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Does India Need Better Gun Laws?


Feb 19, 2011
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United States
India is renowned for Draconian Gun control Laws where To obtain a license to own a firearm, a person has to prove that there exists "threat to life". Once a license is obtained, there are several restrictions on caliber.

With one of the lowest per capita police force, 130 per 100,000 civilians and rising population, isn't it time that Indian government re-evalutes its guns policy.

With growing terror and criminal activities in major cities, shouldn't small business owners and home owners be allowed self defense weapons.

United states of america is renowned for producing great smar arms weapons systems for military purposes. This skill of producing good firearms comes from the proficient private gun manufacturers who have traditionally produced guns since the last century. Civilian bolt action rifles have evolved into effective sniper systems for the military and law enforcement.

Highly skilled rifleman culture in civilian quarters translates into great marksmanship culture of the military.

Many will argue that giving weapons in the hands on rural population will have negative effects. I am not advocating distribution of rpk and ak's to in village , but to give responsible citizens the tools to defend themselves.

If say 10% of victims at Taj were conceal carrying firearms, It would not have been a Massacre, it would have been a battle.

Please refrain from flamming or trolling
The reason the right to defense is a constitutional right is not only intended so that individuals could protect themselves from people but also from the tyrannical state. Unfortunately the device itself has a very negative connotations. The belief that guns also act as a defensive weapon is not wide spread belief among the Indian populace in contrast to their widespread use in Canadian and American society.
& here anyone can get a license so easily ... its scary .. Firearm should be banned ..... only Chakuu like old days
Nope, our population is not so well disciplined. Do we even follow the rules of the traffic properly? Enforcing self defense gun culture is tough at the current environment. Once when we for sure know majority of the society has become responsible citizens, we can look into this.
Instead of firearms one can use TASER.
Now TASERS which fire Shock Bullets are also available.
i for one am against any relief in India's gun laws. Without guns being freely available we have people buying 'kattas' (Country gun made of steel pipe) and killing people. I shudder to think what would happen if guns were as freely available to citizens as the US. Us south asians are the most in-considerate, in-disciplined bunch of racist people on the face of the planet. Just look at us Indians, north Indians are averse to south Indians and vice-a-versa. East is considered foreign country, we differentiate based on region, language, cast, creed, religion, locality, car, jewellery and what not.

Our neighbors are the same. Islam does not believe in differentiation, despite Pak claiming to be a bastion of Islam, they have more hatred and sense of differentiation towards their own countrymen and Indians then anyone else. Plus, look at what liberal gun laws have done for Pakistan. They are reeling under a virtual seize by scrupulous elements running amok and killing people at will.
i for one am against any relief in India's gun laws. Without guns being freely available we have people buying 'kattas' (Country gun made of steel pipe) and killing people. I shudder to think what would happen if guns were as freely available to citizens as the US. Us south asians are the most in-considerate, in-disciplined bunch of racist people on the face of the planet. Just look at us Indians, north Indians are averse to south Indians and vice-a-versa. East is considered foreign country, we differentiate based on region, language, cast, creed, religion, locality, car, jewellery and what not.

Our neighbors are the same. Islam does not believe in differentiation, despite Pak claiming to be a bastion of Islam, they have more hatred and sense of differentiation towards their own countrymen and Indians then anyone else. Plus, look at what liberal gun laws have done for Pakistan. They are reeling under a virtual seize by scrupulous elements running amok and killing people at will.

Well, we can easily see that lot of news pouring in everyday that raw weapons or hand made firearms used to commit crimes. Think about the situation when every one will buy weapons & kill each other with valid arms..creating huge law & order breach. I think it should be made more stringent.
i for one am against any relief in India's gun laws. Without guns being freely available we have people buying 'kattas' (Country gun made of steel pipe) and killing people. I shudder to think what would happen if guns were as freely available to citizens as the US. Us south asians are the most in-considerate, in-disciplined bunch of racist people on the face of the planet. Just look at us Indians, north Indians are averse to south Indians and vice-a-versa. East is considered foreign country, we differentiate based on region, language, cast, creed, religion, locality, car, jewellery and what not.

Our neighbors are the same. Islam does not believe in differentiation, despite Pak claiming to be a bastion of Islam, they have more hatred and sense of differentiation towards their own countrymen and Indians then anyone else. Plus, look at what liberal gun laws have done for Pakistan. They are reeling under a virtual seize by scrupulous elements running amok and killing people at will.

First, lets get the facts right, Ind india pakistan, US any country in the world , gun relater crimes are committed by illegally procured guns; not by legally licensed one.

I had clarfied in my post that i advocate safe gun usag by responsible users. lets set parameters based on education and home ownership/ Small business ownership/ Government employment etc.

And a more important issue here is liberlization of small arms market to private players....

instead of firearms one can use TASER.
Now TASERS which fire Shock Bullets are also available.

If my assailant is armed with a firearm, and I am being denied to carry one for my protection , essentially what government has done is rendered me defenseless against an aggressor, which is both unethical and unconstitutional.

There would be no need for guns for protection if law and order could ensure that no criminal has acsess to one,

Next about pakistan's liberal gun policy, this discussion was about India, i don't know the need to drag pakistan into this conversation, Switzerland and US has more liberal gun laws and more variety of guns available to civilians in most states.

just look at us Indians, north Indians are averse to south Indians and vice-a-versa. East is considered foreign country, we differentiate based on region, language, cast, creed, religion, locality, car, jewellery and what not

Wildfire1971, lets be realistic, do you think people are going to shoot each other because they are south indians /north indian stuff.... your sentences are very inflammatory, in no circumstances will the responsible gun owners in the country will ever shoot each other for socio-eonomic bias or personal vendetta. tell me how many licensed gun owners in india have ever been responsible for criminal homicide. If you get a number , compare that number with deaths related to smoking/alcoholism/ battery and assault or even traffic vioaltion related deaths, i hope you get the point.

All gun related violence in any country is outcome of illegal guns. It is the responsibility of the citizens to prevent being victims of draconian laws set on a british imperialistic model.
Well, we can easily see that lot of news pouring in everyday that raw weapons or hand made firearms used to commit crimes. Think about the situation when every one will buy weapons & kill each other with valid arms..creating huge law & order breach. I think it should be made more stringent.

I completely disagree... are you in the market to look for desi kattaor any one from your family... The answer is NO .... thats because you are a responsible citizen. Legally licensed weapons are not responsible for any gun related violence. Criminals will acquire desi kattas pipe guns etc ... irrespective of the laws... what the law essentially does is prevents you and your family to fight back against this criminal entities...

And you want stricter gun laws with 130 policemen meant for 100,000 civilian ratio...Bravo
Right to Keep and Bear Arms(RKBA) is not approved for common people in India. personally, I feel it is better. even with strict anti firearms laws and enforcement, some regions see desi kattas and the kinds illegally made and violence is spread.

this is not the country where "gun rights" are basic rights as in US for eg. Those Who want to have fun with Rifles, Buy a powerful Rifle like Diana Magnum 350 and it can be used for game shooting...
Here's a forum for like minded Indians:
Indians For Guns • Index page

EDIT: for pro RKBA , A Video :
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Delhi High Court ruled that shooters could no longer use air guns, air pistols and air rifles for target practice without acquiring a proper firearms licence. The Delhi High Court had recently quashed a government notification that exempted these arms from regulations and controls under the Arms Act, saying, "Air guns, air pistols and air rifles are not mere toys and they are very much subject to the provisions of the Act, being firearms." However, it made an exception by allowing marksmen without licences to shoot at military mess, club or association ranges.

Beijing Olympic gold-medallist in 10m air rifle, Abhinav Bindra, said the judgment could kill the sport in the country. "What about the kids who aspire to be top-notch shooters some day? When I started shooting as a 12-year-old, I could go to a toy shop and pick up an air gun. Please don't tell me you need to have a licence to get one now," said Bindra.

=this is utter non-sense
Another Trick By The Capitalist US & It's Corporations To Make More Money

If say 10% of victims at Taj were conceal carrying firearms, It would not have been a Massacre, it would have been a battle.

Totally Stupid Thread And Absurd Arguments
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