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Emma Watson wants to be in India

Sep 7, 2010
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Hollywood actor Emma Watson is tired of the cold UK weather. She thinks coming to India is a good fix for that. “I have always been fascinated with India, and would love to come and explore the country. I have heard that Goa is a beautiful place to chill and relax, and since it’s so cold in UK, I
would love to come there, get some warmth and get myself that tan, which I’d die for,” says Watson, whose latest film, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1, opened last weekend.

And, if she lands up in the country, Watson tells us she would be game for Bollywood. “I have seen a few Bollywood movies, but I really don’t remember names. If I was offered an Indian film, I would love to act and shake my leg,” she says

EmmaThough she has been named the Sexiest under-30 Brit in a recent poll, Watson, 20, remains modest. “I’m still astonished that I have been named under that title! Being sexy is just being comfortable in your skin, and when you exude comfort and charm without trying hard to do so — that is sexy. I feel Scarlett Johansson is an epitome of being sexy,” she says.

As for dealing with the celebrity status that accompanies being a part of the Harry Potter franchise, she says, “I started pretty young, and when my fellow students came up to me for autographs, it made me feel like a celebrity. It was nice to be pointed out when a trailer of Harry Potter would be aired!”:pdf:
Protectionist Gareth said:
Hollywood actor Emma Watson is tired of the cold UK weather. She thinks coming to India is a good fix for that.

Call me a cynic but she'll probably start ranting on the poverty/toilets issue. She did the same in Bangladesh :rolleyes:
What the heck is Quality Control dept doing :azn:.... hello wake up :lazy:...lol
..and i want to visit her! :lol:

Rape crimes......... beware.

Lets deviate her route to Pakistan
Plz give this personal advice to her!!

What about Emma in Big boss...

Can any body tell her about Pakistan beautifull sites.I would love to meet her..[:p]
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