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Do you have any questions about China?

can you name some good vegetarian Chinese dishes??
I heard that most of the high caste indians are Vegetarian
. true or not?
and why india has high ration of vegetarianism?
can you name some good vegetarian Chinese dishes??

Sorry I can't, need several library, Bean products, Edible fungi ,Lotus root and many other vegetable dish, any one of them can make a table of food , Chicken, duck, beef and all the meat and fish can made by vegetable dish, tast as the real . If you go to a Vegetarian restaurant, you can order all dishes what you want, but infact all of them are made by vegetable dish






the meat is made by vegetable
I heard that most of the high caste indians are Vegetarian
. true or not?

if you are the highest caste ,are you willing to have dinner with somebody of lowest caste?

another question,what about marriage of different castes
I heard that most of the high caste indians are Vegetarian
. true or not?
and why india has high ration of vegetarianism?

Brahmins, other than two groups among them, the Saraswats and all those who live in Bengal, do not eat meat or fish. I believe that this is a practice inherited from the Buddhist era, when reverence for life became a major consideration for very many people (the Buddha was not a vegetarian). Many others have taken to it as well, perhaps because of reverence for life, perhaps in an aspirational sense or perhaps in deference to the climate, which does not encourage eating meat and fish. There is no caste binding on those others.

It is difficult to answer why there is such a large number, such a large ratio of vegetarians among Indians. The answer is probably a combination of reverence for life, customary practice and the dictates of the climate.
if you are the highest caste ,are you willing to have dinner with somebody of lowest caste?

Back in olden days it was considered to be bad but nowadays in Atleast in urban cities i can guarantee u that no one even asks others caste ...... but in villages it might be prevalent today also ..... It is just in vedic hinduism we consider every life in earth as important so it was advisable to not eat other life forms ....but yeah a lot of uppercaste people including brahmins do eat non veg ..heck even the brahmins eat it ...myself being one
if you are the highest caste ,are you willing to have dinner with somebody of lowest caste?

My sense is that some rural people still retain these prejudices, but will not admit it. It is highly unlikely to be seen in an urban setting. I say highly unlikely because some vegetarians do not like eating with non-vegetarians, as they find the presence of meat and fish dishes next to them distressing. My brother-in-law, for instance, rarely enjoys a meal outside home because his mind is filled with thoughts of the dishes and utensils and if they have been used to hold meat or fish. As we grow older, my wife has started worrying about this, and has also developed stronger views about killing living beings for food.
I heard that most of the high caste indians are Vegetarian
. true or not?
and why india has high ration of vegetarianism?

Another possible explanation

From the early centuries of the Christian era, Buddhism and Jainism contributed much to the crescent belief that nonviolence is supremely valued which stimulated growing hostility to the slaughter of live animals. Due to the sacrifice of cattle, there was a big famine in most parts of the country. People who were forced by Brahmins to provide them whatever they want, slowly started drifting towards other religions which were by that time following non-violence. Priests who participated in sacrifices and eating the flesh of the animals were degraded. To protect their community and its existence the Brahmins stopped sacrifice and replaced it with coconut. We can see in any temple today that a coconut is offered by the people in temples. For the same reasons, high proportion of Brahmins gave up partaking flesh and fish.
In 4th and 5th century AD. in the Tamil country the cults of Vishnu and Shiva, had to fight against those of the Jains. The Vaishnava and Shaiva could not make much headway against the Jains (who believed in non-violence and vegetarianism), if they did not give up eating of flesh. Hence they adopted abstention from meat and liquor as one of their fundamental principles.
if you are the highest caste ,are you willing to have dinner with somebody of lowest caste?

another question,what about marriage of different castes
yes, I dont know what you think of caste system in India, but my all room partners belong to different castes some times we eat in same thali.
I heard that most of the high caste indians are Vegetarian
. true or not?
and why india has high ration of vegetarianism?

Its not caste issue in eating. According to our culture which says "there is no need to kill the animal even for eating when you can have your food from plants. Life of creature is equally important to the life of human being. The life which you can not give you have no right to take it". Religion and culture are part of our day today life.
yes, I dont know what you think of caste system in India, but my all room partners belong to different castes some times we eat in same thali.

Its not caste issue in eating. According to our culture which says "there is no need to kill the animal even for eating when you can have your food from plants. Life of creature is equally important to the life of human being. The life which you can not give you have no right to take it".



yes, I dont know what you think of caste system in India, but my all room partners belong to different castes some times we eat in same thali.

Dont u thnk dats too much melodramatic
can indians change his family name as his willing?
if yes, how can people defference high caste and low caste people?
what will happen if a low caste indian hide his name and pretend to be a high caste?
and if a Brahmin go bankrupt,will he get finacial aid from india goverment?
can indians change his family name as his willing?
if yes, how can people defference high caste and low caste people?

and if a Brahmins go bankrupt,will he get finacial aid from india goverment?

No. So what people do is to drop their caste names. That is usually a sign of a progressive.

Brahmins get no special favours from any one.

PS: traditionally, a good Brahmin is one who is learned but despises money. That is a myth; everyone loves money and wants to be rich. But that tradition persists. So we have stories start with, "There was a learned Brahmin who was so poor that he could not eat three times a day." this is a total myth today, except that we do not pay learned people properly and lose them all to western countries.

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