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Do you think that India is sponsoring the terrorism in Pakistan?

Do you think India is sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan ??

  • Yes

    Votes: 108 63.9%
  • No

    Votes: 54 32.0%
  • Not sure.

    Votes: 7 4.1%

  • Total voters
The question is not whether they are sponsoring it or not. The question we should ask ourselves is that whether they can do it without our involvement.

We ourselves are responsible for our problem and we are pointing our fingers towards other people.
This is called arrogance.. which recently indian developed i think you guys cant handle it .. why dont you just withdraw support and see how well BD perform.. this world needs no india or any other country... if you think you are the most important player in region then i think you living in fools paradise..
there are always new players to fill up the gap. reality check!

This is not an arrogance but a fact. Today, if BD is not competing among the top spot of Failed state, it is because of India. We have Successfully saved BD from going into the hands of Radical element. BD is progressing today with Indian support.

We are not only an important player in region but in the world. You are right that new players may fill the gap. We are that new player to replace the old ones. Our neighbors are either in competition of becoming failed state or either struggling to keep their house in order or economically to weak. Non of them have the potential to emerge as a regional or global player.
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There's got to be a source funding these monsters, how come they have loads of weapons

Who do you think is funding these monsters then?? there's got to be some source heavily funding them, they are not a minor insurgent group, these are highly trained monsters with dangerous weaponry and are highly dangerous... I agree with you on Baloch part, I doubt much of Indian involvement in it, but I'm highly skeptical about TTP, Afghan intelligence agencies could very well be behind them too.

You are forgetting about uncle sam. During the early years of afgan invasion, usa was begging you to start an operation on pakistani tribal areas againist afgan taliban and its proxis. Tribel ealders were giving refuge for the running afgan taliban militants,giving them a space to regroup. ISI was also trying to protect their proxies like haquanies for statergic bargaining in post war afgan. Pakistan rastablishment had a good connection with the tribel ealders and peoples before war. Pakistan goverment repeatedly denied american request for operation on tribels who are supporting afgan taliban

But after the formation of TTP fueled by continious drone strikes, the relation between pakistan eastablishment and tribel peoples changed from good to worse. Pakistan peoples who ones heavely pro mujahdeen and pro jihad are no more support them as much as used to. Pakistan army is now attacking fata and terrorists are loosing their safe heavens.
at the end uncle sam will get what it wants one way or another.
Do you people think that India is sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan? Is there any solid evidence of Indian involvement or backing of TTP,BLA and other terrorist organizations in Pakistan??

Also give your reasons how do you think they are behind this?? and what leads you to think that? I'm looking for evidences which suggest the Indian involvement .

Most Pakistanis (including myself) believe that India could have some sort of involvement in backing these terrorists in Afghanistan or fuming/arming them against Pakistan, but Indians deny it and say its Pakistan's and ISI's own creation which is biting us right back now, and how could they radicalize them???

Why there isn't any official statement from Pakistan?? since many Terrorists have been arrested too which can confirm the Indian involvement??

The more information someone can share with some factual statements the better, thankyou.

PS: Please don't make it a troll thread, I'm serious on this..
I think No
the reason is same As yours that there is no proof
there is no proof from the Pakistani side also
Once in every month you will get to hear Pakistan catching a RAW agent but the news dies in matter of seconds
If there is a guy like ajmal then Pakistan should drag him to UN and shame India.....

Anyways if you do get some concrete proof then do ping me....
Another delusional indian analyst.But then whatever analysis gives u peace of mind.

Phew!! Anyways back on topic.
Yes ofcourse india is a terrotist nation. Whoelse.
Terrorism from bangladesh to srilanka to bhutan to nepal to burma to pakistan to china india has her hands all muddied in terrorism.
The day india stops exporting terrorism her reason for survival will cease to exist.
Exactly like DiCaprio in the movie. He also did not kill his wife. :)
RAW has no other capabilities ,other than to be in every Pakistani's head.
Its all in the head people.
After all Pakistan has the best intel agency in the world,India cannot do anything even if we want to.:)
This is just wrong. Totally wrong !! OP decided to give a "No" and "Not Sure" as options !! He is a traitor to the purest country of the world. This is blasphemy of the highest order, higher than burning religious book or drawing religious people. Excommunicate the OP !!

OnTopic: Ok guys, let's sake for the discussion, assume that India dose arm and support the Baloch Rebels. Then we have two problems.

1. How is India providing them with Arms and munition without being detected ?? In this day of highly connected monetary systems, any and all transactions can be scrutinized. Ans what about directly arming them ?? Well India dose not have a directly connected Border. If India is to fly those arms and munitions across the heavily monitored border/airspace then ..... Well what the Hell.......... wooho IAF is good and we might as well successfully acquired 60T stealth cargo planes and a Star ship Cruisers (Light Sabers !! Wooong Waaang !!)

2. If suppose Baluchistan is liberated from Pakistan any day [And that may well be in next millennium or may never come] won't that just give rise to just 1 more snakes-in-the-backyard scenario ?? And after seeing Pakistan suffering so much from that, it would actively deter our RAW from doing such a thing. It's better to handle threat from cross border than to handle rebels with weapons paid by our own money !!

Finally what would be India's rationale for doing so ?? We are getting enough traction internationally being the victim of Pakistani Terror groups. If we where to do the same, we can lose the traction. And keeping in mind the possible economic growth associated with that kind of traction, it would monumentally foolish to even think about it.

P.S: I donn care who these rebels fight for, if any of their objective require to kill innocent people then they should be neutralist by any means necessary.
Chor Machye shor

once Kashmiri leader says on your own indian TV that pay me the money and i hand you india amo at your door
Well so did a great inventor on Pakistan TV saying he could run his car on nothing but water !! Point is if Pakistani leadership has any tangible proof at it's disposal then present it to the world.

i feel bad for people who born in india specially minorities..
Common now seriously dude !! You can at least check independent sources about their growth. I can show you the mirror but it's off topic.

so instead of playing this Sympathy card try to tackle your poverity.. build some washroom and stop killing minorities you indian have some serious mental issues (like raping ministor who promise to give a kid a better jon.. dont even want your lower cast people to come in parliment like pholan devi...and i dont wanna talk about J lalita) specially the people who been setting your policies and making you guys obbsessed..
@Irfan Baloch @Horus : Isn't this a wonderful on topic material !! See how many valid points this wonderful gentleman put up. So wonderful indeed that I think some kind of forum rule has been violated. Plus please note the blatant disrespect to ones country.

Anyways the post has been reported.
Well so did a great inventor on Pakistan TV saying he could run his car on nothing but water !! Point is if Pakistani leadership has any tangible proof at it's disposal then present it to the world.

Common now seriously dude !! You can at least check independent sources about their growth. I can show you the mirror but it's off topic.

@Irfan Baloch @Horus : Isn't this a wonderful on topic material !! See how many valid points this wonderful gentleman put up. So wonderful indeed that I think some kind of forum rule has been violated. Plus please note the blatant disrespect to ones country.

Anyways the post has been reported.

sweety pie its been voilating by indians and we are not crying that they come to every topic and make it Pak vs Ind..
complaining and crying is national anthem of India i guess all you guys do is rueining the party..
if you guys keep comming against Pak then we know how to defend and we keep replying. word by word , bullet by bullet and souls by soul ;-)
and i think the same mirror you need to see yourself pocket of money but find your own image as skeleton.. feed your poors than tell us how much growth and money you have ..its a shame to remind the shamless..
stay on topic!
sweety pie its been voilating by indians and we are not crying that they come to every topic and make it Pak vs Ind..
complaining and crying is national anthem of India i guess all you guys do is rueining the party..
if you guys keep comming against Pak then we know how to defend and we keep replying. word by word , bullet by bullet and souls by soul ;-)
and i think the same mirror you need to see yourself pocket of money but find your own image as skeleton.. feed your poors than tell us how much growth and money you have ..its a shame to remind the shamless..
stay on topic!
What a seriously Lame excuse you come up with .. No one has sympathy with India and eyes are on Pak afghan ind and in whole region you think rest of the intel are blind dont see what RAW has been doing.
there is thing called Tit for Tat and belive me india's turn gonna come soon. you are not powerful and cant be.
supported tamil in SL.. mukti bani in BD.. TTP, BLA in Pak...
once Kashmiri leader says on your own indian TV that pay me the money and i hand you india amo at your door..
so instead of playing this Sympathy card try to tackle your poverity.. build some washroom and stop killing minorities you indian have some serious mental issues (like raping ministor who promise to give a kid a better jon.. dont even want your lower cast people to come in parliment like pholan devi...and i dont wanna talk about J lalita) specially the people who been setting your policies and making you guys obbsessed..
this is your society deal with it instead of giving us lecture that your growth rate.. whats a use of buying or spending one trillion which doesnt change your peoples living standard...
i feel bad for people who born in india specially minorities..
Yes RAW is indian agency and its Pormoting terrorist in South east asia
Buddy if you really wanna discuss something then come up points. All you have been doing in past 2 post is just ranting. It's like you are so frustrated you are just hammering the keyboard with what ever comes to your mind !! Dude you and I are not going to do anything to each other over the net. What we can do is a sensible discussion but its not possible if you whine like a turbine.
And for f*ck sake stop using the victim card (Also will it kill you to use Spell check ??). We have been asking your country to disassemble the terror camps for a long time. You dinn even tried, instead invested heavily into them. You guys even supported them and used them actively against India. You guys even provided them with military support [read Good Terrorist Bad Terrorist Approach ]. But now when they turn on the hand it's feeding them, then you makeup from your slumber. Had you taken steps earlier there wouldn't have been so much animosity in SE Asia. You could be developing at 7-8% annually and would have become a major global player. You brought it on yourself.
Do you people think that India is sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan? Is there any solid evidence of Indian involvement or backing of TTP,BLA and other terrorist organizations in Pakistan??

Also give your reasons how do you think they are behind this?? and what leads you to think that? I'm looking for evidences which suggest the Indian involvement .

Most Pakistanis (including myself) believe that India could have some sort of involvement in backing these terrorists in Afghanistan or fuming/arming them against Pakistan, but Indians deny it and say its Pakistan's and ISI's own creation which is biting us right back now, and how could they radicalize them???

Why there isn't any official statement from Pakistan?? since many Terrorists have been arrested too which can confirm the Indian involvement??

The more information someone can share with some factual statements the better, thankyou.

PS: Please don't make it a troll thread, I'm serious on this..
lets start from the first flash point

who attacked kashmir in 1948 when big powers were making decissions as to what will be kashmirs future why did pakistani establishment send afridies to attack and take kashmir by force ?

who tried to sneak in guns and amunations by giving 1:3 guns per soldier in operation gibraltar and why ?

now lets talk about current scenario

do balochis feel cheated by corrupt pakistani elite looting there natural resources and giving back nothing in return and what is given where does it ends up ?

what has been done to bring terrorists to justice ,did pakistani police or security ever tracked down the origins ofa terrorist as to who funded ,trained and armed him and gave him a task to go and blow himself and other innocent people with him ?

how many real proofs of indian involvement are given to world media or domestic media or international forums like this one are ever given ?

did pakistan ever caught a non muslim/hindu terrorist and produced it to world to show indian govt sponsring terror in pakistan ?

has till date in any international court a terrorist has accepted like dawood gillani or tassawur rana testified against indian involvemnt in sponsring terroism in pakistan ?

how hard is it to find a poor person in pakistan who will happily sacrifice his life if his family is given a respectable amount ?

how hard is it pakistan to buy a wepon like a pistol . assault rifle ,hand granade or explosives needed to make an IED
or even chemicals like silver nitrate or phosphorus?

how hard is it in pakistan for a local mullah to entice hate which might lead to mob attack looting or arson on some minority or even public property in name of say blasphemy ?

and how many such mullahs who did such things in past were ever punished for there crimes by any pakistani court of law ?

how many pakistanis think that there police and judicial system is doing a fine job in ensuring security and dignity and justice to common man ?

please any pakistani member answer my questions and also tell me that am i trolling or not

If not India than who is arming these bastards???
tell me saad do u ever seen in news or from your local sources about abduction ,extorsion , drug trade or wepons trade where many local members of such "kaladam tanzeens" found or rumored to have been complicit with such acts or do i need to give you video links of many pakistani news chat shows where some very respected pakistanis are discussing ways to stop funding of such groups from "mashrik e ghusta" and do you have ever seen small donation boxes kept in some public places in pakistan for collecting zakat for jihad

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