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Dutch far-right party says it will ban Mosques, Quran

Amazing thread. The reality is if the Arab oil supply was even blocked for one week it would most of the world into chaos - with possibility of famine in large parts of Third World including India.

One week of oil blocking causes a famine in India? Explain?
They have the army routinely protecting them in their "advanced" and "cultured" society.

I was at St Pancras Train Station today and saw the police there armed with no more than taser guns.

You do know that in case of a terror attack,the british army will be deployed at home ?
When there will be an attack,you won't see cops with tasers,but soldiers with assault rifles. Soldiers are already deployed to take part on internal security in Belgium,Italy and soon in Germany.
They have the army routinely protecting them in their "advanced" and "cultured" society.

I was at St Pancras Train Station today and saw the police there armed with no more than taser guns.

Typical European with delusions of grandeur and false sense of entitlement and superiority over others. They invaded and murdered North Africans then invite them over and treat the like shit because they felt a bit bad but didn't expect a backlash. Not only French are deluded they are f**king stupid :lol::lol::lol: You reap what you sow. Can't even protect their own and then preach about freedom and liberty like they are torchbearers blah blah.

There are some morons here in the UK too like anywhere else but this country understands real freedom and coexistence and common decency.

These silly frenchies are just obnoxious and confused.
You do know that in case of a terror attack,the british army will be deployed at home ?
When there will be an attack,you won't see cops with tasers,but soldiers with assault rifles. Soldiers are already deployed to take part on internal security in Belgium,Italy and soon in Germany.

Just think why the UK is a more unified society rather than the hate that exists in France between Whites and Arabs.
Minorities may hold a little grudge against the majority as probably happens in all countries but they are not hell-bent on going around killing innocent people in mass.

Just step back and wonder how this situation arose.
One week of oil blocking causes a famine in India? Explain?
All products - input/output depend on transportation. At some point on the logistic link oil is consumed. Oil sanction. Shortgage of fuel. Impacting transport. result prices rise. Hoarding begins. With probable or possible famine consequeces. At any rate the effect of oil sanctions on most economies would be extremely negative - like having your face punched. It would leave you dazed and in shock.

That is why the fulcrum of the West - United States of America is in tight embrace of Saudia Arabia. And it will protect KSA like it has done before against any external threat, CENTCOM is there in fact to secure the ME oil monarchies which actually are the bastard children of USA. They just give rant against Israel to keep up the pretence. Their real hate which is and reflected in the trio (Oil monarchies, USA, Israel) is against Iran in which all three are firmly entrenched.

The rest is just rubbish for the small fry. Nothing is going to change this dynamic. Read Noam Chomsky. He has got a good grip on the prevailing geopolitics.
Just think
The French have done far, far, far better at integrating minorities then UK has. Sad to say this but this is true. I live in UK and have been to France. So it is not that I am not aware. I am a Anglophile and I say this with some regret.
Typical European with delusions of grandeur and false sense of entitlement and superiority over others. They invaded and murdered North Africans then invite them over and treat the like shit because they felt a bit bad but didn't expect a backlash. Not only French are deluded they are f**king stupid :lol::lol::lol: You reap what you sow. Can't even protect their own and then preach about freedom and liberty like they are torchbearers blah blah.

There are some morons here in the UK too like anywhere else but this country understands real freedom and coexistence and common decency.

These silly frenchies are just obnoxious and confused.
Just think why the UK is a more unified society rather than the hate that exists in France between Whites and Arabs.
Minorities may hold a little grudge against the majority as probably happens in all countries but they are not hell-bent on going around killing innocent people in mass.

Just step back and wonder how this situation arose.

The brits are appeasing the situation not to get any "backlash". Like allowing all kind of veils,not revealing mass crimes for fear of being called as racists,allowing shariah patrols,allowing hate preachers to vomit their hatred,allowing people to parade through London with terrorist flags,calling for jihad and killing of french people... or local councillors screaming god is great in arabic and do not want to shake any woman's hand and I can continue... If that's their ideal of 'integration' if that is how they "keep peace" between every communities by allowing such behavior,we don't need it at all.

The French have done far, far, far better at integrating minorities then UK has. Sad to say this but this is true. I live in UK and have been to France. So it is not that I am not aware. I am a Anglophile and I say this with some regret.

I am interested in hearing your reasoning behind this.

The brits are appeasing the situation not to get any "backlash". Like allowing all kind of veils,not revealing mass crimes for fear of being called as racists,allowing shariah patrols,allowing hate preachers to vomit their hatred,allowing people to parade through London with terrorist flags,calling for jihad and killing of french people... or local councillors screaming god is great in arabic and do not want to shake any woman's hand and I can continue... If that's their ideal of 'integration' if that is how they "keep peace" between every communities by allowing such behavior,we don't need it at all.


You are right about the fear of being accused of being racists that they did not reveal the extent of crimes by
a minority population against the white majority.

Hate Preachers are now being sent to jail. Some have also been deported.
The brits are appeasing the situation not to get any "backlash". Like allowing all kind of veils,not revealing mass crimes for fear of being called as racists,allowing shariah patrols,allowing hate preachers to vomit their hatred,allowing people to parade through London with terrorist flags,calling for jihad and killing of french people... or local councillors screaming god is great in arabic and do not want to shake any woman's hand and I can continue... If that's their ideal of 'integration' if that is how they "keep peace" between every communities by allowing such behavior,we don't need it at all.

Here we go another hilarious European trait. This is when their true colours show. They try to tallk about British like they are part of it. British voted Brexit so they don't even want to be part of you :lol::lol::lol::lol: Don't try to speak on their behalf .

They will incite hatred just to make a point. They talk about integration like they are colonials. Listen you dipshit the colonial era is over and you were dominated like pussys in WW2 by Nazis. All you can do now is go online and incite hatred because you silly frenchie can't keep your own safe.
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Here we go another hilarious European trait. This is when their true colours show. They try to tallk about British like they are part of it. You idiot British voted Brexit so they don't even want to be part of you :lol::lol::lol::lol: Don't try to speak on their behalf you idiot frenchie.

They will incite hatred just to make a point. They talk about integration like they are colonials. Listen you dipshit the colonial era is over and you were dominated like pussys in WW2 by Nazis. All you can do now is go online and incite hatred because you silly frenchie can't keep your own safe.

Yes,I like it,burry the problem under the carpet,let it grows til it explodes. :)
All products - input/output depend on transportation. At some point on the logistic link oil is consumed. Oil sanction. Shortgage of fuel. Impacting transport. result prices rise. Hoarding begins. With probable or possible famine consequeces.

Sorry a famine would need years of that along with many other things going wrong. You don't seem to know how the FCI and godown system works....not to mention how fuel rations and buffer stocks would be rationed immediately....just like in any other major country.

Yes the impact would be very negative esp if allowed to persist (and it wont because someone's going to invade the KSA pretty quickly and open the oil taps)....but it wont cause a famine which needs sustained policy effort to create (like say in the great leap forward in China).
The brits are appeasing the situation not to get any "backlash". Like allowing all kind of veils,not revealing mass crimes for fear of being called as racists,allowing shariah patrols,allowing hate preachers to vomit their hatred,allowing people to parade through London with terrorist flags,calling for jihad and killing of french people... or local councillors screaming god is great in arabic and do not want to shake any woman's hand and I can continue... If that's their ideal of 'integration' if that is how they "keep peace" between every communities by allowing such behavior,we don't need it at all.


We are not appeasing anyone. Anjem Choudary faces a long prison sentence;


We shipped off the radical preachers backed to their home countries. The mass crimes are crimes, nothing to do with faith. Shariah patrols are not allowed those people were arrested and locked up, please see here;


There is a ban on groups such as the ones you refer to, and they are not allowed to parade their filth in London no more. As for the local councillor not shaking hands, that's well you know what I'm going to say.
Yes,I like it,burry the problem under the carpet,let it grows til it explodes. :)

UK is a beautiful country, mature and democratic. It understands how to make people co exist. It celebrates variety in cohesion.

France on the other hand takes off clothes of innocent women at gun point to humiliate while people cheer. A sick twisted society which is obnoxious to the core. We live in a globalised world and you silly Europeans are crumbling into a pathetic mess and your society is regressing into squabbling over what women wear :lol::lol::lol: They call this integration.

I think you should go watch history videos of your granddaddy surrendering to Nazis like a pussy and then try to make sense of what makes a functional and successful society. Maybe you will then realise you are not quite as clever as you think you are.
UK is a beautiful country, mature and democratic. It understands how to make people co exist. It celebrates variety in cohesion.

France on the other hand takes off clothes of innocent women at gun point to humiliate while people cheer. A sick twisted society which is obnoxious to the core. We live in a globalised world and you silly Europeans are crumbling into a pathetic mess and your society is regressing into squabbling over what women wear :lol::lol::lol: They call this integration.

Ok,you have a woman that was already warned by police officers that she shouldn't wear such things. She came back,defied the local laws,and was given two choices. Either to pay a fine and leave the beach. Or Pay a fine,can stay on the beach unless she takes it off. It was her personal choice,nobody was cheering and no,she wasn't threatened with guns,tasers whatsoever.

This is not integration,this is keeping backward customs out of our everyday lives. You cannot hide that those people are using our 'freedom' to impose the burini on women. The mayor of Paris forbidden strings and monokinis from Paris plage,nobody said anything,but when it comes to burkini,there's a world outrage ?

I think you should go watch history videos of your granddaddy surrendering to Nazis like a pussy and then try to make sense of what makes a functional and successful society. Maybe you will then realise you are not quite as clever as you think you are.

Why do you have to use such words ? By respect to other pakistani members,I won't go much into details about what happened to you in 1971....

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