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DG ISPR press conference

One thing is certain, Army top brass doesn't want to see IK into power anymore. Now imagine if next year IK wins elections big time, will this DG ISI will have the face to see IK. They will try to get him ban thru foreign funding case I suppose or atleast make sure that PTI doesn't get 2-3rd majority. Its litmus test of our higher courts as well. PMLN all a sudden backing CJP Bandial nominations, which they were opposing earlier, in Supreme judicial council, do suggest that they want cases against Nawaz Sharif and Imran Khan in their favor.

This press conference should not have been done.
What do you think happen next ? Establishment Imran Khan relations seems to be on the point of no return. Don't think chain of command happening in Nov will have any impact.
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They looks Drunkard and/or sleepless for many nights.

The ISI head specially looking at heavy eyebags, red eyes, popping out of anger and fear. When stressed they drink more. And the ISPR guy as well, almost close to crying...at the tipping point of brink, nerve wrecks, both.

Didn't have the patience to listen to these dangerous duffers and with planted questions by the Lifafis. Safi Lifafi was apt...
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View attachment 889721

They looks Drunkard and/or sleepless for many nights.

The ISI head specially looking at heavy eyebags, red eyes, popping out of anger and fear. When stressed they drink more.

Didn't have the patience to listen to these dangeous duffers and with planted questions by the Lifafis. Safi Lifafi was apt...
What was furious to behold that they only care about their own pig faced self. They timed it wrong and wanted to figuratively piss on a dead journalists grave that THEY MURDERED. Haramzaday kahin k. **** these 2-faced twats.
Ladies and gentlemen, sh!t has truly hit the fan and we are fcked.

This is a mere S.N.A.F.U. and will soon settle down after suitable corrective actions to be taken over the next few weeks. No worries.
I honestly never thought we would see a sitting DG ISI say these sort of words, in such casual language, reading from a parchi, sucking the balls of a sitting COAS, and saying such confrontational words against an ex-PM who was recently removed.

"Raat ki khamoshi main band darwazon main aap ham say milain", "gher ayeni batain bolain", "aap ki baton main tazad hai", and select journalists there towing the same estab line and asking planted questions directed at IK and PTI.

Bajwa sahab kdhr pauhauncha dia hai fauj ko aap nay? Ab yeh fauj karay gi?
That scoundrel mirasi ki aulaad Kamran Shahid asked a question accusing IK for bashing army when in fact IK never done such a thing in public whereas all PDM stalwarts especially establishment's old ladlay PMLN were publicly bashing army.

This presser has once and for all confirmed for all that Establishment was behind IKs ouster, behind harrassment and torture of journalists and pti politicians and behind AS' assassination.
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Today's PC is sure sign that the cage is rattled big time.
It is very sad and stupid to attack Imran Khan directly and openly. It shows that they were and are against an elected PM of Pakistan. Unless they rigged the elections, the accusations of PDM thugs. In that case they are guilty of interferring in politics, I say, it is counter productive, but you have to have some thought process to understand the implications of what you are saying.

If IK was meeting them in private, then they are as guilty as IK. Why they didn't refused to meet him even if the request was made by the IK!! Did their oath and responsibilities give them mandate to interfere with politics!!
What about 75 years of interference and Martial Laws!!! That too was IK's fault!!
Come on man, every Pakistani knows that you are "Purane pappis" it has nothing to do with IK.
You are in the habbit of itnerferring in politics and if nothing works, imposing the martial law.

Now these are all own goals, period.

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