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Donald Trump Speaks To Taiwan’s President, Reversing Decades Of U.S. Policy

This place attracts a lot of visitors from the Mainland.

Nah no need, China is only spending 1.9% of GDP and is doing remarkably fine, if it is deemed necessary China can always yank it to 3-5% but then everybody would be crapping in their pants. :lol:
Yup . If they actually find out how many real nukes China has, the fucking western world will be shitting their pants

LOL what an intelligent remark? NOT :rofl: Tell you another story this year your admiral rushed to Beijing after witnessing China's power in SCS. He was so scared he wasted no seconds and boarded his plane to meet our Admiral. :lol:
And after meeting no more sailing close to our islands :D
Yup . If they actually find out how many real nukes China has, the fucking western world will be shitting their pants

And after meeting no more sailing close to our islands :D

Yup Admiral Wu gave him a nasty look and pointing his finger directing at the US Admiral, after some serious warning the Americans guests were given a tour guide to Liaoning CV16 and had some nice lunch. Afterwards the Americans flew back home and they stopped making noises for a while in SCS. Talk about total humiliation :rofl:
Yup Admiral Wu gave him a nasty look and pointing his finger directing at the US Admiral, after some serious warning the Americans guests were given a tour guide to Liaoning CV16 and had some nice lunch. Afterwards the Americans flew back home and they stopped making noises for a while in SCS. Talk about total humiliation :rofl:
I'm sure admiral Wu threatened the US admiral by saying if you want war bring it on boy
I'm sure admiral Wu threatened the US admiral by saying if you want war bring it on boy
Something like that, but to give the Americans some face the discussions were kept confidential and Chinese news didn't report what the meeting was about. But anyone with low IQ can take a good guess and will end up to the same conclusion as you just made.
Fantastic Trump...

Now Give a Call to Dalai Lama

Isn't that the word Trump used to describe Pakistan? You've already picked up your daddy's style. Good going!

Indians dare to rape -- in Australia?:sarcastic:

It's not rape, it's a love affair between india and the west. At least that is how the pinoys see it.
Good. It's about time Trump demonstrated that the Chinese do not have the U.S. by the balls.
Donald Trump Angers China With Historic Phone Call to Taiwan’s President
11:19 PM ET

From left to right: Chiang Ying-ying—AP; Daniel Acker—Bloomberg/Getty Images
Trump went where no U.S. commander-in-chief had gone since diplomatic relations were restored with China in 1979

Donald Trump was elected U.S. President partly because he’s a political outsider. His stump pledge to shake up the American political machine and “drain the swamp” struck a cord with disillusioned voters. Foreign relations, however, are squelchy for a reason.

Twice in the last week Trump has had phone conversations that have prompted consternation with nuclear powers. On Wednesday, he called Pakistan Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif a “terrific guy” in comments sure to irk India. On Friday, it was China’s turn.

Trump went where no U.S. commander-in-chief had gone since diplomatic relations were restored with China in 1979 — by speaking directly to the President of Taiwan, the island-state of 23 million that is essentially an independent country but which Beijing still claims as a renegade province to be reclaimed by force if necessary.

First reported by Taiwanese media, the conversation between Trump and Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen was later confirmed by the President-elect in a tweet. “The President of Taiwan CALLED ME today to wish me congratulations on winning the Presidency. Thank you!”

Beijing’s immediate response was brief and muted. “China firmly opposes any official interaction or military contact between [the] U.S. and Taiwan,” said China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a statement reported by Chinese state media. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Saturday that the call was “just a small trick by Taiwan,” according to Hong Kong’s Phoenix TV.

That’s because both the governments of Beijing and Taipei still officially claim dominion over their combined territory, a remnant of China’s civil war and the Nationalists’ flight across the strait in 1949 as Mao Zedong’s Communist Party seized power on the mainland.

Ties had warmed in recent years due to the “One China” policy — essentially that both sides agree they belong to the same nation but disagree on who is the legitimate power. However, Tsai comes from a political party that does not recognize “One China,” and has historically favored formal independence, even if Tsai has pragmatically stopped short of vocalizing this since her presidential campaign.

In Taipei, political analysts were taken by surprise by the phone call. “Nobody saw this coming,” said Professor Francis Hu, head of politics at Taichung university. “This will make cross-strait relations even more unpredictable in the next few months,” he said. “We already have a lot of problems for the time being and this action will complicate the scenario.”

Trump’s motivations for the call are unclear. Outgoing U.S. President Barack Obama advocated a “rebalancing” to Asia in what analysts saw as an attempt to contain China’s rise. Trump, however, campaigned on a drawdown of international military commitments as well as protectionist trade policies such as import levies. Taiwan media have reported that the Trump Organization is involved in developing hotels in the northwestern city of Taoyuan.

According to a statement from Taiwan’s presidential office, “President Tsai and President Trump exchanged views and ideas on the future governance, in particular, promoting domestic economic development and strengthening national defense so as to enable people to enjoy a better life and safety.”

Trump’s call indicates that the President-elect is willing to shake up the status quo while also that he values America’s existing friendships. A Trump spokesman was quoted saying the President-elect was “well aware of what U.S. policy has been” on the Taiwan issue. And Trump seemed to indicate as such with a later tweet, which said: “Interesting how the U.S. sells Taiwan billions of dollars of military equipment but I should not accept a congratulatory call.”

That is true. Yet international relations are full of quirks, and angering the leaders of 2.6 billion people — over a third of the world’s population — in three days renders more dangerous an already tense world.

With reporting by Nicola Smith/Taipei


It will have a far reaching effect. If the historians are right history is about to repeat itself. Another man made disaster is in the making, it's just that ordinary people are so consumed by the present that they cannot see it coming.

Good. It's about time Trump demonstrated that the Chinese do not have the U.S. by the balls.

China has the US bonds, if it means anything.
Good. It's about time Trump demonstrated that the Chinese do not have the U.S. by the balls.

Are you freaking blind? Didn't you read? We are killing the US in trade, we cash in > $300 billion a year WE OWN THE US :rofl: and that's is the naked truth. Heck we are not killing we are slaughtering the US in trade
China warning after Trump breaks with protocol over Taiwan

Published 03/12/2016


Donald Trump spoke by phone to Taiwanese president Tsai Ing-wen, pictured, who offered her congratulations on his election vistory (AP)
China's foreign minister has said he hopes Beijing's relations with the US would not be "interfered with or damaged" after president-elect Donald Trump broke with decades-long diplomatic tradition and spoke directly with Taiwan's leader.

It is highly unusual, probably unprecedented, for a US president or president-elect to speak directly with a leader of Taiwan, a self-governing island with which the US broke diplomatic ties in 1979.

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Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi said the call between Taiwan's president Tsai Ing-wen and Mr Trump was "just a small trick by Taiwan" that he believed would not change US policy towards China, according to Hong Kong's Phoenix TV.

"The one-China policy is the cornerstone of the healthy development of China-US relations and we hope this political foundation will not be interfered with or damaged," Mr Wang said.

Washington has pursued a so-called "one China" policy since 1979, when it shifted diplomatic recognition of China from the government in Taiwan to the communist government on the mainland.

Under that policy, the US recognises Beijing as representing China, but retains unofficial ties with Taiwan.

Mr Trump's transition team said of the conversation: "During the discussion, they noted the close economic, political, and security ties between Taiwan and the United States. President-elect Trump also congratulated President Tsai on becoming president of Taiwan earlier this year."

Mr Trump tweeted later: "The President of Taiwan CALLED ME today to wish me congratulations on winning the Presidency. Thank you!"

The Taiwanese presidential office said the leaders discussed issues affecting Asia and the future of US relations with Taiwan.

"The (Taiwanese) president is looking forward to strengthening bilateral interactions and contacts as well as setting up closer co-operative relations," it said.

"The president also told US President-elect Trump that she hopes the US will continue to support Taiwan's efforts in having more opportunities to participate in and contribute to international affairs in the future."

It added that the two also "shared ideas and concepts" on "promoting domestic economic development and strengthening national defence" to improve the lives of ordinary people.

The White House learned of the conversation after it had taken place, said a senior Obama administration official.

Friday's call is the starkest example yet of how Mr Trump has flouted diplomatic conventions since he won the November 8 election. He has apparently undertaken calls with foreign leaders without guidance customarily lent by the State Department, which oversees US diplomacy.

Ms Tsai was democratically elected in January and took office in May. The traditional independence-leaning policies of her party have strained relations with Beijing.

Over the decades, the status of Taiwan has been one of the most sensitive issues in US-China relations. China regards Taiwan as part of its territory to be retaken by force, if necessary, if it seeks independence. It would regard any recognition of a Taiwanese leader as a head of state as unacceptable.

Taiwan split from the Chinese mainland amid civil war in 1949. The US policy acknowledges the Chinese view over sovereignty, but considers Taiwan's status as unsettled.

Although the US does not have formal diplomatic ties with Taiwan, it has close unofficial ties. Taiwan's government has a representative office in Washington and other US cities. The US also has legal commitments to help Taiwan maintain the ability to defend itself.

Taiwan is separated from China by the 110-mile-wide Taiwan Strait. The island counts the US as its most important security partner and source of arms, but it is increasingly outgunned by China.

Ned Price, a spokesman for the White House National Security Council, said Mr Trump's conversation did not signal any change to long-standing US policy on "cross-strait" issues.

"We remain firmly committed to our 'one China' policy," Mr Price said. "Our fundamental interest is in peaceful and stable cross-strait relations."

The NSC stressed that every president has benefited from the "expertise and counsel" of the State Department on matters like this, which suggested that the White House was frustrated by Mr Trump's conversation with the Taiwanese leader.

Still, the White House said Barack Obama remains committed to a smooth transition to the new administration.

Diplomatic protocol dictates that Taiwanese presidents can travel through the US, but not visit Washington.

Douglas Paal, who served as head of the American Institute in Taiwan during the George W Bush administration, said that to his knowledge the call was unprecedented.


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