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Egypt Elevates an Official Hostile to U.S.

But Egyptians do blame the US for the Muslim Brotherhood coming to power despite no evidence they were behind it. This is what Mike 2000 was referring to. Whenever something goes wrong in the Middle East there's always a conspiracy theory blaming foreigners for it.
my personal opinion is the US should not support anyone just deal with however in charge and stop acting like a saint because everyone know what they did
there are some who believe that the US want the region unstable and after the nato experience in iraq and afganstan they may want to push for a civil conflicts in the middle east and the shortest way to destroy a country is the brotherhood and the poltical parties and groups who share the same ideology
1 this video was old and no one in the brotherhood think they would come to power some day
A spokesperson for Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi responded to reports about the President’s diatribes against Israel and Jews in 2010 as released by MEMRI, saying that the remarks were taken out of context.

Of course, since Egypt needed US aid. And they did it for you guys, otherwise secularists would be crying day and night blaming MB for ruining tourism.

Morsi was warming relations with Russia and was also going to do arms deal. By the way, yes they did:

Jewish Leaders Meet Egypt Foreign Minister, Newspaper Decries Coded Israeli Flag in Cup Arrangement | Jewish & Israel News Algemeiner.com

Well said bro. I couldnt have said it better. Some of these muslims in the middle east make me laugh at times. Some of them seem to be quite Naive. Yes its true Morsi's muslim brotherhood was indeed less close/friendly to our governments in the west/U.S than the current Sissycracy regime. The one and best example to judge this from is always the Israel -Palestine issue. Morsi always backed Gaza no matter what, and most importantly he kept the Rafah border crossing with Gaza Strip open, even with U.S and Israel pressure/comdenation. Something the Sissy hasnt done, in fact he has instead closed off the border entirely.lool opening it only temporaily sometimes. :D Even more so, i red recently that Morsi served(before he took power in 2012) as Hamas's point of contact within the Brotherhood's Guidance Office, and Morsi later hosted top-ranking Hamas leaders in the presidential palace and permitted Hamas deputy Mousa Abu Marzouk, a longtime personal friend, to reside in a Cairo suburb.So you can see he was more inclined towards the palestinain cause.

By contrast, Sisi's regime has ordered Marzouk to leave Egypt and undertaken an aggressive military campaign to shut down the vast majority of the underground tunnels from Sinai to Gaza through which Hamas and other groups frequently smuggle weapons. During periods of calm, Sisi has thus contributed to Western efforts to confine Hamas.:agree: The thing is Sissy shares the U.S and Israel's view of Hamas as both a terrorist organization and a strategic threat, and he is consequently both less able and less willing to fulfill Egypt's traditional role of mediating between Hamas and Israel.

Anyway i will say Sissy is indeed good for our governments and Israel(much like Mubarak).:enjoy: Couldnt have asked for better:cheers:

I know you don't like us but what you spoke above here is all factual and accurate. He and other Arab secularists will deny it and claim Hamas/MB are actually the Israeli/US sponsored guys.

my personal opinion is the US should not support anyone just deal with however in charge and stop acting like a saint because everyone know what they did
there are some who believe that the US want the region unstable and after the nato experience in iraq and afganstan they may want to push for a civil conflicts in the middle east and the shortest way to destroy a country is the brotherhood and the poltical parties and groups who share the same ideology
The main countries right now destabilising Syria and Iraq are Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar.
my personal opinion is the US should not support anyone just deal with however in charge and stop acting like a saint because everyone know what they did
there are some who believe that the US want the region unstable and after the nato experience in iraq and afganstan they may want to push for a civil conflicts in the middle east and the shortest way to destroy a country is the brotherhood and the poltical parties and groups who share the same ideology

LOL, nobody believes that. It is what your leaders and the states who side with them behind those theories. Which are intended for their fan base like you. In order to get political support.

The last thing they want is the Brotherhood to take over the Middle East and secondly the Brotherhood doesn't use violence unless they are attacked. In Libya the West is coordinating with Egypt to support Haftar forces and are training them against the Revolutionaries and some MB factions in Libya.

If you're against Israel/US then you need to be Islamist. If you truly genuinely are against them. Because it is only Islamists who immeditealy work against their interests. Not the leaders you currently have.

This is why so many people on this forum are against my views. And also why some of them call me a 'terrorist'. :lol:

Because they know I stand fully against their interests. But, they are fine with you and support your views since they don't challenge Western views and many Westerns love current Sisi admisntration. Read a forum called militaryphotos, they praise Sisi's actions against Hamas and the Palestinian Resistance. They are the right wingers of the West that hate Muslims/Arabs and want us to be weak.
The last thing they want is the Brotherhood to take over the Middle East and secondly the Brotherhood doesn't use violence unless they are attacked. In Libya the West is coordinating with Egypt to support Haftar forces and are training them against the Revolutionaries and some MB factions in Libya.
Libyan cadets arrived to train in Bassingbourn and claims erupted of rape and violence | Daily Mail Online
I don't think we'll be training them anymore.
But yes Haftar is a former(and maybe current) CIA agent. This doesn't fit into the narrative of the US supporting Islamists. However, you probably think this is a bad thing while I'm glad.
Of course, since Egypt needed US aid. And they did it for you guys, otherwise secularists would be crying day and night blaming MB for ruining tourism.

Morsi was warming relations with Russia and was also going to do arms deal. By the way, yes they did:

Jewish Leaders Meet Egypt Foreign Minister, Newspaper Decries Coded Israeli Flag in Cup Arrangement | Jewish & Israel News Algemeiner.com

I know you don't like us but what you spoke above here is all factual and accurate. He and other Arab secularists will deny it and claim Hamas/MB are actually the Israeli/US sponsored guys.


lool that is what most of you muslims here dont understand bro. I dont have anything against muslims(far from it, my best mate here in london is a muslim as well, though not quite religious.lol). Why would i hate all muslims? i only hold grudge for those muslim radicals/extremists/jihadists or hate preachers who tend to brainwash venerable/innocent muslim youths. Even many other sane muslim condemn/reject them as well, since they know they are not representative of true muslims.

I just tend to like to say things the way they are, thats why most of your brothers here dont like me(to hear it). i know truth hurts, but someone has gotta say it bro. Else why are we in a 'discussion forum' for if not to exchange ideas/point of views. So you should welcome my analysis/divergent point of view, instead of always thinking im anti muslim. All the points i have made so far are just facts(not something i invented), so i dont see why you think i dont like you people or whatever. :what:
Libyan cadets arrived to train in Bassingbourn and claims erupted of rape and violence | Daily Mail Online
I don't think we'll be training them anymore.
But yes Haftar is a former(and maybe current) CIA agent. This doesn't fit into the narrative of the US supporting Islamists.
Although you probably think this is a bad thing while I'm glad.

US does not support Arab Sunni Islamists. And the West is supporting the Haftar insurgency in Libya along with Egypt and other states in the region that are pro-US. I am not against secularists as long as they follow the just political/social path. I believe in honesty, fairness and justice. And the US/Israel know that we stand against Israel. Which is why we are targeted of Western media.

But, for people in the UK, I know you have different views and Europeans are less ignorant than Americans. We don't want tensions with the West if we could.
lool that is what most of you muslims here dont understand bro. I dont have anything against muslims(far from it, my best mate here in london is a muslim as well, though not quite religious.lol). Why would i hate all muslims? i only hold grudge for those muslim radicals/extremists/jihadists or hate preachers who tend to brainwash venerable/innocent muslim youths. Even many other sane muslim condemn/reject them as well, since they know they are not representative of true muslims.

I just tend to like to say things the way they are, thats why most of your brothers here dont like me(to hear it). i know truth hurts, but someone has gotta say it bro. Else why are we in a 'discussion forum' for if not to exchange ideas/point of views. So you should welcome my analysis/divergent point of view, instead of always thinking im anti muslim. All the points i have made so far are just facts(not something i invented), so i dont see why you think i dont like you people or whatever. :what:

I don't care what you think about Muslims. Your social hobby is politics and you enjoy bashing every side. You made a good political comedian. :D
I don't care what you think about Muslims. Your social hobby is politics and you enjoy bashing every side. You made a good political comedian. :D

i dont bash every side. you people think i do because you tend to all stick to one point of view and refuse to see the other side of the coin/ignore it. Me i dont, since i have travelled alot, studied international relation and i know no country is an angel and no country is evil per se. Politics is a messy and dirty game, and politicians are all liars/hypocrites irrespective of country. So i have no illusions about that.
Thats why many members on here tend not to understand me(though some admire it:D), since im on nobody's side per se. i just say things the way they are :cheers:

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