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Does India need 8,000 Km Range missile?

We are working on long range missile only because of China, otherwise we don need 8000 KM missile…We have to make sure that we are giving 100% cover to CHINA…means each and every point of CHINA…It will good to answer any aggression from CHINA.
India should go ahead with the R&D n keep everything in place except for testing the 8000+ km range ICBM physically .

Only when there is sufficient need India can test after taking Europe, US and japan into confidence.
In war scenario for ex with pakistan .
The main target will be our missile stocks ..if you have missiles capable of say 10000 km we can keep them in safe distance and fire from there ..
I think we should build 8000 km SLBM,but not land launched version of this...it'll send signal to and assure those worried countries that we are not developing missiles for them,just making some deterrence..
India needs ICBMs and SLBMs pointing at entire eastern seaboard of China, New York, Washington DC and London.
If we want to be a world power, if we want to be on security council , then Yes, some power through Missiles will have some say !
India will develop it, but slowly , not to get the world's attention too soon !!
If it didn't I guess India wouldn't have devloped the Agni V with a speculated range of ~8,000km and wouldn't be working on the 10,000km+ range Agni-VI.
lol..not needed..only China(till now) will do..

Nukes are a political tool, India needs this tool in it's armory, in order to secure Indian interests, instead of buckling to US pressure. As of now, GoI cannot handle US and Chinese pressure.
loll india doesnt need to ask anyone for testing its missiles. we will build it with time. does is not even an argument.

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