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Egypt Elevates an Official Hostile to U.S.

Muslim Brotherhood’s President Morsi in 2010: Israelis Are ‘Descendants of Apes and Pigs’, Boycott U.S. Goods | Video | TheBlaze.com
They wanted to remain on good terms with the US in order to receive military aid. But they were much less pro American than Mubarak was.
BBC News - Obama: Egypt is not US ally, nor an enemy
The overthrow of Mubarak was supported by the army themselves because they didn't want Mubarak to put his son in power. The US would never have called for Mubarak to step down if they were not aware of this.
If the US wants Islamists in power then why are they currently supporting Israel in its conflict with Hamas and recognising the House of Representatives instead of the General National Congress in Libya? Why haven't they said anything about the protests in Bahrain? Why are they on good terms with the new secular government in Tunisia? And why have they restored aid to Egypt despite the army still being in power?
Nobody outside of Egypt believes the US supports the Brotherhood.
As for "the West" as a whole.
Downing Street set to crack down on the Muslim Brotherhood - Telegraph
Canada Considers Blacklisting Muslim Brotherhood - Middle East - News - Arutz Sheva
1 this video was old and no one in the brotherhood think they would come to power some day
A spokesperson for Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi responded to reports about the President’s diatribes against Israel and Jews in 2010 as released by MEMRI, saying that the remarks were taken out of context.
2 we can search for politicians speeches all day i care about results what i know is before the so called arab spring the brotherhood was under ground there was no death and destruction as you see today now as they enter the political life or the battlefield depends on the country they are in every thing will go wrong and we all can find good examples in the middle east you are talking about restoring aid why did they cut the aid in the first place and when they found that their aid will not effect much since our friends and allies in the gulf are helping us and russia is willing to supply us with weapons they restore the aid the bankrupt sons of b****
Respond to my post, your post didn't address it. Your OP post inidicates Israel/US are having trouble with Egypt even while your ministers went to Washington to make deal with Jewish Lobbyist groups.

It's not about being independent it's about self determination and self-sufficieny which Egypt doesn't have and will never have anytime soon.
we did not deal with jewish lobbys our president went to the UN because there was a UN thing and all leader in the world need to go
how exactly?? you telling me in these NGOs U.S training and arming people to stir up the country?
Egypt isn't stable whether u.s has a part to play or not.
wouldn't be surprised if another Arab Spring pops up in a few years.
can you answer 1 thing who made the US head of the world to tell every country how to solve their problems
He is lost, under Sisi cooperation with Israel went off the roofs. It was nowhere near that with Morsi. Sisi's adminstration has met Jewish Lobbyist groups in the US, they built buffer zone on Gaza border. They cooperated with Israel against Hamas. There are many Israeli officials who pointed out that Sisi and Israel had a deal to close Gaza Borders to get Hamas very desperate. Now Sisi's adminstration has taken new actions in Al-Arish as well all in name of weakening Palestinian Resistance.


You need to wake up, I hope you don't actually believe this nonsense. Your leaders have some of strongest relations with US/Israel.
isrealis can say what they want my government does what they think is best we cant allow terror to target and kill more sons of Egypt we had to act not all the world is connected to gaza and isreali every country has her security priories and interests
1 this video was old and no one in the brotherhood think they would come to power some day
A spokesperson for Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi responded to reports about the President’s diatribes against Israel and Jews in 2010 as released by MEMRI, saying that the remarks were taken out of context.
2 we can search for politicians speeches all day i care about results what i know is before the so called arab spring the brotherhood was under ground there was no death and destruction as you see today now as they enter the political life or the battlefield depends on the country they are in every thing will go wrong and we all can find good examples in the middle east you are talking about restoring aid why did they cut the aid in the first place and when they found that their aid will not effect much since our friends and allies in the gulf are helping us and russia is willing to supply us with weapons they restore the aid the bankrupt sons of b****
The revolution was led by Egyptians and the Muslim Brotherhood was voted into power by Egyptians. I've provided plenty of evidence which suggests that neither the US or any other Western country is fond of the Muslim Brotherhood and its affiliates. So why is everybody to blame except you for your internal woes?
The revolution was led by Egyptians and the Muslim Brotherhood was voted into power by Egyptians. I've provided plenty of evidence which suggests that neither the US or any other Western country is fond of the Muslim Brotherhood and its affiliates. So why is everybody to blame except you for your internal woes?
i did not say that my internal problems will be solved by Egyptians only we just need every one to leave us alone
i did not say that my internal problems will be solved by Egyptians only we just need every one to leave us alone
But they are. Is the US actually doing anything to undermine you at present? All they're doing is making verbal criticism which gets softer every week.
But they are. Is the US actually doing anything to undermine you at present? All they're doing is making verbal criticism which gets softer every week.
it gets softer because we are regaining our power back unstable country is inviting foreign intervention
Egyptian media and politicians keep claiming that the US put the Muslim Brotherhood in power even though they were much less close to the US than Mubarak and even refused to protect the US embassy in 2012 during the Innocence of Muslims riots. After Israel invaded Gaza shortly afterwards Morsi called for a boycott of American goods. And he is supposed to be one of their puppets while the current Egyptian government who supported Israel's attack on Gaza in the summer are supposed to be challenging American interests? It's nonsense.

Well said bro. I couldnt have said it better. Some of these muslims in the middle east make me laugh at times. Some of them seem to be quite Naive. Yes its true Morsi's muslim brotherhood was indeed less close/friendly to our governments in the west/U.S than the current Sissycracy regime. The one and best example to judge this from is always the Israel -Palestine issue. Morsi always backed Gaza no matter what, and most importantly he kept the Rafah border crossing with Gaza Strip open, even with U.S and Israel pressure/comdenation. Something the Sissy hasnt done, in fact he has instead closed off the border entirely.lool opening it only temporaily sometimes. :D Even more so, i red recently that Morsi served(before he took power in 2012) as Hamas's point of contact within the Brotherhood's Guidance Office, and Morsi later hosted top-ranking Hamas leaders in the presidential palace and permitted Hamas deputy Mousa Abu Marzouk, a longtime personal friend, to reside in a Cairo suburb.So you can see he was more inclined towards the palestinain cause.

By contrast, Sisi's regime has ordered Marzouk to leave Egypt and undertaken an aggressive military campaign to shut down the vast majority of the underground tunnels from Sinai to Gaza through which Hamas and other groups frequently smuggle weapons. During periods of calm, Sisi has thus contributed to Western efforts to confine Hamas.:agree: The thing is Sissy shares the U.S and Israel's view of Hamas as both a terrorist organization and a strategic threat, and he is consequently both less able and less willing to fulfill Egypt's traditional role of mediating between Hamas and Israel.

Anyway i will say Sissy is indeed good for our governments and Israel(much like Mubarak).:enjoy: Couldnt have asked for better:cheers:
Well said bro. I couldnt have said it better. Some of these muslims in the middle east make me laugh at times. Some of them seem to be quite Naive. Yes its true Morsi's muslim brotherhood was indeed less close/friendly to our governments in the west/U.S than the current Sissycracy regime. The one and best example to judge this from is always the Israel -Palestine issue. Morsi always backed Gaza no matter what, and most importantly he kept the Rafah border crossing with Gaza Strip open, even with U.S and Israel pressure/comdenation. Something the Sissy hasnt done, in fact he has instead closed off the border entirely.lool opening it only temporaily sometimes. :D Even more so, i red recently that Morsi served(before he took power in 2012) as Hamas's point of contact within the Brotherhood's Guidance Office, and Morsi later hosted top-ranking Hamas leaders in the presidential palace and permitted Hamas deputy Mousa Abu Marzouk, a longtime personal friend, to reside in a Cairo suburb.So you can see he was more inclined towards the palestinain cause.

By contrast, Sisi's regime has ordered Marzouk to leave Egypt and undertaken an aggressive military campaign to shut down the vast majority of the underground tunnels from Sinai to Gaza through which Hamas and other groups frequently smuggle weapons. During periods of calm, Sisi has thus contributed to Western efforts to confine Hamas.:agree: The thing is Sissy shares the U.S and Israel's view of Hamas as both a terrorist organization and a strategic threat, and he is consequently both less able and less willing to fulfill Egypt's traditional role of mediating between Hamas and Israel.

Anyway i will say Sissy is indeed good for our governments and Israel(much like Mubarak).:enjoy: Couldnt have asked for better:cheers:
The thing is Israel's attack actually revived Hamas. They were hated by most Gazans for their brutality and came close to collapsing. But after the summer they came to be seen as the only organisation capable of protecting Gazans from Israel.
The Muslim Brotherhood as a whole though is finished. They've been kicked out of power in Egypt, Libya, Jordan and Tunisia and overshadowed by Al Nusra and ISIS in Syria.
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Well said bro. I couldnt have said it better. Some of them seem to be quite Naive. Yes its true Morsi's muslim brotherhood was indeed less close/friendly to our governments in the west/U.S than the current Sissycracy regime. The one and best example to judge this from is always the Israel -Palestine issue. Morsi always backed Gaza no matter what, and most importantly he kept the Rafah border crossing with Gaza Strip open, even with U.S and Israel pressure/comdenation. Something the Sissy hasnt done, in fact he has instead closed off the border entirely.lool opening it only temporaily sometimes. :D Even more so, i red recently that Morsi served(before he took power in 2012) as Hamas's point of contact within the Brotherhood's Guidance Office, and Morsi later hosted top-ranking Hamas leaders in the presidential palace and permitted Hamas deputy Mousa Abu Marzouk, a longtime personal friend, to reside in a Cairo suburb.So you can see he was more inclined towards the palestinain cause.

By contrast, Sisi's regime has ordered Marzouk to leave Egypt and undertaken an aggressive military campaign to shut down the vast majority of the underground tunnels from Sinai to Gaza through which Hamas and other groups frequently smuggle weapons. During periods of calm, Sisi has thus contributed to Western efforts to confine Hamas.:agree: The thing is Sissy shares the U.S and Israel's view of Hamas as both a terrorist organization and a strategic threat, and he is consequently both less able and less willing to fulfill Egypt's traditional role of mediating between Hamas and Israel.

Anyway i will say Sissy is indeed good for our governments and Israel(much like Mubarak).:enjoy: Couldnt have asked for better:cheers:

like i said before the campaign in sainai has nothing to do with gaza or isreal it is to hunt terror groups which threaten the state and the people we dont care who benefit by that we protect our own nation and that what matter in the end
also our role of reaching a cease fire every time there is a war in gaza is not a good thing it is just a annoying and i think if any other country want to do it then fine

Some of these muslims in the middle east make me laugh at times.
you know what is even more funny the west and the immigrants imagine this not so long ago you had colonies around the world now the people of these colonies immigrated and are doing what you did years back take your resources and have no respect for the laws of the country they are in from what i hear there some areas you whites cant enter you are nothing but cowards i think it is called justice you are paying for what you did all these years
you know what is even more funny the west and the immigrants imagine this not so long ago you had colonies around the world now the people of these colonies immigrated and are doing what you did years back take your resources and have no respect for the laws of the country they are in from what i hear there some areas you whites cant enter you are nothing but cowards i think it is called justice you are paying for what you did all these years
The 1880-53 era in Egypt was the most stable in history. Think of who you've had since then
Morsi -chaos
But of course it's always somebody else's fault in isn't it?
The 1880-53 era in Egypt was the most stable in history. Think of who you've had since then
Morsi -chaos
But of course it's always somebody else's fault in isn't it?
i never said it is someone else fault if we are left alone everything will be good the whole middle east would have been much better if the west left it alone
i never said it is someone else fault if we are left alone everything will be good the whole middle east would have been much better if the west left it alone
But Egyptians do blame the US for the Muslim Brotherhood coming to power despite no evidence they were behind it. This is what Mike 2000 was referring to. Whenever something goes wrong in the Middle East there's always a conspiracy theory blaming foreigners for it

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