summary

The shared history of the subcontinent allows one community to have concern for the welfare of another community. It is natural and proper that citizens of India should be concerned about injustices inside Bangladesh - and vice versa.

No one can deny that both Bangladesh and India face many problems. However, Bangladesh enjoys far better relations between Hindus and Muslims than India.

The Human Rights Congress on Bangladesh Minorities (HRCBM) claims to be a human rights organisation. However HRCBM aims to dictate the future of Bangladeshi Hindus and to direct their loyalties and interests towards India. Its ultimate aim is to carve out of Bangladesh a huge region of Hindus and add it to India. Its tactics include damaging the reputation of Bangladesh, crippling its economy and destroying its social harmony.

This report presents the evidence and demonstrates the case that HRCBM is an enemy of the State of Bangladesh. It is based on email messages exchanged between the leaders and supporters of HRCBM. It is irrelevant whether a defence of HRCBM can be attempted; the evidence presented is sufficient.

Amnesty International (Amnesty) has been fooled into lending HRCBM credibility by association. Amnesty should open a fully resourced office in Bangladesh to conduct its own investigation(s). It would be warmly welcomed and supported by the citizens of Bangladesh.

HRCBM is actively seeking the reduction of exports from the garments sector in Bangladesh to damage its economy. It already operates subversively within Bangladesh. HRCBM is therefore an immediate threat to the independence and sovereignty of Bangladesh.


Basic human rights are the units of measure for a society’s progress, democracy and justice system.

A society that does not ensure the basic human right to live freely is not progressive. A society that does not ensure the basic human right to representation is undemocratic. A society that does not ensure the basic human right to justice is unjust.

The citizens of Bangladesh aspire to a progressive, democratic and just society. Like all other member states of humanity, Bangladesh must embrace the drive towards basic human rights for all. These same aspirations fuelled the great sacrifices so many made only three decades ago. These aspirations govern the efforts of all true patriots who work for a better future for Bangladesh.

Progress, representation and justice are for all citizens. Irrespective of religion or class or background. In this drive for human rights there are vital roles for government, for communities, for individuals – and for organisations.

The Human Rights Congress on Bangladesh Minorities (HRCBM) plans to be the leading such organisation in Bangladesh.

Two patriotic Bangladeshis joined HRCBM in its early days believing it to be a vehicle for expanding human rights in Bangladesh. They discovered that HRCBM and its subsidiary, UnitedMinority, aimed to destabilise and partition Bangladesh. They have exposed HRCBM by releasing some email messages.

A human rights organization promotes basic human rights for all citizens. It investigates the abuse of human rights and presents evidence to the public, relevant sovereign government and international community. It pursues justice through the courts. It would not be motivated by or involved in politics. It remains non-partisan so as to retain credibility. It aims to be an example of integrity, honesty and good conduct.

A human rights organisation in Bangladesh would do does all this because its leaders care for the welfare of all citizens and for the welfare of the country. HRCBM by contrast is a partisan organization motivated by extreme religious convictions. It seeks to create new problems and exacerbate existing problems.

No other human rights organisation uses either the insulting language or the subversive tactics of HRCBM. No other human rights organisation has the unscrupulous ethics or political ambitions of HRCBM.

No other human rights organisation actively pursues the partition of a sovereign State.

No other human rights organisation serves the people of Bangladesh with tactics that include –

- portraying Bangladesh internationally as a Talibanised country
- encouraging the boycott of Bangladesh made products
- expounding that Islam is the cause of evils
- seeking support from extremist Hindus worldwide
- damaging relations between Bangladesh and the UN and other countries
- inciting India to be actively hostile against Bangladesh
- creating social unrest within Bangladesh

HRCBM’s website serves it’s own agenda. The stories on the website are unchallenged. Nobody knows the veracity of the website’s contents. HRCBM has worked for a longtime without having to explain itself actions and its agenda. It has made itself important by exploiting the absence of a powerful human rights organisation in Bangladesh.

This report proves that HRCBM has no interest in human rights within Bangladesh. For HRCBM is not what it says it is. HRCBM is not a human rights congress of Bangladeshi minorities. It is not motivated by human rights. It is politically motivated. It is not interested in Bangladesh. It is interested in India. It is not a congress of minorities. It is interested in only one community.

Breaking Bangladesh into pieces and giving a large part to India is not the goal of a human rights organisation. It is the goal of an enemy of the State.
Alochona eForce- A Media Watch Report

HRCBM – An Enemy of the State

Executive Summary

The shared history of the subcontinent allows one community to have concern for the welfare of another community. It is natural and proper that citizens of India should be concerned about injustices inside Bangladesh - and vice versa.

No one can deny that both Bangladesh and India face many problems. However, Bangladesh enjoys far better relations between Hindus and Muslims than India.

The Human Rights Congress on Bangladesh Minorities (HRCBM) claims to be a human rights organisation. However HRCBM aims to dictate the future of Bangladeshi Hindus and to direct their loyalties and interests towards India. Its ultimate aim is to carve out of Bangladesh a huge region of Hindus and add it to India. Its tactics include damaging the reputation of Bangladesh, crippling its economy and destroying its social harmony.

This report presents the evidence and demonstrates the case that HRCBM is an enemy of the State of Bangladesh. It is based on email messages exchanged between the leaders and supporters of HRCBM. It is irrelevant whether a defence of HRCBM can be attempted; the evidence presented is sufficient.

Amnesty International (Amnesty) has been fooled into lending HRCBM credibility by association. Amnesty should open a fully resourced office in Bangladesh to conduct its own investigation(s). It would be warmly welcomed and supported by the citizens of Bangladesh.

HRCBM is actively seeking the reduction of exports from the garments sector in Bangladesh to damage its economy. It already operates subversively within Bangladesh. HRCBM is therefore an immediate threat to the independence and sovereignty of Bangladesh.


Basic human rights are the units of measure for a society’s progress, democracy and justice system.

A society that does not ensure the basic human right to live freely is not progressive. A society that does not ensure the basic human right to representation is undemocratic. A society that does not ensure the basic human right to justice is unjust.

The citizens of Bangladesh aspire to a progressive, democratic and just society. Like all other member states of humanity, Bangladesh must embrace the drive towards basic human rights for all. These same aspirations fuelled the great sacrifices so many made only three decades ago. These aspirations govern the efforts of all true patriots who work for a better future for Bangladesh.

Progress, representation and justice are for all citizens. Irrespective of religion or class or background. In this drive for human rights there are vital roles for government, for communities, for individuals – and for organisations.

The Human Rights Congress on Bangladesh Minorities (HRCBM) plans to be the leading such organisation in Bangladesh.

Two patriotic Bangladeshis joined HRCBM in its early days believing it to be a vehicle for expanding human rights in Bangladesh. They discovered that HRCBM and its subsidiary, UnitedMinority, aimed to destabilise and partition Bangladesh. They have exposed HRCBM by releasing some email messages.

A human rights organization promotes basic human rights for all citizens. It investigates the abuse of human rights and presents evidence to the public, relevant sovereign government and international community. It pursues justice through the courts. It would not be motivated by or involved in politics. It remains non-partisan so as to retain credibility. It aims to be an example of integrity, honesty and good conduct.

A human rights organisation in Bangladesh would do does all this because its leaders care for the welfare of all citizens and for the welfare of the country. HRCBM by contrast is a partisan organization motivated by extreme religious convictions. It seeks to create new problems and exacerbate existing problems.

No other human rights organisation uses either the insulting language or the subversive tactics of HRCBM. No other human rights organisation has the unscrupulous ethics or political ambitions of HRCBM.

No other human rights organisation actively pursues the partition of a sovereign State.

No other human rights organisation serves the people of Bangladesh with tactics that include –

- portraying Bangladesh internationally as a Talibanised country
- encouraging the boycott of Bangladesh made products
- expounding that Islam is the cause of evils
- seeking support from extremist Hindus worldwide
- damaging relations between Bangladesh and the UN and other countries
- inciting India to be actively hostile against Bangladesh
- creating social unrest within Bangladesh

HRCBM’s website serves it’s own agenda. The stories on the website are unchallenged. Nobody knows the veracity of the website’s contents. HRCBM has worked for a longtime without having to explain itself actions and its agenda. It has made itself important by exploiting the absence of a powerful human rights organisation in Bangladesh.

This report proves that HRCBM has no interest in human rights within Bangladesh. For HRCBM is not what it says it is. HRCBM is not a human rights congress of Bangladeshi minorities. It is not motivated by human rights. It is politically motivated. It is not interested in Bangladesh. It is interested in India. It is not a congress of minorities. It is interested in only one community.

Breaking Bangladesh into pieces and giving a large part to India is not the goal of a human rights organisation. It is the goal of an enemy of the State.

Human Rights Congress on Bangladesh Minorities (HRCBM) is exposing crimes against minorties in BD. How that makes them RAW agents and antinationals? Which of their actions make them interested in India ? If there is enough proof of their antinational activities, why don't u file a case against them? Since they are not as powereful as army, you should have no problem.

That sounds pacifistic.
Please read about the national assembly structure and army structure of Pakistan before Bangladesh. Bangla people would have ruled Pakistan in another world.

May be some BD members believe so. But invariably I find them to be advocates of an Islamic state and hence share the Islamic ideology with Pakistan. THis is essentially what connects them. I observe they oppose secularism. You might want to correct me here ...
Sir Ruby, I was not being pacifistic, I was showing my feelings, I used to feel proud India Liberated Bangladesh, But after seeing the way BD members treat India as an enemy and latch up Conspiracy theories, I feel maybe what india did was wrong! We should have let them be as they were and turned the other way, And should have send away all the Refugees who came into India for fearing the troubles there! Sorry if I hurt you, But Its the way I feel.

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