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Elon Musk suggests making Taiwan a ‘special administrative zone’ similar to Hong Kong

Even the CCP trolls here don't make that claim.
Both selection and election process are involved, if you dont know, dont BS here. Its not only the western so called one man one vote out of two or three clowns sponsored by special interest group or party interest every four years is a valid form of gov selection.

Quotes from Wikipedia on the election of representatives of Chinese congress and lower assemblies :

Election and membership​

The NPC consists of about 2,980 delegates in 2018, making it the largest parliamentary body in the world.[30] Delegates to the National People's Congress are elected for five-year terms via a multi-tiered representative electoral system. Delegates are elected by the provincial people's assemblies, who in turn are elected by lower level assemblies, and so on through a series of tiers to the local people's assemblies which are directly elected by the electorate.
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One Country, Many Systems was an excellent principle. Unfortunately, it was shattered into a thousand shards after Hong Kong experience. Taiwanese were somewhat ambiguous about their plan till Hong Kong happened. Their present attitude is directly attributable to events in Hong Kong.

Taiwan Relations Act is from 1979. Same year U.S. established diplomatic relations with PRC.
It worked perfectly until some spoiled Hong kong brats took the streets and demanded independence, they started years long riots and asked for more than the government can ever give them. they have only themselves to blame for this whole mess.
It worked perfectly until some spoiled Hong kong brats took the streets and demanded independence, they started years long riots and asked for more than the government can ever give them. they have only themselves to blame for this whole mess.
The one country two systems should have been abolished from the very beginning, it was a mistake by Chinese gov to consider such thing. HK was very much independent state except for national defence with the media, schools and establishments promoting anti-China and pro-West colonization sentiments all the time, even the American CIA and British MI6 were free to develop bases and operate operations directly against China and HK gov. No country can tolerate such behaviours in any of its territory, HK has to clean up its British colonial imprints left there. HKers think they are superior to other Chinese becos they were once colonized by the West, they are spoiled brats that have many special previleges and rights such as dont have to pay any taxes to the central gov while receiving money and favours from Beijing on some projects at times. This practice shouldnt go on forever.

I hope Taiwan will never get this one country two systems model, otherwise it will create many serious problems just as in HK.

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