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Defections and Mass Surrenders Continue to the Taliban

An official who works in Afghanistan tells me that it seems the taliban will take over all of the country without firing a single shot. A domino effect of surrender is set in motion. The ANA and their allies have a very low morale and do not want to fight. The taliban have also learned politics and are openly forgiving ppl and asking them to defect.
1) Weapons captured by TB from the mass surrender in Ghazni.

Plenty of American M4s M16s?
Taliban posters appeared in multiple districts of Kandahar, including Dand district, calling on pro-govt soldiers/govt employees to surrender/defect to the Taliban.
FuturePAF said:
Six months. Damn, history doesn’t repeat by it rhymes like the dickens; just in time for Christmas? Bing Crosby never sounded scarier.

Guess “The temperature in Kabul is 105 degrees and rising”.:disagree:

Is this kind of end of involvement going to be a meme; “Getting Bing Crosbied”

:D :D:D

The US/NATO are finding out that loyalty cannot be bought even after two decades of full blown occupation. LOL I have seen Americans cuss Afghans for surrendering this easily. The Americans were expecting the average Afghans to go bananas and fight for the American cause.
over $2 trillion and 20 years later, america, nato and its lap dogs like karzai ghani & co. couldn't even train a simple army that would stand their ground...pathetic!

Karzai's brother was a druglord and he ate up all the money that was intended to be used for development.
The US/NATO are finding out that loyalty cannot be bought even after two decades of full blown occupation. LOL I have seen Americans cuss Afghans for surrendering this easily. The Americans were expecting the average Afghans to go bananas and fight for the American cause.

Only Afghans that will try their best are probably Hazaras I think.

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