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"Drones are using Pakistan's airspace to enter Afghanistan's and target us.

Back to square one.

There is a high probability Taliban and TTP join together as a result of Pakistan’s idiotic move.

Hope it’s not true.
Recent video of training centers by TTP terrorists against Pakistan has been geolocated to Naray, Kunar in Afghanistan, coordinates: 35°11'38"N 71°30'37"E, about 10 kilometers from the Pakistani border.
We urge the IEA not to allow their soil for terrorism against Pakistan.



We need to BEG the iea to not allow ttp to attack pak civilians. Please kindly do not attack us plz we beg you. Bcaz we’re having floods

Pakistani Army will defend American interests even if it means regional instability and resumption of American Drone attacks on Afghan or even on Pakistani civilians.

I guess Bajwa will beg Americans to start bombing PTI supporters....
Drones are using Pakistan's airspace to enter Afghanistan's airspace and target us.

The americans are bombing them, so why don't these af-ghands blame and condemn the americans? Why don't they go after the americans? Is it because these af-ghands worship americans and white europeans in general?.............. :disagree:
Pakistan allowing airspace to US means Taliban pissed off which will result in Taliban and TTP coalition to strike targets in Pakistan that would result in security situation in Pakistan.

If TTP is striking Pakistan, then the onus should be on Pakistan’s defense forces to strike TTP even if it means going inside Afghanistan.

Giving your airspace to the Americans is FUQQING counterproductive. FFS.

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