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Explosions in Mumbai

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what if we get the culprits in the hands of the public?what will be his fate?:guns:
It will be hard to find them in a big developing country as India.

It is not that. This Congress govt is more worried about staying in power than protecting its citizens. They are easy on Naxals, they are easy on SIMI, they are easy on IM. They will not spare any Hindu extermist. Why ? because that will give them more minority votes !! See its that easy !!
I am surprised at the outrage expressed my Indian members on this thread. Yes it is a VERY sad incident when any innocent is murdered in couch a cowardly and barbaric way. But lets be honest India hasn't seen a major terrorist attack in almost 3 years and this particular attack seems (relatively) small scale. And this is very impressive given the neighbourhood India lives in- these attacks are a daily occurrence in India's neighbour so this news is bittersweet. Although I'm sure the families of the victims won't see it that way. I hope this anger can be used to fourth clamp down on Internal security and make these events even more remote.

RIP to innocent victims.
How many thread on the same issue?

Appears some people like to do a 'me too'!
Yesterday two culprits had arrested from Mumbai itself,,,, IB is interrogating them and it has said they are getting some info from them. Both of them belongs to IM.
It is almost official: Pakistan, via LeT, is being involved:

The Hindu : News / National : Coordinated attack by terrorists: Chidambaram

This was to be expected, there is no way the ISI is involved in these attacks though. Most probably a false flag operation by the CIA to get India engaged against Pakistan on Pakistan's Eastern border, whereas engaging itself on Pakistan's Western border. There has never been a dirtier player than the US, the levels it can go down to achieve its goals. This is the difference between the US & China. The US is playing a very very dangerous game in the South Asia region, & it's getting more obvious than ever with each passing day.
How many thread on the same issue?

Appears some people like to do a 'me too'!

It is a news worth so many threads man. Not even three years completed and this has started again and that too in Mumbai. Isn't that big enough? If this doesn't sign Congress' death warrant in political life, then I don't know what does.
I just saw indian news and iam very sad to see this cowards that have done this have only place and that is in hell death to them it sadness me everday to see losse of life in the world by such cowardly acts no matter what color ,religion and race they are. My prayers to India at this moment iam depply sad to see this news .
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